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Can I bold text on Facebook Messenger?

Can I bold text on Facebook Messenger?

Yes, it is possible to bold text on Facebook Messenger. Facebook Messenger allows you to format your text in a few different ways, including bold, italics, strikethrough, and monospace.

How to Bold Text on Facebook Messenger

Bolding text on Facebook Messenger is easy to do from both mobile and desktop. Here are the steps:

Bold Text on Mobile

  1. Open the Facebook Messenger app on your iOS or Android device.
  2. Open the conversation where you want to send bold text.
  3. Tap in the text box to bring up the keyboard.
  4. Type your text as usual.
  5. Highlight the text you want to bold by long pressing on it.
  6. Tap the B icon (it looks like two Ts).
  7. The selected text will become bold.
  8. Tap send to send your message with bold text.

Bold Text on Desktop

  1. Go to in your web browser.
  2. Open the conversation where you want to send bold text.
  3. Click in the text box to place your cursor.
  4. Type your text as usual.
  5. Highlight the text you want to bold by clicking and dragging your mouse over it.
  6. Click the B icon (it looks like two Ts).
  7. The selected text will become bold.
  8. Hit enter or click send to send your message with bold text.

And that’s all there is to it! The bold text will display in bold for the recipient on their end as well. This works the same way in both individual and group conversations.

Other Formatting Options

In addition to bolding text, Facebook Messenger provides a few other text formatting options:

  • Italics – To italicize text, highlight it and click the I icon.
  • Strikethrough – To strikethrough text, highlight it and click the S icon.
  • Monospace – To format text in monospace, highlight it and click the {} icon.

You can combine formatting, like bolding and italicizing the same text. This allows you to add visual emphasis and highlights to your messages.

Tips for Using Bold Text

Here are some tips for effectively using bold text in your Facebook Messenger conversations:

  • Use bold sparingly, for key words and phrases you want to stand out.
  • Avoid bolding large blocks of text, which can look messy and be hard to read.
  • Be consistent with formatting within a message.
  • Combine bold with italics or strikethrough to add additional emphasis.
  • Make sure bold text stands out from regular text.
  • Use bolding to highlight important information.
  • Don’t overuse bold, or it will lose its impact.

Troubleshooting Bold Text

If you are having issues getting text to bold properly on Facebook Messenger, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Make sure you have selected the text you want bolded before clicking the B icon.
  • Try re-highlighting and re-selecting the bold option.
  • Make sure your app is up-to-date.
  • Check your internet connection.
  • Try closing the app and restarting it.
  • Make sure you are using the latest version of Messenger.
  • Try bolding text in a different conversation.
  • Restart your mobile device or computer.
  • Report issues to Facebook if bugs persist.

With some troubleshooting, you should be able to resolve most issues with bolding text in Messenger. Reach out to Facebook support if problems continue.

Bold Text vs Other Formatting

When should you use bold text versus other formatting options like italics or strikethrough? Here are some general guidelines:

Formatting Usage
Bold Key words or phrases you want to emphasize and stand out.
Italics Foreign words, book/movie titles, emphasis that is more subtle.
Strikethrough Indicating text that is obsolete, irrelevant, or deleted.
Monospace Text like code, file names, or inputs/outputs that should appear exactly as typed.

So in summary:

  • Use bold for strong emphasis and highlighting important text.
  • Use italics for lighter emphasis or creative work titles.
  • Use strikethrough to cross out text.
  • Use monospace for uniformly spaced text like code.

Bold vs Italics on Facebook Messenger

Since bold and italics are two of the most commonly used formatting options, it can be tricky to decide when to use which. Here are some tips:

  • Use bold when you want text to stand out the most.
  • Use italics for book titles, foreign words, ship names, etc.
  • Bold draws more attention than italics.
  • Don’t bold and italicize the same text.
  • Use bold for key points and takeaways.
  • Use italics for thoughts that need less emphasis.
  • Bold is best for highlighting single words.
  • Italics works for phrases and sentences.

It’s ultimately subjective when to use bold vs italics. Just try to be consistent within a message and use each for different levels of emphasis.

Bold Text Uses

Here are some common and creative ways to use bold text in your Facebook Messenger conversations:

  • Highlight key words or phrases
  • Make important points stand out
  • Emphasize titles, song names, etc.
  • Add visual hierarchy to blocks of text
  • Make quick notes and to-do lists clearer
  • Help summarize long messages
  • Add creativity and style to messaging
  • Mimic real conversational emphasis
  • Improve readability of dense paragraphs
  • Add visual interest to large walls of text

Overall, bold text helps add clarity, organization, and visual emphasis to your Messenger chats. Use it judiciously when you really want part of a message to stand out.

Bold Text Limitations

While using bold text on Facebook Messenger can be useful, there are some limitations to be aware of:

  • Overusing bold reduces its impact and effectiveness.
  • Bold text can sometimes appear harsh or aggressive.
  • Too much bold text becomes difficult to read.
  • Bold doesn’t always sync properly across devices.
  • Excess bolding can seem messy or cluttered.
  • Bolding large chunks of text is not recommended.
  • Some recipients may have vision problems impacting bold text readability.
  • Formatting is lost if copying text outside of Messenger.

To avoid limitations, use bold text minimally and intentionally. Make sure it displays properly for recipients and improves the clarity of your messages.


Bolding text on Facebook Messenger is a simple way to add visual emphasis and highlights to your conversations. By following the steps to bold text on mobile or desktop, you can easily make key words, phrases, and points stand out.

Use bolding judiciously and purposefully when you want something to grab your recipient’s attention. Combine it with italics, strikethrough, and monospace formatting for additional flexibility. Keep bold text clear, consistent, and concise for maximum readability.

With Messenger’s handy text formatting options, you have lots of ways to spice up your chats and make your messages come alive. So be bold when the occasion calls for it – and happy messaging!