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Can I block Facebook website on my phone?

Can I block Facebook website on my phone?

Quick Answer

Yes, you can block the Facebook website on your phone. There are a few different ways to do this depending on your phone type and settings. The easiest ways are to delete the Facebook app, restrict in-app browsing on the Facebook app, block Facebook through parental control settings, or use your phone’s built-in app blocking features. You can also block Facebook at the router level if you want to block it across all devices on your WiFi network.

Deleting the Facebook App

One of the simplest ways to block Facebook on your phone is to delete the Facebook app. Here’s how:

  • Go to your apps page and find the Facebook app.
  • Tap and hold the Facebook app icon.
  • Tap uninstall or delete when the option appears.

Without the app installed, you won’t be able to access Facebook from your phone unless you use the mobile site in your phone’s web browser. This prevents you from mindlessly scrolling through your feed but doesn’t completely block access.

Restricting In-App Web Browsing

If you don’t want to fully delete the Facebook app, you can restrict in-app web browsing:

  • Go to your phone’s Settings app.
  • Find the entry for the Facebook app.
  • Toggle off the setting that allows in-app browsing.

This will prevent the Facebook app from opening webpages and will limit you to only the core in-app features.

Using Parental Controls

Many smartphones have parental control settings that let you restrict access and block websites. Here’s how to set this up:

  • Go to your Settings app and find Screen Time, Digital Wellbeing, or Parental Controls.
  • Tap the option to turn restrictions on.
  • Create a passcode to prevent changing the settings.
  • Find the Facebook website and app and block access.

With parental controls, you can input your passcode to temporarily access Facebook if needed. But it adds an extra step to help curb mindless browsing.

Using App Blockers

There are various third-party app blocking apps you can download. These let you set time limits for apps, block specific apps, block entire categories of apps, and more. Some examples include:

  • Freedom
  • StayFocusd
  • AppBlock
  • BlockSite

To block Facebook, install one of these apps and add Facebook to the blocked list. Some may require a paid subscription for full functionality.

Router-Level Blocking

If you want to block Facebook across all devices on your home WiFi network, you can block it at the router level:

  • Log into your router admin page ( or typically).
  • Find the parental controls or content filtering settings.
  • Add to the website blocking list.
  • Save your settings.

Once blocked on your router, Facebook will be inaccessible on your home WiFi. You could still access it with mobile data. This method works best for blocking access across many devices and users simultaneously.

How to Unblock Facebook If Blocked

If you change your mind and want to unblock Facebook, just reverse the steps you took:

  • If you deleted the app, reinstall it.
  • Remove Facebook from any blocked apps list.
  • Turn off restrictions in parental control settings.
  • Disable website blocking on your router.

It should be easy to regain access to Facebook by removing the block. Just be aware that this opens you back up to mindless browsing habits.

The Benefits of Blocking Facebook

Here are some of the benefits you can enjoy by blocking Facebook on your phone:

  • Less distracted driving since you won’t have access in the car.
  • More productivity and focus when you need to concentrate.
  • Less wasted time mindlessly scrolling.
  • More control over phone usage.
  • Encourages using Facebook intentionally on a computer rather than aimlessly on your phone.

While blocking Facebook entirely may be extreme for some, even small barriers can go a long way in helping improve phone habits.


Blocking the Facebook website and app on your phone is definitely possible through a variety of methods. The easiest options are deleting the Facebook app, using built-in parental controls, installing a third-party blocking app, or restricting access at the router level. Blocking Facebook can help reduce distractions and wasted time spent scrolling aimlessly. Just make sure you can still access it when intentionally browsing on a computer. With the right approach, you can block Facebook as needed on your phone.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I block Facebook on my iPhone?

Yes, you can block Facebook on iPhones. Go to Settings > Screen Time > Content & Privacy Restrictions. From there you can block apps, websites, and content. Add Facebook to the list of blocked sites.

Can I block Facebook on my Android phone?

Yes, Facebook can be blocked on Android phones too. Open Digital Wellbeing or Parental Controls and add Facebook to the list of blocked apps or sites. You can also use a third-party blocking app or restrict at the router level.

Is blocking Facebook illegal?

No, blocking access to Facebook on your own personal devices is generally not illegal. You have the right to choose how to use your own phone and internet connection. Blocking the site for other users without permission could potentially get you in trouble.

Can I block Facebook Messenger too?

Yes, you can block Facebook Messenger using the same techniques for blocking the main Facebook app. Delete Messenger, add it to blocked apps, restrict it with parental controls, or block at the router level. This will limit access to messaging.

What’s the best free app for blocking sites like Facebook?

Some of the best free apps for blocking Facebook and other distracting sites include Freedom, AppBlock, StayFocusd, and BlockSite. They let you quickly block sites and apps to avoid distractions. Freedom even lets you block apps across all devices.

Other Ways to Limit Facebook Usage

In addition to outright blocking Facebook, here are some other tips for limiting your Facebook usage:

  • Delete the app from your home screen and only access it through the app drawer.
  • Turn off notifications so you aren’t constantly alerted.
  • Set time limits for daily or weekly use.
  • Use focus apps like Forest that prevent access during work or study periods.
  • Log out of Facebook so you have to log back in to access it.
  • Rearrange your home screen so Facebook isn’t on the first page.
  • Replace mindless scrolling with more meaningful activities.

Combining several tactics can help you form new habits and stop overusing Facebook. Blocking should be used judiciously but can be an effective tool as part of an overall strategy. At the end of the day, it comes down to being more intentional about when, where, and how often you access Facebook.