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Can I copy and paste Facebook Reels?

Can I copy and paste Facebook Reels?

Facebook Reels allow users to create and share short-form video content on Facebook and Instagram. Reels can be up to 60 seconds long and often feature music, effects, and creative editing.

Many people wonder if they can copy and paste Facebook Reels from one platform to another or if they can reuse Reels content created by someone else. The short answer is: it depends.

Facebook’s terms state that by posting content to Facebook or Instagram, you grant the company an irrecoverable license to reuse that content. However, there are limitations on how users can reuse content posted by others.

Can I Copy My Own Reels Between Platforms?

If you created original Reels content yourself, you generally have the right to reuse it or repost it across Facebook-owned platforms. For example:

  • You can take a Reel you originally posted on Instagram and repost or reuse it on Facebook.
  • You can download a Reel you posted to Facebook and upload or share it on Instagram.

Reposting your own content to other platforms you own accounts on is perfectly acceptable in most cases.

However, it’s important to check each platform’s terms of service for any restrictions. For example, some platforms may prohibit duplicate posts or have limitations on cross-posting the exact same content too frequently.

As the original creator though, reusing your own Reels across Facebook-owned platforms in moderation is typically fine.

Can I Copy Someone Else’s Reels?

Copying and reposting someone else’s Facebook or Instagram Reels is more complicated. As a general rule, you should not reuse content created and posted by another user without permission.

Here are some key points on reposting others’ Reels:

  • You could face copyright issues – Reels often feature music and other creative elements protected by copyright.
  • It may go against Facebook’s Terms of Service – Reposting others’ content without authorization could risk account suspension.
  • It raises ethical concerns – Taking credit for work done by someone else is widely considered unethical.
  • You need the original creator’s consent – It’s best to only re-share, embed, or reuse Reels from other accounts with the creator’s explicit permission.

Unless the original poster has given express permission or licensing for reuse, reposting their Reels crosses ethical and legal boundaries. Avoid copying and pasting others’ Reels without authorization.

Are There Any Exceptions?

There are a few scenarios where reusing someone else’s Facebook or Instagram Reels may be acceptable:

  • The content is shared under Creative Commons or other open licensing that expressly permits reuse – But you still need to follow license terms like attribution.
  • The Reel is embedded or shared using Facebook/Instagram sharing features – For example, you can embed someone’s public Instagram Reel onto a website with proper attribution.
  • You have received verifiable, documented consent from the original creator to reuse their Reel.
  • Your use of the content may constitute fair use under copyright law – But fair use is complex and context-specific.

In general though, avoid simply copying and pasting Reels created by others without permission. Embed, share ethically, or request authorization from the creator.

What Are the Risks of Unauthorized Reuse?

Reposting others’ Reels without permission carries a few key risks:

  • Copyright infringement claims and DMCA takedown notices.
  • Account suspension or termination by Facebook/Instagram for Terms of Service violations.
  • Damaging your reputation through unethical conduct.
  • Potential legal action from the original creator.

At minimum, unauthorized reuse can lead to content removal and damaged credibility. At worst, you may end up in legal trouble. Avoid these risks by only reposting your own content or those with public licensing or creator approval.

Best Practices for Reusing Reels

When reusing Facebook or Instagram Reels content, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Only reuse your own original content across platforms you own accounts on.
  • Do not copy/paste others’ Reels without documented permission.
  • Embed and share using official tools, give proper attribution.
  • For licensed Reels, follow terms for reuse diligently.
  • If remixing, transform content adding value through commentary or editing.
  • Check platforms’ reuse guidelines and stay consistent with their terms.

Following these practices will help avoid legal risks and community backlash when reusing Reels creatively and ethically.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common questions around reusing Facebook and Instagram Reels:

Can I download and reupload someone else’s Reel as my own?

No, you should avoid simply downloading and reuploading other users’ Reels without permission. This violates copyright and Instagram’s policies.

What if I give the original creator credit?

Giving credit does not necessarily grant you reuse rights. You still need documented permission from the rights holder.

Can I reuse my friends’ Reels if they say it’s ok?

Verbal permission is risky. Get written permission to reuse any Reels you did not create yourself.

Is it legal if I edit or alter someone else’s Reel before reposting?

Not necessarily. Substantially transforming the content through critique, commentary, etc may constitute fair use but there are no guarantees. Avoid this without permission.

What if I add the Reel to a compilation video?

Compilations require permissions from all featured Reels creators. Unlicensed compilations also violate copyright law.

Can I reuse Reels marked with a Creative Commons license?

Yes, if you comply with the specific CC license terms like attribution. The creator has already granted reuse rights under open license.


While you can generally reuse your own Reels content across Facebook-owned platforms like Facebook and Instagram, reposting Reels created by other users without permission raises legal and ethical concerns. Avoid unauthorized copying and pasting of others’ Reels. Instead, share and embed Reels properly with creator permission or attribution. Follow best practices around licensing and fair use as well. With the original creator’s authorization or platforms’ sharing tools, you can appropriately reuse Reels content to augment your own platforms while respecting copyright law.