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Can I convert Facebook Lite to Facebook?

Can I convert Facebook Lite to Facebook?

Facebook Lite is a lightweight version of Facebook designed for areas with slow internet speeds or limited data access. While Facebook Lite offers the core Facebook features like News Feed, Messenger, notifications and more, it comes with a simpler interface and stripped down functionality compared to the main Facebook app.

If you are currently using Facebook Lite, you may be wondering if it’s possible to convert or upgrade your Lite account to the full Facebook app. There are a few key factors to consider when deciding whether to make the switch.

Key Differences Between Facebook Lite and Facebook

Although Facebook Lite shares the same blue icon and many of the same features as Facebook, there are some notable differences between the two apps:


Facebook Lite is less than 1MB in size, while the main Facebook app is over 100MB. This makes Facebook Lite much faster to download and easier to run on entry-level smartphones.

Data Usage

Facebook Lite is designed to use less mobile data. Images, videos and ads are loaded only when you click on them. This helps minimize data consumption.


Facebook Lite has a stripped down interface focused on core features. Extra tabs and options are hidden to simplify navigation.


You’ll get fewer notifications in Facebook Lite. Only the most relevant notifications are pushed to save data and battery life.


Some Facebook features are not available in Facebook Lite, like Facebook Gaming, Dating, and the latest augmented reality effects. The goal is to provide essential features only.

So in summary, Facebook Lite trades bells, whistles, and extras for speed and efficiency. This makes it well-suited for basic phones and slow connections. But you do lose access to the full Facebook experience.

Can I Convert My Facebook Lite Account to Facebook?

The short answer is yes, you can convert your Facebook Lite account to a full Facebook account. Here’s how:

1. Download the Facebook app

First, download and install the latest version of the Facebook app from your device’s app store. You’ll need enough storage space for the 100+ MB download.

2. Log in with your Facebook Lite credentials

Open the Facebook app and log in using your Facebook Lite username (phone number or email) and password. Your News Feed, profile info, friends, messages etc. will all be there.

3. Merge your data and settings

The Facebook app will detect that you were previously using Facebook Lite and prompt you to merge data and settings. Accept this merge request to transfer over preferences from Facebook Lite.

4. Enjoy the full Facebook experience

Once your data is merged, you’ll have a fully functional Facebook account with access to all the latest features. You can continue using Facebook Lite in parallel if wanted.

So it just takes a few simple steps to upgrade to the full-featured Facebook app from Facebook Lite. You don’t need to create a new account or transfer contacts and information manually.

Should You Switch from Facebook Lite to Facebook?

Upgrading from Facebook Lite to the main Facebook app offers some nice benefits:

More Features

You’ll regain access to premium Facebook features not available on Lite, like advanced profiles, AR effects, dating, events, job postings and more.

Full Notifications

Facebook will resume sending you full notifications instead of just high priority ones. You’ll stay more up-to-date.

Higher Quality Content

Photos, videos and live streams will be higher resolution and look better. No more fuzzy, compressed content.


You can customize Facebook’s interface, notifications and privacy settings more extensively compared to minimal options on Lite.

Latest Version

The main Facebook app is updated more frequently with the newest features and fixes. Lite updates less often.

However, there are also some downsides of switching from Facebook Lite:

Larger App Size

Facebook will now take up 100+ MB of storage instead of under 1 MB for Lite. This may be problematic on cheaper smartphones with limited internal storage.

Increased Data Usage

Loading higher resolution media and more ads will consume more mobile data. This can increase your phone bill if you have a limited data plan.

Reduced Performance

Facebook Lite is designed to run smoothly on affordable, low-end smartphones. The main Facebook app requires a bit more processing power and RAM which could impact performance on weaker devices.

Shorter Battery Life

The simplicity of Facebook Lite helps maximize battery life. The fuller main Facebook app will drain your battery faster due to having more functionality.

Some Key Considerations

Here are some additional factors to think about when deciding whether to switch from Facebook Lite to the standard Facebook app:

Your Connectivity

If you often browse Facebook in areas with fast wifi or unlimited mobile data, switching makes sense. But if you’re mostly dependent on slower networks or limited data, Facebook Lite may still be the better fit.

Your Data Plan

The full Facebook app can use 5x more data than Facebook Lite by some estimates. If you have a tight mobile data cap, this increased usage could lead to overage charges.

Your Phone’s Capabilities

Entry-level smartphones with little storage, slower processors and 1-2GB of RAM will perform better with Facebook Lite’s smaller size and simplified interface. Newer high-end phones can easily handle the full app.

Your Interests

If you regularly use key Facebook features that are missing from Lite (like Gaming, Dating, or Stories) then upgrading to the full app is likely worthwhile. But if you just check News Feed and chat, Lite may still meet your needs.


Facebook Lite remains unavailable on iOS. So iPhone users don’t have a choice – they can only use the main Facebook app. But Android users can choose between Lite and full Facebook based on their preferences.


To wrap things up:

– Upgrading from Facebook Lite to full Facebook is completely doable by simply downloading the main app and logging in with your Lite credentials.

– Switching offers benefits like more features, customization, and higher quality content. But downsides include larger size, higher data usage, and reduced performance on some devices.

– Key factors like your connectivity, data plan, phone capabilities, interests, and app availability should inform your decision on whether to upgrade.

– For many users – especially those with limited internet access or basic phones – Facebook Lite may still be the better overall choice compared to full Facebook. But upgrading is simple if you do want the complete experience.

