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Can I delete my comment on someone else’s post?

Can I delete my comment on someone else’s post?

Quick Answer

Yes, you can delete your own comments on someone else’s post on most social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. However, you cannot delete someone else’s comments unless you are the admin/moderator of the page where the comment was posted. The process to delete your comment may vary slightly on different platforms but generally involves tapping on the comment, selecting the option to delete it and confirming the action.

Detailed Answer

On Facebook

To delete your comment on someone else’s Facebook post:

  1. Go to the post where you commented
  2. Tap on the comment you want to delete
  3. Select ‘Delete Comment’ from the menu
  4. Confirm the deletion in the pop-up

Your comment will be immediately removed from the post. Other people who can view the post will not be able to see the deleted comment.

However, you will not be able to delete comments posted by other people on Facebook, even if the comment is on your own post. Only an admin or moderator of the Page can delete comments by others.

As the original commenter, you can edit your comment at any time by tapping on it, selecting ‘Edit Comment’ and making changes. The edited version will replace the original comment.

On Instagram

To remove your comment on an Instagram post, you can:

  1. Navigate to the post you commented on
  2. Long press on your comment
  3. Tap the trash icon to delete
  4. Confirm by tapping ‘Delete’

Once deleted, the comment will disappear from the post right away.

You cannot delete other people’s comments on Instagram posts, even if you are the author of the original post. Only the original commenter or an admin/moderator can remove an Instagram comment.

To edit your existing comment, long press on it, then tap ‘Edit’. Make the desired changes and tap ‘Done’ to update the comment.

On Twitter

On Twitter, you can remove your comment on someone else’s Tweet by:

  1. Going to the Tweet you commented on
  2. Hovering over your comment and clicking the ‘X’ icon
  3. Confirming by clicking ‘Delete’

Your comment will be immediately deleted. You cannot retrieve or undo the deletion later on.

Other users’ comments on a Tweet can only be removed by the original commenter or a Twitter admin/moderator. You cannot delete comments left by others, even on your own Tweets.

To edit your comment, hover over it and click the ‘Edit’ icon instead. Make your changes and save the edits.

On YouTube

To remove your comment on a YouTube video:

  1. Go to the video where you left the comment
  2. Click on your comment to open the options
  3. Choose ‘Delete’
  4. Confirm the deletion

The comment will be removed instantly and other viewers will not see it.

YouTube also allows you to edit your comments after posting them. Click on your comment, choose ‘Edit’ and change the text as needed.

Only the video owner, creator or channel admin can delete other people’s comments. Regular users cannot remove or edit comments left by others.

On Reddit

To delete your comment on a Reddit post or thread:

  1. Navigate to the post/thread containing your comment
  2. Click the ‘…’ icon below your comment
  3. Choose ‘Delete’
  4. Confirm by clicking ‘Yes’

The comment will be removed instantly. Reddit does not allow undeleting comments.

You can edit your comments within a short time after posting by clicking the ‘Edit’ option. Make changes and confirm to update your comment.

As a regular Reddit user, you cannot delete comments posted by others. Only moderators of that subreddit can remove comments.

On LinkedIn

To delete your comment on a LinkedIn post:

  1. Go to the post you commented on
  2. Hover over your comment and click the ‘X’ icon
  3. Confirm by clicking ‘Yes, delete’

You can also edit your comments by clicking the pencil icon instead of the ‘X’ icon.

LinkedIn does not allow regular users to delete others’ comments. Only post authors, admin and moderators can remove comments.

On Pinterest

To remove your comment on a Pinterest pin:

  1. Navigate to the pin you commented on
  2. Click the ‘…’ icon below your comment
  3. Select ‘Delete’
  4. Confirm by clicking ‘Delete’

You cannot revive deleted comments on Pinterest.

To edit your comment, click the pencil icon instead of ‘…’. Make changes and confirm to update your comment.

Regular Pinterest users cannot delete other people’s comments. Only board owners, admins and moderators have that ability.

