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Can I create a second business Facebook account?

Can I create a second business Facebook account?

Having a strong social media presence is crucial for businesses today. Facebook is one of the most popular and effective platforms for reaching customers online. Many businesses want to know if they can create a second Facebook account specifically for their business, separate from their personal account.

The Short Answer

Yes, you can create a second Facebook account for your business. Facebook allows users to have multiple accounts, including separate personal and business accounts. However, there are specific rules and requirements around business accounts you need to follow.

Why Have a Separate Business Account?

There are a few key reasons to create a dedicated business account on Facebook separate from your personal profile:

  • Professionalism – Keeping your business and personal identities separate looks more professional.
  • Privacy – You can control what clients see and keep your personal life private.
  • Branding – You can create consistent, focused branding and messaging for your business.
  • Analytics – A business account gives you access to Facebook analytics and metrics.
  • Ad Campaigns – Run customized ad campaigns targeting your ideal customers.

Maintaining separation between your personal life and professional presence is considered a best practice for social media. Having dedicated accounts creates clarity both for you and your audience.

Facebook’s Rules for Business Accounts

While Facebook allows you to create a second account for business purposes, there are specific rules you must follow. These help ensure business accounts are legitimate and maintain integrity on their platform:

  • Use your business name and information when creating the account.
  • Only one person can manage the business account using their personal profile.
  • You cannot maintain both a business and personal profile under the same email address.
  • Do not create a business profile for the purpose of impersonating or pretending to be another brand/person.
  • Avoid overlapping friends/content between your personal and business accounts.
  • Add a Profile Picture and Description clearly identifying the account as a Business.

As long as you follow Facebook’s policies, having both a personal and business account is perfectly acceptable and encouraged.

How to Set Up a Facebook Business Account

Setting up your business account is easy. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to and click Create New Account.
  2. Enter your business name, contact email, and create a password.
  3. Select Business under Account Type when prompted.
  4. Complete the signup process by adding a profile picture and description for your business.
  5. Go to Facebook Settings and select Add Account to tie your personal profile to the business page.

Once your business account is created, there are additional pages and settings you can add for things like your business hours, location, products, and more.

Best Practices for Managing Your Business Facebook Account

Here are some top tips for leveraging your business Facebook presence:

  • Post consistently – Share content daily/weekly to stay engaged with your audience.
  • Use Facebook ads – Create targeted campaigns to reach new customers.
  • Engage with followers – Respond to comments, messages, and post shares in a timely manner.
  • Analyze data – Use Page Insights to track growth and see what content resonates most.
  • Promote offers/events – Share specials, promotions, and events to drive traffic.
  • Use hashtags – This helps people find your content and increases engagement.

Common Facebook Business Account Mistakes to Avoid

When managing your new business profile, be sure to steer clear of these common pitfalls:

  • Mixing personal and professional posts – Keep content focused on your brand, products/services.
  • Aggressive sales language – Do not take overly promotional tone in posts; focus on value.
  • Spam messaging – Do not randomly contact people with sales pitches; build relationships.
  • Impersonal tone – Speak in first-person “we” and be conversational; avoid sounding robotic.
  • Infrequent posting – To see growth, post consistently and engage with your audience often.

With the right strategy, your business Facebook account can become a great asset. Avoid these mistakes and focus on providing value to build genuine connections.

Can I Convert My Personal Account to a Business Page?

If you already have a personal Facebook account, you may wonder if you can convert it to a business page. Unfortunately, there is no way to change your personal profile into a business one after the initial account setup.

However, you can use your existing personal profile in conjunction with a new business page in a few ways:

  • Link them – Add your personal profile as an Admin to your new business page in Settings.
  • Cross-posting – Share business page posts onto your personal profile to increase reach.
  • Page mentions – Reference your business page from your personal profile to drive followers.

While you can no longer convert, you can optimize how your current personal profile interacts with your new branded business presence on Facebook.

Can I Use My Personal Facebook Account for Business?

