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Can I change my display name on Facebook?

Can I change my display name on Facebook?

Yes, it is possible to change your display name on Facebook. Your display name is the name that appears on your profile and when you make posts or comments. Here are some quick answers about changing your Facebook display name:

How do I change my display name on Facebook?

To change your Facebook display name, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile
  2. Click on the down arrow in the top right corner
  3. Select “Settings” from the menu
  4. On the left sidebar, click “Name”
  5. Enter your new desired display name in the “Name” field
  6. Click “Review Change” to preview your new name
  7. Click “Save Changes” to confirm the change

How often can I change my Facebook display name?

You can change your Facebook display name up to 5 times within 60 days. After you’ve made 5 changes in 60 days, you’ll need to wait 60 more days before changing it again.

Is there a character limit for my Facebook display name?

Yes, your Facebook display name has a character limit of 50 characters maximum. If you try to enter a display name longer than 50 characters, Facebook will give you an error.

Can I use symbols or emojis in my Facebook display name?

Yes, you can use symbols, emojis, and other non-alphabetic characters in your Facebook display name. However, keep in mind that some symbols may not display properly across all devices and platforms.

Will changing my display name change my URL?

No, changing your display name will not affect your Facebook profile URL. Your profile URL will remain the same no matter how many times you change your display name.

Does changing my display name affect my previous posts?

No, changing your display name will not affect or change any of your previous posts or comments. All of your existing content on Facebook will remain under your old name.

Can someone else see my past display names?

No, other people cannot see the display names you previously used on Facebook. Only your current display name is visible to other users.

If I change my name, will people get notified?

No, Facebook does not notify your friends or followers when you change your display name. The change will be seamless and other users will start seeing your new display name automatically.

Is it possible to delete my display name and go back to my username?

No, Facebook does not allow you to remove your display name and only show your username. Your display name is required and cannot be deleted.

Can I set my display name to be invisible?

No, you cannot set your Facebook display name to be invisible or hidden. Your display name will always be public and visible to anyone who visits your profile.


In summary:

  • You can easily change your Facebook display name up to 5 times in 60 days
  • Display names have a 50 character limit
  • Symbols and emojis are allowed in display names
  • Display name changes do not affect your profile URL or previous posts
  • Other users won’t see your past display names, only your current one
  • Facebook does not notify contacts about display name changes
  • You cannot delete your display name or make it invisible

So feel free to update your Facebook display name as needed, just keep these key facts in mind. With the proper steps, you can change your display name to anything you want within seconds.

When did Facebook introduce display names?

Facebook introduced display names in 2009. Previously, users were only identified by their usernames on their profiles and posts. The display name feature was added to allow users to set a name that was different from their username.

Year Event
2004 Facebook launched with only usernames
2009 Display names introduced
2021 Display names limited to 5 changes every 60 days

As you can see in the timeline above, display names have been part of Facebook for over a decade now. They allow for more personalization and flexibility with how names appear.

What are the benefits of changing your Facebook display name?

Here are some of the benefits of changing your Facebook display name:

  • Lets you customize how your name appears
  • Allows you to use a preferred nickname
  • Helpful after major life events like marriage or divorce
  • Useful for creatives and artists to display a stage name
  • Keeps your personal name private if desired
  • Improves consistency if your legal name has changed

In summary, changing your Facebook display name allows you to take control of your personal branding and identity on the platform.

Customization and Nicknames

Display names allow for more personalization and customization with how your name appears on Facebook. For example, you could go by a nickname like “Kat” instead of Katherine, or add fun embellishments likeemoji. It helps reflect your personality or vibe.

Major Life Events

Major events like marriage, divorce, or gender transition may warrant changing your display name on Facebook to match your new identity or relationship status.

Stage Names for Creatives

For actors, musicians, artists, authors and other creatives, a display name lets them show a stage name rather than their personal identity.


For those wanting increased privacy, a display name helps keep your real identity hidden from strangers and acquaintance.


If your legal name has changed, updating your display name ensures consistency across your online presence and avoids confusion.

Are there any risks or downsides to changing my Facebook display name?

There are a few potential downsides to be aware of when changing your Facebook display name:

  • Old friends may not recognize you
  • Loss of branding if the name is well-known
  • Can cause confusion or mistakes
  • Associated content remains under old name
  • URL does not reflect new name

Confusion for Contacts

Friends may not realize your new display name is still you, especially if the change is dramatic.

Loss of Brand Recognition

Those with a strong brand or following tied to their old name may lose clout and brand recognition after changing.


A new name could lead to miscommunication if you are mistaken for someone else.

Old Content Stays the Same

Your previous posts and content remain under your former name even after changing it.