So consider your own needs and device when deciding if switching from Facebook Lite to Facebook makes sense for you! Both offer the core Facebook functions, but in different mobile packages.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Facebook Lite have all the same features as the full Facebook app?

No, Facebook Lite does not have all the same features as the full Facebook app. To reduce app size and data usage, Facebook Lite omits some features like Facebook Gaming, Dating, Marketplace, and augmented reality filters and effects. The focus is on providing essential Facebook functionality like News Feed, Messaging, and Groups.

Can I transfer my Facebook Lite account to Facebook?

Yes, you can seamlessly transfer your Facebook Lite account to the full Facebook app. Simply download and install Facebook, log in with your Facebook Lite credentials, and accept the merge request. This will transfer over your Lite profile information, friends, messages, etc. to Facebook with just a few taps.

Does Facebook Lite use less data than the regular Facebook app?

Absolutely. Facebook Lite is designed to minimize mobile data usage. Images, videos and ads do not load automatically – you need to tap on them to view. In addition, content is compressed to use less data overall. According to Facebook, Facebook Lite uses less than 1MB per day compared to around 5MB per day for regular Facebook.

Can I use Facebook Lite and Facebook at the same time on my phone?

Yes, you can have both Facebook Lite and the full Facebook app installed simultaneously on your Android phone or tablet. They use separate caches and storage so won’t interfere with each other. Just log in with the same credentials in both apps to seamlessly switch between the two versions. iOS only has the full Facebook app available.

Does Facebook Lite drain less battery than the regular Facebook app?

In most cases, yes. Facebook Lite is optimized to improve battery life by minimizing background processes, data usage, and push notifications. The simpler interface also requires less processing power. The full Facebook app has richer functionality and content that tends to impact battery life more significantly. But actual battery drain depends on your specific device and usage patterns.

Can I message friends on regular Facebook while using Facebook Lite?

Yes, you can message friends who are using the full Facebook app even while you are on Facebook Lite. Messaging works seamlessly across both versions of Facebook’s mobile apps. So you can enjoy cross-platform messaging regardless of whether your friends are on Lite or full Facebook.

Is Facebook Lite only available on Android?

Currently, yes. Facebook Lite is only officially available for Android smartphones and tablets. There is no iOS version of Facebook Lite, since Apple devices like iPhones tend to have fewer issues running the full Facebook app smoothly even with limited connectivity and resources. But Android covers a wider range of device capabilities, making Lite useful for lower-end models.

Is Facebook Lite safe? Does it compromise privacy or security?

Facebook Lite offers the same level of safety, privacy and security protections as the full Facebook app. It goes through the same rigorous review and testing procedures. Usage data is encrypted and protected just like on the regular Facebook app as well. Switching from Lite to full Facebook does not impact your account’s privacy or security settings.

Can I post photos and videos on Facebook Lite?

Yes, posting photos and videos to Facebook is possible using the Facebook Lite app. However, the image and video quality may be reduced compared to the full Facebook app. For photos, Facebook Lite compresses images over 1MB down to 200-300kb when uploading. For videos, resolution is decreased to 720p and bitrates lowered to conserve data usage. But the core ability to share images and video posts is present in Lite.

Why does Facebook offer a Lite version of their app?

Facebook Lite aims to provide the core Facebook experience to people around the world using entry-level smartphones, limited networks, or capped data plans. The lightweight app makes Facebook accessible to millions more global users who can’t readily use the full-featured main app. It also helps Facebook expand its reach in developing nations where cheaper phones and spotty internet are more common.

Does Facebook Lite work on tablets too?

Yes, Facebook Lite is available for both Android phones and tablets. The data-saving, performance-focused benefits apply similarly on low-end and mid-range Android tablets with limited connectivity and resources. Facebook Lite helps ensure a smooth Facebook experience even on tablets with lower specs and hardware capabilities compared to flagship models.

Can I upload high resolution photos on Facebook Lite?

No, Facebook Lite does not allow uploading high resolution photos. Any photos larger than 1MB will be compressed down to 200-300kb before being uploaded to Facebook’s servers. This compression to lower file sizes helps Facebook Lite reduce mobile data consumption, especially for users with limited data plans. For high resolution photo sharing, the full Facebook app would be required.

Is Facebook Lite going to replace the regular Facebook app?

Facebook has not indicated that Facebook Lite will replace the main Facebook app. It is designed as an alternative, lightweight Facebook experience focused on emerging markets, cheaper devices, and limited connectivity. The full-featured Facebook app will continue to exist for high-end smartphones and robust internet access. The two apps are likely to co-exist to serve different audiences and needs.

How do I get the full Facebook app after using Facebook Lite?

If you are currently using Facebook Lite but want to upgrade to the full Facebook app, simply download Facebook from your device’s app store, log in with your Facebook Lite credentials, accept the data/settings merge request, and enjoy access to the complete Facebook experience. There is no need to create a new account – just linking your existing Lite account is enough to switch over.

Can I still use Messenger on Facebook Lite?

Yes, Messenger is available on Facebook Lite allowing you to send chats, photos, videos and more to friends. Some newer Messenger features may not be supported, but core messaging functionality works cross-platform between Facebook Lite and regular Facebook. So you can still easily message friends even if they are using the full-featured Facebook app.

Is Facebook Lite being phased out? Should I switch to the full app?

Facebook has not announced any plans to discontinue Facebook Lite. It continues to receive periodic updates and has a substantial userbase, especially in emerging markets. Facebook Lite fills an important niche helping make Facebook more accessible globally. Unless you have a specific need for fuller features, Facebook Lite likely remains a smart choice for entry-level devices and limited data access.