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Can I block reels?

Can I block reels?

Reels are short form videos available on Instagram and Facebook. They allow users to create and share 15 to 60 second multi-clip videos on these platforms. Since their launch, reels have become immensely popular, especially among young audiences. However, some users find them annoying and wish to block or limit reels in their feeds. So a common question many Instagram and Facebook users have is – can I block reels and stop seeing them in my feed?

Why do some people want to block reels?

There are a few reasons why some users want to block or limit reels in their Instagram and Facebook feeds:

  • Too many low-quality/irrelevant reels: Many reels are random and have no real purpose. Users find the poor quality or irrelevant reels in their feed annoying.
  • Too distracting and addictive: Critics argue that the short video format of reels can be too distracting and addictive for some users.
  • Too much sponsored/promoted content: Many reels, especially from influencers or brands, are clearly sponsored or promotional in nature. Users wish to avoid this promotional content.
  • Data and battery drain: Loading and auto-playing short videos can use up mobile data and drain battery life quickly.
  • Prefer reading text: Some users prefer reading text and articles over watching videos. They find the video-centric reels interrupt their reading experience.
  • Sensory overload: The quick cuts, transitions and overlays in some reels can feel like sensory overload for certain users.

In short, while reels are engaging and popular with many users, others see them as distracting, data draining and want the option to limit reels in their social media feeds.

Can you block reels on Instagram?

Unfortunately, there is currently no direct way to completely block or disable reels within Instagram. However, there are some steps Instagram users can take to control the amount of reels they see:

  • Unfollow accounts that post too many reels
  • Tap “Not Interested” on reels in your feed
  • Be selective in checking hashtags and explore section
  • Limit watch and browse time in general
  • Mute audio on reels to avoid auto-play
  • Report low-quality/problematic reels

Instagram does have some controls in place to personalize the kind of content you see in your feed and reels tabs. By consistently tapping “Not Interested” on certain reels and being choosey about who you follow, you can reduce the amount of unwanted reels you come across.

However, reels are a core part of Instagram now and avoiding them entirely is not possible currently. Many users request Instagram to add settings to disable reels or limit numbers per day, but such controls have not been provided yet. Unless Instagram introduces these settings, the above workarounds are the only way to partially control reels in your feed.

Can you block reels on Facebook?

Like Instagram, there is no direct way to completely block reels within the Facebook app. Reels are considered a central product feature on Facebook as well. However, Facebook users do have some ways to customize and control the reels they see:

  • Temporarily hide all reels – Tap on the three-dot menu on a reel and choose “Hide all reels for 30 days”. This will hide reels from your Facebook feed for 30 days.
  • Prefer Feeds – Go to Feeds Preferences and choose to see more posts and less reels and videos. You can also filter feeds to show Posts from Friends, Pages or Groups only.
  • Unfollow People & Pages – Unfollow friends and pages that post too many annoying reels.
  • Adjust Reels Preferences – Tap the X icon on any reel to access Reels Preferences. Here you can choose to snooze or see fewer reels from certain sources.
  • Use Feed Filters – Use filters like Most Recent or Pages/Groups Only to see less reels.

As you can see, Facebook does provide more controls compared to Instagram for users to tailor their feed preferences and choose to see fewer reels. However, reels cannot be fully disabled and will continue to show up, especially in Reels and Video tabs.

Best practices to control reels

While blocking reels completely is not possible currently, users can still take some steps to gain more control over the reels they encounter:

  • Follow a limited number of friends/pages whose posts you truly care about
  • Make use of controls like “Not Interested”, Snooze and reporting
  • Temporarily hiding all reels for 30 days can provide a break
  • Adjust feed preferences to focus on the content types you prefer seeing
  • Be mindful and selective when browsing hashtags, explore and reels tabs
  • Mute reels auto-play so you only see them when interested
  • Provide feedback to platforms requesting for better feed controls

While reels are here to stay, being more selective about who you follow and making use of the available controls can help improve your social media experience. Platforms may also expand controls for users to filter reels and customize their feeds further in the future.

Pros of reels for creators

While some users want to minimize reels, they do provide some valuable benefits, especially for creators:

  • Reach wider audiences – Reels can help you expand your audience outside of just your followers.
  • Go viral – Well-made reels have a chance of going viral and attracting huge views.
  • Get on trending pages – Top reels often get featured on trending and discovery pages, bringing more eyes.
  • Monetize content – Top creators can make revenues through in-app monetization features.
  • Develop skills – The short video format helps creators learn to convey engaging stories and emotions quickly.
  • Collaborate – Reels make it easy to collaborate with other creators through duets, stitches etc.
  • Analytics – Detailed analytics help creators refine content strategy.
  • Self-expression – Reels provide a fun new way for creators to express their talents and passions.

For many artists, influencers and creators, reels present a powerful new stage to showcase their work, get discovered by new audiences and potentially earn.

Cons of reels for mental health

However, experts also point out some downsides of reels, especially related to mental health:

  • Short attention spans – Frequent reels viewing can shorten attention spans and reduce focus.
  • Social comparison – Seeing other people’s reels can lead to negative social comparison and feeling inadequate.
  • Fake standards – Heavily edited reels create unrealistic standards about beauty, lifestyle etc.
  • Addictiveness – The quick dopamine hits of swiping through reels can be addictive.
  • Anxiety & depression – For some people, compulsively viewing reels leads to anxiety, depression and poor self-esteem.
  • Sleep issues – Bright screens and stimulating content late at night can negatively impact sleep.
  • Information overload – Too much low-quality information can overwhelm the brain.
  • Reduced creativity – Some experts argue too much passive video consumption reduces individual creativity.

Maintaining digital wellbeing requires being mindful about balancing reels viewing with more meaningful real-life activities. Avoiding extensive browsing before bedtime is also recommended.


Reels are here to stay as a popular new content format on social media. While directly blocking reels is not possible currently, users can take steps to tailor their feeds and consumption patterns. Being selective about accounts you follow, using built-in controls, and being mindful can help minimize low-value reels. But creators can also capitalize on reels to expand reach if the content fits the format well. Overall, maintaining balance is key when it comes to engaging with any social media feature.