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Can I create a business Facebook account from my personal account?

Can I create a business Facebook account from my personal account?

Facebook offers both personal accounts and business pages for organizations, brands, businesses, and public figures. While you can’t directly convert a personal profile into a business page, there are a few ways to leverage your existing personal account when creating a business presence on Facebook.

Can I switch my personal Facebook account to a business account?

No, you cannot convert a personal Facebook profile into a business page. Personal profiles and business pages are separate entities on Facebook. However, there are a couple of options when it comes to connecting your personal profile with a new business page:

  • You can create a business page and then add your personal profile as an admin. This will allow you to manage both accounts from your personal profile.
  • You can create a business page and link it to your personal profile by adding it in your Work and Education section. This shows visitors that you are affiliated with that business.

But there is no way to simply convert or switch your existing personal profile into a functional business page on Facebook. You have to create a new, separate business page from scratch.

Should I create a business Facebook page if I already have a personal profile?

Yes, it is recommended to create a dedicated business page even if you already have a personal Facebook profile. Here are some of the key reasons why:

  • Allows you to clearly separate personal and professional content.
  • Business pages have additional features like lead generation/e-commerce.
  • Better analytics and insights for your business content.
  • Can be managed by multiple admins and roles.
  • Helps build a professional brand and presence.

In most cases, having both a personal profile and a business page is the best approach on Facebook. The business page gives you a distinct presence to engage customers and promote your products/services, while your personal profile can be used for non-business connections.

How do I create a business page on Facebook from my personal account?

Here are the steps to create a new Facebook business page from your existing personal account:

  1. Login to your personal Facebook account.
  2. Go to the Facebook “Create Page” section. You can find this via the “More” dropdown menu on Facebook.
  3. Choose the type of business page you want to create (eg. Local business, brand, organization).
  4. Enter your business details like name, category, description.
  5. Select a profile picture and cover photo to represent your business visually.
  6. Click the “Continue” button and confirm your page details.
  7. Your new Facebook business page will be created.

Once your business page is live, you can add your personal profile as an Admin to manage both accounts. You can also begin inviting fans, posting content, and promoting your page.

Can I use my personal Facebook account for business?

It is possible to use your existing personal Facebook profile for some business activities, but it is not recommended as your primary approach. Here are some pros and cons of using a personal profile versus a dedicated business page for your business:

Personal Profile Business Page
Already established network and connections Clear professional presence
Mix of personal and professional content Dedicated for brand and business
Limited analytics and promotion options More marketing and advertising options
5000 friends limit Unlimited page likes/followers

As you can see, while you can technically use a personal profile for some business use, it is better to have a separate business page to take full advantage of Facebook’s options for brands and organizations.

Should I create a new personal Facebook account for business?

Creating a second personal Facebook profile purely for business purposes is not necessary and may go against Facebook’s policies. The best practice is to have one personal profile for personal connections and content, and a separate business page for your professional brand or business – rather than having multiple personal accounts.

Key reasons not to maintain multiple personal profiles:

  • Facebook restricts users to only one personal account.
  • Personal accounts have friend limits, business pages do not.
  • Multiple personal accounts can appear disingenuous.
  • Harder to manage multiple profiles.
  • Personal profiles lack key business features.

Maintaining two personal accounts could risk penalty or banning, so it is better to have a single personal profile and separate business page. Use your personal profile to administer the business page behind-the-scenes.

Should I use my name or business name for a Facebook page?

When creating your business page, you can use either your personal name or your company/brand name. Here are some factors to consider:

  • If promoting yourself as a personal public figure or professional, use your name.
  • If representing a company, brand or organization, use its name.
  • Try to be consistent with other branding and names used.
  • Consider which name carries more authority or is easily identifiable.
  • You can always change the page name later if needed.

In most cases, it is better to use your official company or brand name as the page name when possible. But for solopreneurs, consultants, authors, etc, using your real name can help build recognition. Choose what makes the most sense.

How do I add employees to my business Facebook page?

To allow employees access to post and manage your business Facebook page, you need to add them as Admins or Editors:

  1. Go to your business page and click “Settings”.
  2. Select the “Page Roles” tab.
  3. Click “Add New Page Member” and enter the employee’s name.
  4. Choose Admin or Editor role permissions.
  5. The employee will get a notification to confirm the request.
  6. Once confirmed, the employee can access and post as your page.

Admin role allows full access to the page and settings. Editor role lets users post as the page, but with limited admin capabilities. Add team members as needed this way.

Facebook Page Roles

Role Permissions
Admin Full page access, publish posts, edit settings and roles, add ads, view insights
Editor Create and edit posts, respond to messages, limited page access
Moderator Respond and delete comments, send messages, view insights
Advertiser Manage ads and view analytics
Analyst View page insights and analytics

Review these permission levels and assign roles appropriately to your staff.

Can I convert Facebook groups to a business page?

No, you cannot convert a Facebook group directly into a business page. Similar to personal profiles, groups are a different type of entity than pages on Facebook. However, Facebook groups can still be useful for business in a few ways:

  • Join relevant industry or niche groups to promote your business organically.
  • Create a private group for your customers or community.
  • Use groups to find potential customers and invite them to like your page.
  • Post in groups to establish yourself as an authority, driving page traffic.

While you can’t convert a group outright, you can leverage groups for marketing and gradually transition fans over to your business page for selling and transactions.

Can I merge multiple Facebook pages together?

Unfortunately there is no merge feature to consolidate multiple existing Facebook pages into one. However, you do have a couple options:

  • Delete secondary pages , keeping your main page active.
  • Forward or redirect followers from old pages to your primary active page.
  • Post on old pages informing fans of your new consolidated page.
  • Use Facebook ads to reach followers of previous pages.

It takes some manual work, but you can migrate fans and followers from multiple pages into one consolidated business page. Just make sure to delete or disable old pages you are moving away from.

Is having multiple Facebook business pages a good idea?

In most cases, one consolidated business page makes the most sense on Facebook. Multiple pages can split your audience and efforts. However, some businesses may benefit from having more than one page.

Examples where multiple pages could work:

  • Separate pages for clearly distinct brands or divisions.
  • Location-specific pages for local/regional businesses.
  • Unique pages for different product lines or categories.
  • Specific pages for promotions, events, or campaigns.

When creating multiple pages:

  • Ensure a clear need – don’t fragment your content.
  • Cross-promote and link between your pages.
  • Use consistent branding and messaging.
  • Consolidate if pages overlap or underperform.

With a deliberate strategy, multiple Facebook business pages can work. But in most situations, a single page provides the best ROI and visibility.

Can I hide my personal Facebook profile from my business page?

When you create a Facebook business page, your personal profile is automatically listed as the page Admin. However, you can hide your personal profile so it is not publicly visible:

  1. Go to your business page Settings > Page Roles.
  2. Click on your personal profile under Admins.
  3. Select “Hide From Page List” and save.

This will still keep you as the Admin, but hide your name from public view. Your personal profile and business page will remain separate. You retain admin access without publicly linking your personal identity.


While you can’t convert a personal profile directly into a business page, creating and managing a dedicated page for your brand or organization is the best practice on Facebook. Maintain your personal profile for connections with friends and family, then create a professional business page to promotions products, engage with customers and drive sales.

With some strategic setup and management, your business Facebook presence can thrive alongside your personal social networking – helping take your business to the next level.