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Can I change my Facebook name on my phone?

Can I change my Facebook name on my phone?

Yes, it is possible to change your Facebook name on your phone. Your Facebook name is the name that appears on your profile and is seen by your Facebook friends.

While Facebook recommends changing your name on a desktop computer for the best experience, the option to edit your name is available in the Facebook mobile app for both iOS and Android devices. Changing your name on mobile is a simple process that only takes a few taps once you’re in the Facebook app.

Steps to Change Facebook Name on Mobile

Follow these steps to change your Facebook name on your iPhone, Android phone, or other mobile device:

1. Open the Facebook App

– Launch the Facebook app on your phone.

– If you’re not already logged in, enter your email and password and log in to your account.

2. Go to Your Profile

– From your News Feed, tap the three-line menu icon in the top right corner.

– Select “Profile” from the menu.

3. Tap Edit Profile

– From your profile page, tap “Edit Profile” below your name.

4. Edit Your Name

– This will open your profile info. Tap your name at the top.

– Delete your existing name and type your new name.

– You can enter a first and last name or just a single name.

5. Save Changes

– After entering your new name, tap “Review Changes” at the bottom.

– Review your new name and tap “Save Changes” to confirm.

Changing Your Name Back

If you change your mind after updating your Facebook name, you can easily switch it back:

– Follow steps 1-4 above to return to the edit profile screen.

– Enter your old name again in place of the new one.

– Tap “Review Changes” and “Save Changes.”

Your profile name will be changed back to what it was before.

Other Ways to Update Name

In addition to using the Facebook app on your phone, there are a couple other ways you can change your Facebook name:

On Desktop

– Access Facebook from a desktop computer and login.

– Click your profile picture in the top left and select “Profile.”

– Click “Update Info” on your intro box and edit your name.

– Click “Save Changes.”

Facebook Settings

– In the Facebook app menu, tap “Settings & Privacy” then “Settings.”

– Tap “Personal and Account Information” then “Name.”

– Enter your new name and tap “Review Changes” then “Save Changes.”

Name Change Frequency

You can change your Facebook name as often as you want. However, Facebook limits name changes to once every 60 days to prevent abuse. If you try to change it more than this, you’ll get an error saying “You can’t change your name again so soon.”

Friends Seeing Your New Name

When you change your Facebook name, it will automatically update across the platform:

– Your profile name will update.

– Posts you’ve created in the past will show your new name.

– Friends will see the new name on your profile, posts, and in their newsfeeds.

You don’t have to notify anyone about the change. Facebook will inform your friends for you.

However, it’s a nice gesture to let close connections know directly you’ve updated your name, especially if it’s a major change.

Name Change Doesn’t Affect URL or User ID

When you change your name on Facebook, it doesn’t affect your unique Facebook URL or user ID:

– Your custom username in your profile URL will remain the same:

– Your Facebook user ID (the long number in the URL) will stay the same.

– You can only set these during initial Facebook signup. They are permanent and can’t be changed.

So your vanity URL and user ID will not update or redirect when you change your profile name. Friends can still find you and your profile URL even after a name change.

Why You May Want to Change Your Name

Here are some common reasons people update their name on Facebook:

Major Life Events

You got married and took your spouse’s last name. You got divorced and no longer have the same last name. You changed your name as part of a gender transition. Major life events like these often prompt a name change on Facebook and elsewhere.

Nickname Preference

Perhaps you prefer to go by a nickname rather than your full first name. Updating it on Facebook helps friends address you how you want.

Professional Reasons

Maybe you used your informal first name when creating your account originally and now want to use your full name as you start your career. Or you’ve taken on a new professional role and want to update your title.

Protect Privacy

Some people change their name on Facebook to protect their privacy or start fresh if they dealt with bullying, stalkers, or other issues with a previous name.


Artists, public figures, and businesses may change their Facebook name as part of rebranding their image. This helps followers adjust to their new brand name.

Try a New Name

Others simply want to try out a new name, whether it’s a variation of their existing name or something brand new. Facebook makes it easy to change it back if you don’t like it.

The Pros of Changing Your Facebook Name

Here are some benefits of changing your name on Facebook:

Reflect Major Life Updates

As mentioned, major events like marriage, divorce, and gender transition often warrant a name change on Facebook. Updating it makes your profile consistent with your new identity.

Control How People Address You

Using your preferred first name or nickname ensures people call you by the name you want.

Present Your Best Self

Your Facebook name is part of your personal brand. Updating it can help present your best, most authentic self.

Distance Yourself From Past Negativity

For some, changing their name helps create distance from negative Facebook experiences associated with their old name.

Refresh Your Image

Artists, public figures, and businesses can reboot their image with a name change as part of rebranding.

The Cons of Changing Your Facebook Name

Here are a few potential downsides of changing your name on Facebook:

May Cause Temporary Confusion

It can take time for your Facebook friends to notice the change and adjust to your new name, which could cause some temporary confusion.

Impacts Searchability

Changing your name affects how easily people can find and identify you when searching on Facebook. This gets easier over time as friends grow accustomed to your new name.

Past Posts Remain Under Old Name

While your name changes on past posts and content you’ve shared, the original name used will remain visible in certain areas, like timestamps. So traces of your old name may still be visible.

URL Doesn’t Update

As mentioned earlier, your custom username within your profile URL does not change when you update your name. The URL will retain your old name.

Can Only Change Every 60 Days

Facebook limits name changes to prevent abuse. So if you change your mind after an update, you have to wait 60 days to do it again.

What Happens When You Change Your Name?

Here is an overview of exactly what happens when you change your Facebook name:

– Your profile name updates across Facebook.
– Past posts and content are updated to show your new name.
– Friends, followers, and public profiles see your new name.
– Name changes automatically on future posts/content going forward.
– Username and user ID in your profile URL remain unchanged.
– Ability to change your name again is restricted for 60 days.
– You may need to re-confirm your identity if the name change is significant.

Overall the process is straightforward and your Facebook presence seamlessly transitions to your new name, even if the URL itself does not change.

Tips for Changing Your Facebook Name

Follow these tips for a smooth name change process on Facebook:

– Double check spelling and capitalization before saving your new name.

– Consider keeping your old name as your middle name on Facebook if you want some continuity.

– Change your name to your preferred nickname or the name you commonly go by.

– Notify close connections directly before or after you change it so they are aware.

– Update your name across other social media platforms you use as well for consistency.

– Add context about the name change to your bio section if it’s a major change people may be curious about.


Changing your Facebook name to your new name, preferred nickname, or for any other reason is easy right from the Facebook mobile app for iPhone and Android. Just open your profile, tap “Edit Profile”, enter your new name, and save your changes.

While your profile name will update across Facebook, your unique username in your profile URL remains the same. But your Facebook friends and followers will adjust to your new name over time. Changing it back is just as easy if you want to switch it again later.