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Can I delete a reply to my post on Facebook?

Can I delete a reply to my post on Facebook?

Facebook allows users to delete replies they have made to their own posts. When you delete a reply, it is removed from your post and no longer visible to other users. Here is an overview of how to delete a reply on Facebook:

Deleting a Reply on Desktop

If you want to delete a reply you made from your computer:

  1. Go to and log into your account
  2. Navigate to the post where you left the reply
  3. Click on the reply to open the menu
  4. Select “Delete Reply”
  5. Click “Confirm” to delete the reply

The reply will immediately be removed from the post. Other users will no longer be able to see it.

Deleting a Reply on Mobile

To delete a reply from the Facebook mobile app:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your device
  2. Go to your profile and locate the post
  3. Tap on the reply to bring up the menu
  4. Choose “Delete Reply”
  5. Confirm that you want to delete the reply

The reply will be deleted right away. You can repeat these steps to remove additional replies as needed.

Important Notes About Deleting Replies

  • You can only delete your own replies, not replies from other users.
  • Deleted replies cannot be recovered. The action is permanent.
  • Other users who were notified of the reply will still have that notification.
  • If you delete a reply from a Group, others in the Group may still get notifications.

In summary, deleting a reply removes it from view on Facebook but does not delete any notifications related to that reply. You are only able to delete replies that you posted yourself.

Why You May Want to Delete a Reply

Here are some common reasons people choose to delete replies on Facebook:

  • You decided your reply was inappropriate or negative.
  • Your reply contained private or personal information.
  • You no longer agree with the reply or its sentiment.
  • You meant to reply to a different post or comment.
  • You want to clear up space or declutter a post.

Deleting your own reply allows you to take back or retract a statement you decided you did not want publicly visible on your Facebook profile.

Does Deleting a Reply Also Delete Notifications?

When you delete a Facebook reply, any notifications that were generated from that reply will remain. For example:

  • If your friend was notified of your reply, they will still see that notification.
  • In a Group, members may still get notified that you replied.
  • Pages will still show that you replied, even if the reply is now deleted.

These notifications remain even though your reply is no longer visible. This is because deleting a reply does not undo the initial action of posting and notifying others. The notification history remains intact.

Can You Delete Replies from Other Users?

You are only able to delete replies and comments that you posted yourself on Facebook. You cannot delete replies or comments from other users, even if the reply is on your own post. If you want to remove someone else’s reply, you have a few options:

  • Report the reply to Facebook for removal if it violates policies
  • Ban the user from your Facebook page so they can no longer reply
  • Turn off replies for the post so no one else can reply
  • Delete the entire post if you want all replies gone as well

But you cannot directly delete the comment or reply itself since it was made by someone else. You can only control the visibility or availability of your own replies on Facebook posts and comments.

Can You Recover a Deleted Facebook Reply?

Unfortunately, once you delete a reply on Facebook there is no built-in way to recover it. Some things to keep in mind:

  • The reply is permanently removed from Facebook servers.
  • The notification history will remain even though the reply is gone.
  • You cannot find the reply in your Activity Log or view it on Timeline.
  • Facebook does not store or archive any deleted replies.
  • There is no “trash” or “recycle bin” for deleted replies.

For these reasons, it is impossible to retrieve a Facebook reply after you have confirmed deleting it. The action is irreversible, so only delete replies that you are comfortable removing permanently.

Is There Any Way to Recover a Deleted Reply?

Without an official way to recover deleted Facebook replies, your only option is to try rebuilding the reply from scratch if you remember what you wrote. Some tips that may help:

  • Check your email notifications to see if you were emailed about the reply.
  • View your notifications history to see if the reply is referenced.
  • Ask the recipient if they happened to save or screenshot your reply.
  • Check your web browser history in case the tab was left open.

If you are unable to reconstruct your deleted reply using these methods, consider the content permanently gone. Be very cautious when deleting Facebook replies that you may later regret removing.

Can You Delete Replies on Messenger?

The capability to delete replies also applies to Facebook Messenger. If you send a reply in a Messenger conversation, you can delete it after the fact:

  • Tap and hold the reply bubble to select it
  • Choose “Remove for Everyone” to delete the reply
  • The reply will be immediately deleted from the conversation

This permanently deletes the reply message. As with regular Facebook replies, there is no way to recover it after deletion. The other user may still get notifications that you replied, even if your reply itself is now removed.

Best Practices When Deleting Replies

Here are some tips to keep in mind when deleting replies on Facebook:

  • Be thoughtful about any reply before posting. Think twice before replying.
  • Review your replies occasionally to remove any unintended comments.
  • Only delete replies you are comfortable removing permanently.
  • Remember that notifications remain even if you delete the reply.
  • Don’t count on being able to recover or access deleted replies.

Carefully consider the implications before choosing to delete a Facebook reply. Use this capability sparingly and only when necessary to retract or remove your own comment.


Deleting your own replies on Facebook removes them from view in your posts and comments. The action is permanent, with no built-in recovery options. Be thoughtful when replying, and prune replies occasionally to curate your presence. Do not delete replies unless you are fully committed to their permanent removal.