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Can I create multiple groups on Facebook?

Can I create multiple groups on Facebook?

Facebook groups allow users to connect with specific sets of people, like family, friends, coworkers, or people who share a common interest. With groups, users can share posts, photos, events, and more with just the people they select. Many Facebook users find groups to be a useful feature for keeping in touch with different circles in their lives.

The short answer is yes, Facebook users can create and be part of multiple groups. There is no limit to the number of groups a user can create or join. This allows people to tailor their group memberships to their unique interests and relationships.

Overview of Facebook Groups

Here is a quick overview of how Facebook groups work:

  • Groups can be public, closed, or secret. Members have to request to join closed and secret groups.
  • Any Facebook user can create a group and add members.
  • Members can post content to the group and interact through comments and reactions.
  • Group admins can appoint additional admins and moderators.
  • Groups can be used for discussions, organizing events, sharing photos and videos, and more.

The flexible privacy settings and interactive features make Facebook groups a popular way for people to connect around shared interests or affiliations.

Steps to Create a Facebook Group

It only takes a few steps to create a new group:

  1. Click on the “Groups” link in the left menu on desktop or mobile app.
  2. Click the “+ Create New Group” button.
  3. Give the group a name and description.
  4. Select privacy settings – Public, Closed, or Secret.
  5. Add members (optional).
  6. Click the “Create” button.

Once the group is created, the admin can customize settings, appoint additional admins/moderators, create rules, and start engaging with members.

How to Join Multiple Groups

Users can join as many groups as they want by searching for groups or getting invited by current members. Here are the main ways to join Facebook groups:

  • Search for groups – Use keywords in the Facebook search bar or browse group recommendations on the Groups page.
  • Get invited – Existing members can invite you to join public and closed groups.
  • Request to join – Find closed groups you’re interested in and click the “Join” button to request approval from admins.
  • Get added – Admins can add anyone to a public group without needing approval.

Once in a group, users can adjust notification settings to control how often they’re updated on new posts.

Managing Multiple Groups

Here are some tips for managing memberships across multiple Facebook groups:

  • Use lists to organize groups based on interests or purpose.
  • Create a schedule to check different groups on certain days.
  • Adjust notification settings for each group.
  • Enable email notifications for high-priority groups.
  • Use search to find specific groups and posts.
  • Bookmark important groups for quick access.
  • Leave groups that are no longer relevant.

The Group Manager in Settings is also a useful tool. It lets you browse all your groups in one place and provides options to leave groups, adjust notifications, and more.

Ideal Number of Groups

There is no limit on the number of groups someone can join. However, being in too many groups can lead to information overload.

Some guidelines for an ideal number of groups:

  • Active participation: 1-5 groups
  • Casual participation: 5-10 groups
  • Just observing: 10-20+ groups

In general, it’s best to keep your group list trimmed to the ones that are most useful and relevant to you. Quality is more important than quantity when it comes to Facebook groups.

Common Uses for Multiple Groups

Here are some common ways people use multiple Facebook groups:

Friends and Family

Create separate groups for different circles of friends, extended family members, classmates, etc. This lets you easily share relevant updates and media with each group.

Hobbies and Interests

Join groups for your hobbies like sports teams, book clubs, gaming communities, crafting groups, and more. Share your passion!

Profession and Industry

Network and share industry news and job openings by joining professional association and alumni groups.

Location-Based Communities

Connect with neighbors, find local recommendations, and stay updated on happenings in your city or neighborhood.

Support Groups

Join groups for health conditions, life challenges, parents, and other support-based communities to share experiences.

Shopping and Selling

Buy, sell and trade items through local sales groups, brand enthusiasts, couponers, and more.

Group Limitations

While Facebook groups are very flexible, there are some limits to be aware of:

  • Maximum of 5000 members (more for approved special groups).
  • Maximum of 300 posts per day by group members.
  • Maximum of 250 characters in the group name and description.
  • Groups that violate Facebook’s policies may be removed.

Group admins should monitor member growth and activity to ensure the group doesn’t exceed these boundaries.


Facebook groups make it easy to engage in focused discussions, share media, and interact with specific audiences. Thanks to unlimited group memberships, users can create and join as many groups as they want to connect with all the different communities in their lives.

Best practices are to regularly review group memberships, limit notifications from less important groups, and focus participation on the most active and useful groups. With a thoughtful approach, multiple Facebook groups can provide immense value in networking, exchanging ideas, and staying up to date.