Why You Might Want to Delete a Comment

Here are some common reasons why you might want to remove your comment on someone else’s post:

  • You accidentally posted an incomplete comment
  • You made a mistake or typo in your comment
  • You changed your stance or opinion expressed in the comment
  • Your comment contains private or sensitive information
  • Your comment could be misunderstood or misinterpreted
  • You want to avoid conflict or debate about the comment
  • The comment is no longer relevant to the discussion
  • You want to post an updated or clarified version of the comment instead

Deleting your comment allows you to maintain control over your contributions and engagements on social media. It can prevent unintended consequences from people seeing comments you no longer wish to stand by.

Considerations Before Deleting a Comment

Before deleting your comment on someone else’s post, keep these considerations in mind:

  • Some people may have already read, shared or reacted to your comment even if it is now deleted. Deleting stops further spread but cannot undo past impressions.
  • Deleting a comment without explanation may confuse or mislead people who were already engaging with the thread, especially if the conversation builds on your original comment.
  • Others may have quoted or screenshot your comment already, even if they disagree with it or find it problematic.
  • On some platforms, your comment may still be visible in email notifications that were sent out to other users before you deleted it.
  • If the comment thread has gained significant visibility or engagement, deleting your initial comment may not make sense anymore.
  • Some users may choose to repost your deleted comment elsewhere through screenshots or quotes if it was particularly notable.

In most cases, promptly deleting an unwanted comment reduces the likelihood of major issues down the road. But the above factors are worth keeping in mind before taking the action.

Alternatives to Deleting a Comment

Instead of deleting your comment on someone else’s post outright, you can also consider these alternate actions:

  • Edit the comment to clarify, adjust tone or fix errors instead of removing it entirely.
  • Reply to your own comment acknowledging you changed your mind or made a mistake.
  • Leave the original comment up but disengage from any further discussion.
  • Apologize if your comment caused offense and explain your intent.
  • Request the post owner to remove your comment if you cannot delete it yourself.
  • Unfollow the post/page if you want to limit further engagement about your comment.

In many cases, these solutions can address the issue without entirely erasing your original contribution. This retains context for others still involved in the conversation.

Can Someone Else Delete My Comment?

On most social platforms, other users cannot delete your comments by default. The author, admin or moderator of the post where you commented may be able to remove your comment if they find it inappropriate.

For example:

  • On Facebook, Page admins and moderators can delete any comments on posts associated with that Page.
  • On Reddit, sub-reddit moderators can remove comments within communities they moderate.
  • YouTube channel owners and videos creators can hold and delete comments on their own channel or videos.
  • Twitter admin can remove Tweets as well as associated comments if they violate rules.

So even if you do not delete your own comment, it may still be removed by someone else in a position of authority over that space. Always be thoughtful about commenting respectfully on posts managed by others.

Can I Retrieve a Deleted Comment?

Unfortunately, once you delete your own comment on someone else’s post, it is gone permanently on most platforms. There is no native way to retrieve deleted comments and reinstate them. Some exceptions are:

  • Reddit: Moderators can undelete comments removed by users.
  • Disqus: Comments deleted on this third-party system can be restored within 30 days.
  • YouTube: Video creators can restore deleted comments on their videos through Studio.

But on mainstream social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc., a user cannot directly reverse their own comment deletion. Comments removed by page admins can sometimes be restored through appeals.

So think twice before removing your comment, as there is likely no going back. Make sure you really want to delete it before confirming the action.

Best Practices for Commenting on Social Media

To avoid the need to delete comments on others’ posts later on, keep these best practices in mind when commenting:

  • Read the full post and existing comments before responding to understand context.
  • Double check your comment before posting to catch errors.
  • Reply constructively even if disagreeing with the post.
  • Avoid posting private, offensive or objectionable content.
  • Do not make comments you would regret publicly standing by later on.
  • Stay on topic rather than divert conversations off track.

Following basic etiquette makes engaging in comments less risky. Also, consider delaying or avoiding highly charged conversations when emotions are running high. With prudence and care, you likely will not need to remove many comments down the line.


Deleting your own comment on someone else’s social media post is permitted and straightforward on most major platforms. But you cannot remove other people’s comments directly. Exercising the ability to delete your comment allows you to maintain control over your contributions. However, you must keep in mind that deletions are permanent, and may continue to have effects even after the comment is gone. With sound judgment and discretion while posting comments to begin with, the need for later deletions can be minimized.