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Can I change the about description on a Facebook group?

Can I change the about description on a Facebook group?

Yes, it is possible to change the about description on a Facebook group as the group admin. The about description is the short text that appears under the group name and photo, providing a summary of what the group is about. As the creator of a Facebook group or one of the admins, you have the ability to edit this text at any time after the initial group creation.

Changing the about description can be useful for clarifying the group’s purpose as it evolves over time or attracting new members by updating the description to be more descriptive. The ability to edit this description gives group admins flexibility in how they present the group to the public. Here is a closer look at how to change your Facebook group’s about description on both desktop and mobile.

Changing the About Description on Desktop

To change a Facebook group’s about description using the desktop website:

1. Go to the group’s page and click on the “Edit Group Info” button on the right side of the cover photo. This will open up a panel to edit the group’s information.

2. In the “About” text box, delete the current text and type in the new description that you want for the group. You have up to 155 characters for this summary description.

3. Once you have finished writing the new about text, click on the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the panel.

4. The group’s about description will now display the new text you entered. The change is immediate and all members of the group will see the updated about text.

Tips for Editing the About Description

– Be concise but descriptive – summarize the group’s purpose and topics in 155 or fewer characters.

– Make it informative for potential new members – explain who the group is for and what they can expect to discuss.

– Update it periodically as the group evolves – keep the description fresh and relevant.

– Check for spelling and grammar errors before saving changes.

– You can change the description as often as needed to reflect the current focus of the group.

Changing the About Description on Mobile

The process for editing a Facebook group’s about description is very similar on mobile, just accessed through the Facebook app on your mobile device:

1. Open the Facebook app and go to your group’s page. Tap on the three dots in the upper right corner to access the menu.

2. Tap on “Edit Group Info” from the menu.

3. Tap on the “About” section. Delete the current text and type in the new description, up to 155 characters.

4. Once finished, tap “Save Changes” to update the about description.

5. The new about text will now display on your group’s page.

Tips for Mobile Editing

– Use brief, compressed sentences in the 155 character limit.

– Avoid typos and abbreviations which may be harder to read on mobile screens.

– Consider adding some relevant emojis or symbols like #, @, etc.

– You can save your changes and the group on mobile will show the new description.

Who Can Change the About Description?

Having covered how to change the about text for a Facebook group on both desktop and mobile, you may be wondering who actually has the ability to edit this description. Access is limited to just the group admins.

So if you created the group, you can definitely change the about description at any time. If someone else created the group and added you as an admin, you will also see the options to edit the group information and about text.

General group members will not have access to change the about description. But as an admin, you have full control over the group’s public-facing summary.

If You Don’t Have Admin Access

If you have joined a Facebook group but aren’t an admin, you won’t be able to directly change the about description. However, you can always suggest an updated description to the admins. Some options:

– Comment on a recent post from an admin politely suggesting a change to the about text and why.

– Send a private message to the admins explaining your perspective on why the description should be updated.

– Make a new post in the group for discussion about the about section and what members think it should say now.

As long as you make thoughtful suggestions and avoid aggressive demands, most admins will be happy to receive feedback from members on improving the group!

Adding an About Description for the First Time

Up until this point, the focus has been on changing or updating an existing Facebook group description. But what if you are creating a brand new group and need to write an about description for the first time?

When you initiate the creation of a new Facebook group, one of the steps will be entering a group name and about text. Here are some tips for writing a new about description from scratch:

– Take time to think about the exact purpose and topic of your group so you can summarize it accurately.

– Keep it short but intriguing – invite people to learn more about the group once they’ve joined.

– Look at the about descriptions of existing related groups for inspiration on tone and length.

– Describe who the group is for and what they can expect to discuss.

– Use descriptive language and keywords relevant to your niche.

– Consider opening with a mission statement or brief slogan before describing topics.

– Let your group’s about description evolve over time as you get feedback from members.

Set the Stage for Your Group

While you can always change it later, putting some thought into your new Facebook group’s initial about description sets the stage and helps attract the right members from the start. Along with your group’s name and profile picture, it is one of the first impressions potential new members will see, so make it count!

About Description Visibility

Now that you know how to update your Facebook group’s about text, you may be wondering exactly who can view this description. Where does it appear?

The about description you set for your group will be visible in the following locations:

  • On the group’s main page under the cover photo and group name
  • On the group preview snippet that shows up in Facebook search results
  • If you promote the group using Facebook Adverts, the about text will be included
  • When members invite their Facebook friends to join the group
  • On the group preview if you share an invite link or group URL elsewhere

In other words, your group’s about description has a public presence and acts as an introduction to what the group is all about. So while only admins can change it, any Facebook user exploring groups can view the about text.

Choosing Visibility Settings

When you create a new Facebook group, there are different privacy options available which impact how visible the group is. A public group is fully visible including the about section. A private or hidden group will just show limited details to non-members.

About Description vs Group Description

There are actually two areas where you can explain what your Facebook group is about – the about description and the group description. It’s easy to confuse them, but there are some key differences:

About Description

– 155 character limit

– Appears prominently under group name and photo

– Focused on high-level summary of group’s purpose

– Visible to non-members exploring groups

Group Description

– No character limit

– Appears on the left side of the group page

– Used to provide more detailed explanation of group

– Only visible to current group members

So in summary, the about description is a short introduction visible publicly, while the group description is a more in-depth overview seen just by members. Use them together for a complete perspective on your group!


The about description is an important part of representing your Facebook group to prospective new members. As an admin, it is easy to change this text directly from the group management settings on both desktop and mobile. Consider updating it periodically as your group evolves or grows in new directions.

Use concise but engaging language that captures the essence of what brings your members together. Keep it front and center near the group photo and name so visitors immediately learn what you are about. Put some thought into this public-facing snippet to attract quality members who will actively participate in ongoing conversations.

With the power to edit the about text at any time, admins can continually fine-tune the messaging as member feedback rolls in. While general members cannot directly change it, they can provide suggestions to admins for improving the about description. Keeping it current, relevant and focused will let your Facebook group put its best face forward to the public.