URL Mismatch

Your custom URL will still reflect your old username rather than your new display name.

How can I manage my Facebook display name more easily?

Here are some tips for managing your Facebook display name more easily:

  • Update your name across social media – Change your name consistently on all platforms like Instagram and Twitter to minimize confusion.
  • Use Namecheck – This Facebook tool forecasts how your new name will appear in search and urls to prevent unintended results.
  • Add name to bio – Include your former name or nickname in parentheses in your bio to clarify any name changes.
  • Notify close contacts – Let close friends and family know about an upcoming name change so they aren’t surprised.
  • Switch back quickly – If needed, you can switch back to a previous name within 60 days thanks to the 5 changes policy.
  • Create vanity URL – Get a custom URL with your new name to match your updated display name.

Implementing these best practices makes it easier to smoothly transition to a new display name on Facebook.

Does Facebook verify display names?

No, Facebook does not require users to verify their display names in any way. You can put in any name you want, real or fake, without providing proof.

Facebook does have a Real Name Policy that technically encourages users to provide their real first and last names. However, this policy is not enforced for display names.

Some key things about Facebook’s lack of display name verification:

  • No ID or legal documentation needed to change it
  • Can enter fake or pseudonyms
  • No approval process or review
  • Changes take effect immediately
  • Can alternate between real and fake names

In summary, Facebook essentially allows display names to be changed to anything at any time without checks or approvals.

What should I do if someone is impersonating me with a similar display name?

If someone creates a Facebook account using your name or a very similar display name to impersonate you, here are some things you can do:

  1. Report the fake account to Facebook – Use the report links on the profile to file an impersonation complaint.
  2. Update your display name – Change your name to your first and last name to better stand out from imitators.
  3. Add distinguishing details – Like your middle initial or maiden name to differentiate yourself.
  4. Warn contacts – Message close friends to let them know someone is impersonating you.
  5. Increase privacy settings – Restrict who can search for and view your profile.
  6. Post an alert – Publish a post explaining the impersonation to alert your network.

Taking these steps can help minimize confusion and prevent false posts or information from fake accounts posing as you.

What legal action can I take against a Facebook display name impersonator?

You may be able to take the following legal actions against someone impersonating you with a similar display name on Facebook:

  • Trademark violation – If you have a trademark on your personal name, impersonation infringes your trademark rights.
  • Defamation – If the impersonator posts damaging lies or misinformation about you, it may constitute defamation under law.
  • Fraud – Seek charges for fraud if they use your identity for financial gain or scams.
  • Harassment – Report harassment and cyberbullying to police if the behavior is egregious.
  • Civil lawsuit – You may be able to file a civil lawsuit and seek injunctive relief plus monetary damages.

Consult with an attorney to discuss the specifics of your situation and options. Legal action depends on the exact circumstances and laws in your jurisdiction.

Should Facebook do more to verify display names?

There are good arguments on both sides of whether Facebook should do more to verify display names:

Arguments for Verifying Display Names

  • Prevent impersonation and fake accounts
  • Reduce scams, misinformation, and abuse
  • Increase accountability for user behavior
  • Improve identity validation across the platform

Arguments Against Verifying Display Names

  • Infringes on user privacy and anonymity
  • Too challenging to implement for billions of users
  • Opens door to potential government overreach
  • Goes against Facebook’s commitment to free expression

There are merits to both perspectives. Facebook must balance valid safety concerns against ideals of privacy and flexibility. Overall, most social media experts believe voluntary verification is better than mandatory real name policies.

How do other social networks handle display names?

Here is a comparison of how other major social networks handle display names for user profiles:

Platform Display Name Rules Real Name Policy? Verification
Facebook 50 character limit Yes, but not enforced None
Twitter 50 character limit No Optional blue badge verification
Instagram 30 character limit Yes, but not enforced None
TikTok 30 character limit No Optional blue badge verification
YouTube 100 character limit No Optional gray checkmark verification

As you can see, policies tend to vary across social platforms regarding real names and identity verification.


In conclusion, it is very easy to change your display name on Facebook within a matter of seconds. The process simply involves updating the Name field in your profile settings.

Display names allow for added personalization and flexibility in crafting your identity. However, they also come with some risks like potential impersonation or confusion for your contacts.

To manage display name changes smoothly, proactively notify contacts, update other social accounts, and take advantage of Facebook tools like Namecheck. Handle impersonators swiftly by reporting, boosting your privacy, and warning followers.

Facebook may consider verifying display names more strictly in the future, but for now they allow users complete autonomy. Changing display names on Facebook provides wonderful creative freedom, if handled responsibly.