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Can I customize Facebook so no one can post on my wall?

Can I customize Facebook so no one can post on my wall?

Can I customize Facebook so no one can post on my wall?

Yes, you can customize your Facebook settings to prevent other users from being able to post on your wall. Here are some tips on how to do this:

Adjust Post Visibility Settings

One of the easiest ways to limit who can post on your Facebook wall is to adjust your post visibility settings. Here’s how:

  1. Click on the arrow in the top right corner of your Facebook page and select “Settings” from the drop down menu.
  2. On the left side of the page under “General Account Settings”, click on “Timeline and Tagging”.
  3. Under “Timeline Review”, adjust the dropdown menu next to “Review posts friends tag you in before they appear on your timeline?” to Yes.
  4. Adjust the dropdown menu next to “Who can post on your timeline?” to Friends or a Customized list of friends.

By adjusting these settings, you can limit wall posts to just your friends or even a customized group of friends. This will prevent random acquaintances, friends of friends etc. from being able to post on your wall.

Restrict Audience for Individual Posts

You can also limit who can see and interact with individual posts on your timeline:

  1. When writing a new post, click on the audience selector underneath your text box. This defaults to “Public”.
  2. Adjust the audience to “Friends”, “Friends Except…”, or any other group you’ve created.
  3. Click “Post” and this post will now only be visible to that selected audience.

Doing this for each post will allow you full control over who can view and comment on each item on your timeline. It’s more work than adjusting the general settings but gives you precision over individual posts.

Limit Older Posts

For posts made before you changed your default visibility settings, you can limit their audience as follows:

  1. Click on your timeline name to go to your profile page.
  2. For each post you want to limit, click on the 3 dots in the upper right corner.
  3. Select “Edit audience” and change it from “Public” to your preferred audience level.

This allows you to restrict access to older content even if it was initially public. Going back through your past timeline and limiting older posts ensures a consistent experience.

Block Specific Friends

If there are specific people you want to prevent from interacting with your timeline, you can block them:

  1. Go to the profile page of the person you want to block.
  2. Click on the 3 dots in the upper right corner and select “Block”.

This will prevent the user from viewing your profile, posting on your wall, or interacting with your content. Use this for individual friends who frequently spam your timeline against your wishes.

Disable Wall Posts Completely

The most nuclear option is disabling wall posts completely:

  1. Go to your Facebook settings and select “Templates and Tabs” in the left sidebar.
  2. Edit your timeline wall settings.
  3. Uncheck the box next to “Enable visitors to post on your Timeline?”

This will disable all ability for anyone to post on your wall. You can then only share posts yourself. This gives you full control but limits interactivity.


Facebook provides robust tools for customizing exactly who can post and view content on your timeline. Adjust global visibility settings, restrict individual posts, limit past posts, block certain friends, or disable wall posts completely based on your preferences. Balancing interactivity from friends with total control is achievable with the right settings.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I allow friends to post but restrict others?

Yes, in your general timeline settings you can customize exactly who is able to post on your timeline – Friends, Friends except Acquaintances, Close Friends list, etc. This allows friends to interact while blocking others.

Will limiting wall posts stop me from seeing all content?

No, you will still see posts from friends and pages you follow even with limited wall posts. Your news feed and ability to view content will not be affected.

Can I limit wall posts on my business or organization’s page?

Yes, the same settings and tools work for restricting wall posts and customizing visibility on business pages. As an admin you have full control over interactivity.

What’s the difference between blocking someone and just removing wall post rights?

Blocking completely prevents a user from interacting with you or viewing your profile and content. Limiting wall posts just stops someone from posting on your timeline but still allows them to view your profile.

Will these settings also limit who can comment on my posts?

Not directly, but comments generally can only be made by people who can view the post. So limiting wall posts to Friends would mean only Friends can comment on that content as well.

Summary of How to Restrict Facebook Wall Posts

Here is a quick summary of the key options covered:

Option How To
Adjust Timeline Settings Go to Timeline and Tagging settings, restrict timeline review and posting to Friends or Custom Lists
Limit Individual Posts When writing posts, adjust audience selector from Public to Friends or other groups
Edit Older Posts For existing posts, click the 3 dots and select “Edit Audience” to friends/groups
Block Specific People Go to their profile, click 3 dots, select Block
Disable Wall Posts In Timeline settings uncheck “Enable visitors to post on your Timeline”

These options provide full control over your Facebook wall. You can strike the right balance between interactivity with friends and restricting unwanted posts.

Example Customized Timeline Settings

Here are some example configurations for your timeline settings depending on your preferences:

Only Allow Close Friends to Post

  • Timeline Review: Enabled, reviewing posts you’re tagged in
  • Who Can Post: Close Friends List only
  • Default Post Audience: Friends except Acquaintances
  • Old Posts: Limit to Friends

This allows your inner circle to interact while limiting wider visibility.

Allow Friends but Review Posts

  • Timeline Review: Enabled, reviewing posts you’re tagged in
  • Who Can Post: Friends
  • Default Post Audience: Friends
  • Old Posts: Limit to Friends

Reviews give you control over friends’ posts while still allowing them.

Only Share Your Own Content

  • Timeline Review: Disabled
  • Who Can Post: Only Me
  • Default Post Audience: Public
  • Old Posts: Public

This limits posts to just your own but allows maximum visibility.

Customize based on your preferences!

Pros and Cons of Restricting Facebook Wall Posts

There are some tradeoffs to keep in mind when limiting wall posts and customizing your Facebook timeline settings:


  • More control over your content and narrative
  • Avoid unwanted or embarrassing posts from others
  • Present a consistent image across old and new posts
  • Reduce spam and irrelevant comments from strangers


  • Less interactivity with friends and family
  • May need to manually approve relevant posts
  • Posts only seen by limited audience
  • Friends may feel rejected if blocked from posting

Think about your priorities and find the right balance for your needs.


Facebook provides many options for customizing exactly who can view and interact with the posts on your timeline. You can limit posts to friends only, restrict individual posts, change visibility of existing posts, block certain people, or disable wall posts entirely. This allows you to find the right balance between staying connected with friends and controlling your content. Consider your priorities and preferences when deciding how to configure your Facebook wall for maximum benefit. With the proper settings, you can shape your timeline into a personalized self-expression platform.