Technically you can use a personal profile for some limited business activity, but Facebook restricts what you can do. Promotional content, sales language, and contact from customers will all violate Facebook’s personal account policies.

Here are some major drawbacks to avoid if considering using a personal profile:

  • Limited targeting options for ads – Business accounts have much more advanced targeting capabilities.
  • No Instagram integration – You need a business account to set up an Instagram business profile.
  • No metrics or insights – Business accounts give you access to analytics on your growth and audience.
  • Limited features – Key business features like lead generation, appointments, sales are only available on business accounts.
  • Risk of personal account ban – Promotional content can get your personal profile banned by Facebook.

While you can post some business content without outright advertising, a dedicated business account gives you far more capabilities with less risk overall.

Facebook Business Account vs. Personal: Key Differences

At a high level, here are the major differences between using Facebook for personal versus business use:

Personal Account Business Account
Post about your personal life Post about your business offerings
Connect with friends and family Attract and engage customers
Share personal opinions and updates Share industry news, expertise, and content
No advertising or direct sales language Can run ads and promote products/services
Limited metrics and analytics Robust Page Insights and data

As you can see, business accounts are designed specifically for brand-building, company promotion, and sales enablement.

Facebook Account Limitations

In most cases, you are limited in terms of how many Facebook accounts you can create and manage:

  • Personal Facebook profiles – Can only have one account per person.
  • Business accounts – One person can have only one personal and one business account.
  • Facebook pages – Businesses are limited to a maximum of 100 owned Facebook pages.

While you can have both a personal and business account, you cannot manage multiple business accounts on behalf of different brands/clients from your personal profile.

What if I Need Multiple Business Accounts?

If your business has multiple brands or subsidiaries that need unique business accounts, here are a few options:

  • Use separate business manager accounts – Add someone else as admin from your team.
  • Create Facebook pages – Manage multiple pages from your primary business account.
  • Use ad accounts – Set up different ad accounts for each brand.

Work within Facebook’s limits by delegating additional accounts and leveraging pages/ad accounts when needed.

Facebook Account Security

When creating multiple Facebook accounts, it’s crucial to keep security top of mind. Here are tips to keep your accounts safe:

  • Unique passwords – Do not reuse the same password across accounts.
  • Multi-factor authentication – Add an extra layer of login security.
  • Monitor logins – Watch for unrecognized sessions from Settings.
  • Privacy settings – Tighten down privacy on your personal account.
  • Page roles – Limit Admin access to those who need it.

Take advantage of Facebook’s security features and be cautious when accessing accounts from public Wi-Fi networks.

Facebook Account Policy Violations

To maintain integrity on their platform, Facebook does penalize accounts that violate their rules. Some common violations that can get accounts suspended include:

  • Abusing multiple accounts
  • Fake or inaccurate information
  • Impersonation
  • Hate speech, bullying, or harassment
  • Spammy or repetitive content
  • Violence or dangerous organizations
  • Sexually explicit content
  • Scams or misleading business practices

Ensure you understand and closely follow all of Facebook’s policies for both personal and business accounts. Having accounts shut down can significantly impact your brand’s presence.

Getting Help with Your Facebook Business Account

If you need help getting your business Facebook presence set up properly, there are resources available:

  • Facebook for Business – Free online education, tools, and resources provided by Facebook.
  • Facebook Ad Manager Courses – Free certifications for Facebook advertising skills.
  • Social Media Marketing Consultant – Hire an expert to optimize and manage your accounts.
  • Digital Marketing Agency – Work with an agency for your overall Facebook strategy.

Consider leveraging these options if you need extra guidance creating and managing your business accounts successfully on Facebook.


Creating a second Facebook account specifically for your business brand separate from your personal profile is a smart strategy. This keeps your business interactions and private life separate, while giving you all the benefits of a dedicated business presence on the platform.

Be sure to closely follow Facebook’s rules around business accounts, limit personal cross-over, and take advantage of the many features available to promote your brand effectively. Avoid account pitfalls through smart security and compliance with policies. With two accounts properly maintained, you can unlock the full potential Facebook offers both personally and professionally.