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Can I block posts with certain words on Facebook?

Can I block posts with certain words on Facebook?

Yes, Facebook allows you to block posts containing specific words or phrases from appearing in your News Feed. This can be useful for filtering out potentially offensive, inappropriate, or spammy content.

How to block words on Facebook

Blocking words on Facebook is easy to do through the social network’s News Feed Preferences settings:

  1. Go to your Facebook News Feed
  2. Click on the 3 horizontal lines icon in the top right corner to access the menu
  3. Select “News Feed Preferences” from the menu
  4. Scroll down and click on “Hide Posts”

This will open up Facebook’s Post Filtering options. Here you can enter words or phrases you want to block from your News Feed. For example, you might want to block profanity, spam phrases, or the names of exes.

When you enter a word or phrase to block, Facebook will hide posts containing that text. You can enter up to 5,000 characters worth of blocked words and phrases. They will be case insensitive too, so entering “Spam” will block “spam” as well.

Blocking specific people on Facebook

In addition to blocking keywords and phrases, you can also block entire people from appearing in your News Feed on Facebook.

To block a specific person:

  1. Go to their Facebook profile page
  2. Click on the 3 dots icon in the top right corner
  3. Select “Block” from the dropdown menu

This will block that person’s posts, comments, reactions, and tagging abilities from your News Feed. You won’t see anything they post, and they won’t be able to interact with your profile or content either.

Blocking is reciprocal, so they will also be blocked from seeing your activity and posts on Facebook as well once you block them.

Limits to blocking on Facebook

While blocking words, phrases, and people on Facebook can be useful, there are some limitations:

  • You can only block up to 5,000 characters worth of text
  • Blocking is limited to your own News Feed – it doesn’t block content site-wide
  • Content in groups may still show blocked words if posted by others
  • Blocking people only prevents them interacting with you, not others

So while blocking gives you more control over your own News Feed experience, it doesn’t completely eliminate content from Facebook overall. People you’ve blocked can still post whatever they want and interact with others normally.

Using keyword blocking effectively

To use Facebook’s post blocking most effectively, here are some tips:

  • Prioritize blocking offensive, abusive, or extremely spammy phrases first
  • Be as specific as possible – blocking broad terms may hide lots of irrelevant content
  • You can block individual letters or phrases like “xyz” to catch spam
  • Consider misspellings like “free giftssss” to block sneaky spam
  • Revisit your blocked words occasionally to remove ones that are too broad

With some strategic blocking of offensive, spammy, or irrelevant keywords, you can tailor Facebook’s algorithms to show you more of the content you want to see in your News Feed.

Using the block user function judiciously

When blocking other users on Facebook, do so carefully and judiciously. Some tips include:

  • Only block users who are consistently offensive or harassing towards you
  • Consider unfollowing rather than fully blocking users you simply don’t want to interact with anymore
  • Remember that blocking is usually permanent – avoid impulse blocking someone during arguments
  • Be thoughtful about blocking family members or old friends, as that sends a strong message

Blocking can be useful for dealing with trolls, spammers, and repeat harassers. But for acquaintances posting annoying content, unfollowing may be a better solution than fully blocking them from all interactions.


Facebook’s post and user blocking features allow you to curate your News Feed experience, filtering out unwanted content and interactions. By judiciously blocking offensive words, spam phrases, and harassing users, you can tailor Facebook to show more of what you want to see.

But keep in mind blocking’s limitations – it only applies to your feed, not site-wide, and blocks between individuals, not towards groups. Use blocking thoughtfully, not impulsefully against benign acquaintances. With smart use of blocking and unfollowing, you can take control of your Facebook experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I block someone on Facebook without them knowing?

No, when you block someone on Facebook they are notified that you have blocked them. There is no way to hide the fact that you’ve blocked someone from seeing your profile and posts.

What happens when you block someone on Facebook?

When you block someone on Facebook, here are the key effects:

  • Their posts and activity will no longer show up in your News Feed
  • They won’t be able to view or interact with your posts and profile
  • They won’t be able to start conversations with you on Messenger
  • Any existing Messenger conversations become disconnected
  • You become invisible to each other on Facebook

Essentially, blocking prevents either party from interacting with or viewing the other’s content and profile.

Can a blocked person still tag you on Facebook?

No, when someone is blocked on Facebook they can no longer tag you in posts, comments, photos or other content. Any existing tags from that person will also be removed from your profile once you block them.

What words and phrases can I block on Facebook?

You can block any words, phrases, names, letters or characters on Facebook – up to 5,000 characters. Some common examples include:

  • Profanity and slurs
  • Spam or scam phrases
  • Exes’ names
  • Brand names you’re not interested in
  • Broad terms like “news” or “politics” if overwhelming
  • Single letters like “x” or “q” to block spam

Be strategic with your phrase blocking, as broad terms may limit relevant content. Prioritize blocking offensive, harassing, or scammy phrases.

What are the limits to blocking posts on Facebook?

Post blocking on Facebook has these key limitations:

  • Only blocks posts in your News Feed, not Facebook-wide
  • Limited to blocking 5,000 characters of text
  • Doesn’t apply in Facebook Groups if others use blocked words
  • Blocked content could still show up in search results or notifications

So while blocking gives you more control over your News Feed, it doesn’t remove content completely from Facebook as a whole.

Summary Tables

Blocking Method Effects
Blocked words/phrases
  • Hides posts in your News Feed containing those words
  • Up to 5,000 characters can be blocked
  • Case insensitive blocking
Blocked users
  • User’s posts and comments hidden from your News Feed
  • Prevents them interacting with your profile and posts
  • Stops messaging between you on Facebook/Messenger
Limitations to Blocking Details
Doesn’t apply site-wide Only affects your personal News Feed view
Limited word allowance Can only block up to 5,000 characters
Groups not affected Blocked words can still appear in Groups if posted by others
Search results unchanged Blocked people/content may still show up in searches


Facebook’s post and user blocking features allow you to filter your News Feed experience, tailoring the content and interactions you see. Carefully blocking offensive, harassing, or spammy phrases and users can improve your time on Facebook.

However, keep in mind blocking’s limits – it only applies to your own feed rather than being site-wide. Use blocking thoughtfully and judiciously, not impulsively against benign acquaintances. With strategic blocking and curation of your feed preferences, you can take control of your Facebook experience.