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Can I delete message conversations on Facebook?

Can I delete message conversations on Facebook?

Yes, you can delete individual message conversations on Facebook. Facebook allows you to remove conversation threads from your inbox to clear out old chats or messages you no longer want.

How to Delete a Message Conversation on Facebook

Here are the steps to delete a message conversation on Facebook:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your phone or go to on your computer.
  2. Click on the Messenger icon in the top right corner.
  3. In your message inbox, tap and hold the conversation you want to delete.
  4. Tap on the 3 dots or Settings icon in the top right corner of the conversation.
  5. Select “Delete conversation.”
  6. Confirm that you want to delete the conversation.

The conversation will be removed from your inbox immediately. Keep in mind that deleting a conversation only removes it from your view – the other person in the chat can still see and access the conversation from their inbox.

Deleting Conversations on Mobile vs Desktop

The process for deleting conversations is similar on mobile and desktop, but there are some small differences:

  • On mobile, you tap and hold a conversation to see the delete option.
  • On desktop, you hover over a conversation and click the “X” icon to delete.
  • On both platforms, you can also click into a conversation and select “Delete conversation” from the menu.

So the steps are essentially the same, just with slightly different prompts to access the delete function.

Permanently Deleting Conversations

When you delete a Facebook conversation, it is moved to the “Deleted Conversations” folder. It is not permanently erased from Facebook’s servers. To permanently delete a conversation:

  1. Go to your “Deleted Conversations” folder in Messenger.
  2. Tap and hold or click the “X” icon to delete the conversation again.
  3. Select “Permanently delete” when prompted.

This will completely remove the conversation from Facebook’s records. However, the other participant will still have a copy in their inbox.

Important Points

Here are some key points to keep in mind about deleting Facebook conversations:

  • Deleting a conversation from your inbox does not delete it from the other person’s inbox.
  • You can only delete conversations that you have participated in.
  • Group conversations can only be deleted by the creator of the group chat.
  • Deleted conversations are recoverable from the “Deleted Conversations” folder for up to 30 days.
  • Permanently deleted conversations cannot be recovered.

Why Delete Facebook Conversations?

Here are some common reasons you may want to delete Facebook conversations:

  • To remove old or irrelevant conversations and clear up your inbox
  • To get rid of conversations from people you no longer talk to
  • To remove private, embarrassing or insensitive conversations
  • If you want to permanently erase certain message history
  • To eliminate clutter and keep your inbox organized

Overall, deleting conversations allows you to curate your inbox and messenger experience on Facebook. It gives you control over what conversations you have access to.

Can Other People See Deleted Conversations?

No, other people cannot see conversations that you have deleted from your Facebook inbox. However:

  • As mentioned, the other participant in the chat can still access the conversation from their inbox.
  • If you delete a group conversation you created, it will be deleted for all members of the group.
  • Facebook may still have records of deleted conversations on their servers, even if they are no longer visible to you.

So while deleting a chat removes it from your view, traces of it may still exist in other places like the other person’s inbox or Facebook’s archives. But no one can see the deleted conversations directly from your profile or account.

Should I Permanently Delete Conversations?

Permanently deleting conversations erases them more completely, but is not always necessary. Some things to consider:

  • Permanently deleting is recommend for very private conversations you do not want accessed by anyone again.
  • For most casual chats, regular deletion gives you enough control over your inbox.
  • Permanent deletion means the conversation cannot be recovered if you change your mind later.
  • Regular deletion lets you recover conversations from the “Deleted Conversations” folder for 30 days.

In summary, permanent deletion provides extra security but less flexibility. Regular deletion lets you change your mind but doesn’t erase conversations fully from Facebook’s records. Choose based on your specific needs.

Limits on Deleting Conversations

Facebook does place some limits on how many conversations you can delete:

  • You can only delete a limited number of conversations per day (the exact amount varies).
  • Attempting to delete too many conversations will trigger a “limit reached” message.
  • Limits reset at midnight Pacific Time each day.
  • There are higher rate limits if you permanently delete conversations.

So feel free to delete old chats to clean up your inbox, but know that Facebook discourages bulk-deleting everything indiscriminately.


Deleting Facebook conversations is easy – just tap and hold or click the “X” on mobile and desktop. This removes conversations from your inbox but does not delete them from the other person’s account. For extra security, you can permanently erase conversations, but this prevents recovery. Deleting conversations lets you curate your Facebook messenger experience and provides more control over your message history. Just be aware of Facebook’s daily limits on how many chats you can remove.