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Can I contact Facebook to change my email address?

Can I contact Facebook to change my email address?

Changing the email address associated with your Facebook account is a common request for many users. Fortunately, Facebook does provide a way to change your account email, allowing you to update it to a new or preferred address.

Steps to Change Your Facebook Email

Here is a quick overview of the steps involved in changing your Facebook email address:

  1. Log into your Facebook account
  2. Go to your Facebook Settings
  3. Click on the “Email” tab in the left sidebar
  4. Enter and confirm your new email address
  5. Click “Save Changes”

It’s a very straightforward process that only takes a few minutes. The sections below will provide more details on each step to change your Facebook email address.

Log Into Your Facebook Account

The first step is to simply log into your Facebook account as usual. You must be logged in to access your account settings and make any changes. If you’ve forgotten your password, you can reset it via the Facebook login page before logging in.

Once logged in, your name and profile picture will appear in the top right corner of the Facebook site. This indicates you are now viewing Facebook while logged into your account.

Access Your Facebook Settings

With your Facebook account open, the next step is to access your account settings. Here you can find the option to change your Facebook email address.

To get to your settings, click on the down arrow icon in the top right corner (next to your profile picture). In the dropdown menu that appears, select “Settings”.

This will open up the Facebook Settings page. Here you can navigate through the various account settings categories in the left sidebar.

Click on the Email Tab

Within the Settings page sidebar, click on the “Email” tab. This will open up your email settings.

Under the “Contact Information” heading, you will see your current Facebook email address listed. This is the address you will change to your new email.

Enter and Confirm New Email

In the “New Email” box below your current email, type in the new email address you want to use for your Facebook account.

Double check that you’ve entered the new email correctly. Then in the “Re-enter New Email” box below, retype the new email to confirm it.

Once you’ve entered and confirmed the new email, the “Save Changes” button will activate.

Click Save Changes

Finally, click the “Save Changes” button to officially update your email address with Facebook.

Facebook will send a confirmation email to your new email address. Just click the confirmation link in that email to verify the address change.

Once confirmed, your Facebook account email will be updated to the new address.

Common Questions

Here are answers to some commonly asked questions about changing your Facebook email address:

How long does it take to change my Facebook email?

The Facebook email change process only takes a few minutes to complete. You simply enter your new email, confirm it, and click save. However, you do need to verify the email change via the confirmation link sent to your new email. This adds an additional step, but overall it is still a very quick process.

Do I need to enter my password to change my email?

No, you do not need to enter your Facebook password when changing your email address. Since you need to be logged into your account, Facebook already knows it’s you making the update. The email confirmation serves as the verification.

What happens to my old Facebook email?

Your old Facebook email will no longer be associated with your Facebook account after changing it. However, that email address still exists and any messages sent to it will still be received in your email inbox.

Can someone hack my account with the new email?

Simply updating your Facebook email does not make your account any less secure. As long as you keep your Facebook password private, there is no increased risk of hacking due to the email change.

Will my data and friends be affected?

Nope! Changing your Facebook email address does not affect anything else in your account. Your profile info, posts, friends, photos, interests, and all other data will remain exactly the same.

Can I revert back to my old Facebook email?

Yes, you can change your Facebook email back to a previous address at any time. Just repeat the update email process, but instead enter your old email address again.

Pros of Changing Your Facebook Email

Here are some of the benefits you can enjoy from updating your Facebook email address:

Use a Single Email for Multiple Accounts

Account Old Email New Email
Facebook [email protected] [email protected]
Twitter [email protected] [email protected]
Instagram [email protected] [email protected]

If you have multiple social media accounts, changing your Facebook email to match your other accounts lets you consolidate. Then you only need to remember a single email address.

Avoid Email Clutter and Confusion

Using separate emails for separate accounts can clutter up your inbox. Facebook notifications and alerts will be grouped into one place instead of mixed with other emails.

Enhanced Security

If your old Facebook email was easily guessable or shared publicly, switching to a more private and secure email can better protect your account.

Access Facebook From a New Email

If you can no longer access your old Facebook email due to switching email providers or other reasons, updating it lets you get Facebook notifications again.

Cons of Changing Your Facebook Email

Here are a few potential downsides to keep in mind when changing your Facebook email address:

Confirmation Process

Having to confirm via email after changing your Facebook address means you cannot immediately start using the new email. It takes a bit longer compared to instant email changes on some other platforms.

Remembering Logins

If you used your old Facebook email as your primary account login for years, switching to a new address means remembering to login with something new. It can take some time to get used to.

Recovering Account Access

Resetting your password via the password recovery email option will no longer work if you do not control your old Facebook email anymore. This makes recovering a lost password more challenging.

Unsubscribing and Updating Contacts

You will likely need to update your new Facebook email in any email subscriptions, contacts lists, or forwarding rules that previously used your old address.

Facebook Email Address Best Practices

To ensure a smooth email change process, keep these Facebook email tips in mind:

Use an Email You Frequently Access

Make sure your new Facebook email is one you check and access very regularly. This ensures you see the confirmation email and any subsequent Facebook notifications.

Keep Your Password Safe

Do not share your Facebook password with others or use an insecure password. This protects your account from unauthorized email changes or logins.

Turn on Login Notifications

Enable Facebook login notifications to alert you anytime someone logs into your Facebook account from an unknown device. This serves as an early warning for suspicious activity.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication

Adding an extra layer of security via two-factor authentication requires you to enter a code from your phone when logging in. This prevents unwanted email and password changes even if your password is compromised.

Avoid Public Computers

When accessing Facebook to change your email, do so from a private computer rather than a public device. Public machines have greater security risks from malware or unauthorized users.


Changing your Facebook email address is straightforward and offers several benefits. Just log into your account, update to your new email in the settings, and confirm the change via email.

Take the opportunity to enhance your account security when changing your Facebook email by turning on login notifications, using a strong password, and enabling two-factor authentication. Be sure to update any associated subscriptions, contacts, and login credentials.

With a few quick steps, you can successfully change your Facebook email address and enjoy access to Facebook notifications and communications from your new preferred email. Just be thoughtful in your email selection and prudent about account security to maximize benefits and avoid risks.