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Can I change my Facebook page link name?

Can I change my Facebook page link name?

Yes, it is possible to change your Facebook page’s link name if you are the admin of the page. The link name is the unique text that comes after “” when someone visits your page’s URL. For example, if your page link is “”, then “MyBusinessPage” is the link name.

Why would you want to change your Facebook page’s link name?

There are a few common reasons why you may want to change your page’s link name:

  • Your business name or brand has changed
  • The current link name is not search engine friendly or is too long
  • You want a link name that is more memorable or descriptive
  • You have a new product, service, or initiative to promote

Having a short, memorable, and relevant link name can make it easier for people to find and remember your Facebook page. It can also help with search engine optimization (SEO).

How often can you change your Facebook page’s link name?

Facebook allows you to change your page’s link name up to two times per year. Once you hit the limit, you won’t be able to change it again for another 12 months.

So make sure to choose a link name you’ll be happy with for the long-haul. Don’t change it on a whim, as you only get those two chances per year.

Step-by-step guide to changing your Facebook page link name

Here is a simple step-by-step guide to changing your Facebook page’s link name if you have admin access:

  1. Go to your Facebook page and click “Settings” in the top navigation bar
  2. On the left sidebar menu, click “Page Info”
  3. Click the pencil/edit icon next to your Page Name and current username/link name
  4. Delete the current link name and type in your new desired link name
  5. Click “Confirm” to save your new link name

It may take up to 24 hours for the new link to become fully active across Facebook. You will be able to access the page with both the old and new link names during this transition period.

Tips for choosing a new Facebook page link name

Here are some tips when picking a new link name for your Facebook page:

  • Keep it short and simple – a single word or very short phrase works best
  • Use keywords relevant to your business, brand, products or services
  • Avoid overused terms like “official”, “page”, or “FB”
  • Check for typos or spelling errors before changing it
  • Think about how it will look as part of the full URL (

What happens to your old page link?

When you change your Facebook page’s link name, the old link will redirect to the new link for a period of time. However, eventually the old link will stop working entirely.

So if you have the old link name referenced on any other websites, social media profiles, marketing materials, etc. make sure to update those to the new link.

Using Facebook username vs page link name

It’s important to understand the difference between your personal Facebook profile username and your Facebook page’s link name:

  • Profile username – The unique name associated with your personal profile on Facebook (for example @janesmith). You only get one username.
  • Page link name – The unique name that comes after for your Facebook page’s URL (for example mybusiness). You can change this up to 2 times per year.

So if you have both a personal profile and a business page, you’ll want to consider an appropriate username for your profile and link name for your page separately.

Should you redirect your old Facebook page link?

After changing your Facebook page name, you may want to set up a 301 redirect from your old page link to the new one. This passes on any SEO value from the old link and directs visitors seamlessly to the new link.

Here are some options for setting up a 301 redirect:

  • Use the redirect option in Facebook – When changing your link name, Facebook gives you the option to redirect the old link
  • Change server settings – If you own your domain name, change the server settings to redirect the old link to the new Facebook URL
  • Use a redirect plugin – Install a WordPress or other CMS redirect plugin to forward the old link

Pros and cons of changing your Facebook page link name

Here are some of the key pros and cons to weigh when considering changing your Facebook page’s link name:


  • Create a more search-friendly link name
  • Shorten an overly long current link
  • Reflect new brands, products, or services
  • Correct typos or naming errors
  • Make the link more memorable


  • Loss of SEO value if redirect not set up properly
  • Links to old URL may break around the web
  • Lose followers who don’t update bookmarks
  • Page engagement may temporarily decrease
  • Only get 2 name changes per year


Changing your Facebook page’s link name can help optimize and update it – but only if done carefully. Use your two annual opportunities strategically. Redirect your old link, double check for typos, and promote the new link to minimize disruption.

With some planning, a new link name can often give your Facebook page and its SEO a boost.