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Can I block an entire Facebook group?

Can I block an entire Facebook group?

Facebook groups can be a great way to connect with people who share your interests and hobbies. However, you may occasionally come across a Facebook group that you don’t want to be a part of anymore. In that case, you may want to block the entire group from appearing in your newsfeed or notifications. Here’s what you need to know about blocking Facebook groups.

Can I block an entire Facebook group from my newsfeed?

Yes, you can block an entire Facebook group from appearing in your newsfeed. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the group’s page
  2. In the upper right hand corner, click on the 3 dots to access the drop-down menu
  3. Select “Hide Group from News Feed”

This will prevent posts from the group from appearing in your newsfeed. You can still access the group if you deliberately go to the page, but you won’t see updates without seeking it out directly.

Can I block a group from sending me notifications?

You can also block a Facebook group from sending you notifications when new posts are shared. Here’s how to do that:

  1. Go to the group’s page
  2. Click on the Members button at the top
  3. Find your name in the list of members and hover over it
  4. Click on the carrot icon that appears
  5. Select “Unfollow this group” from the dropdown menu

This stops notifications from the group, but still allows you to access it if you go directly to the page.

What happens when I block or unfollow a Facebook group?

When you block or unfollow a Facebook group:

  • You stop seeing updates from that group in your newsfeed
  • You stop getting notifications from that group
  • The group is not notified or alerted that you blocked them
  • You can still access the group by going directly to the page
  • You can reverse the settings at any time to follow the group again

Blocking or unfollowing does not remove you as a member or alert the administrators. It simply mutes the updates for you personally.

How to Completely Leave a Facebook Group

If you want to fully remove yourself from a Facebook group, blocking it is not enough. You need to leave the group completely. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the group page
  2. Click on Members at the top
  3. Find your name and hover over it
  4. Click the X icon that appears next to your name
  5. Confirm you want to leave the group when prompted

Once you voluntarily leave a group, you will no longer be a member. You will not see any posts from that community and you cannot access the group anymore unless you join again.

The administrators will also be notified that you left the group. Leaving is permanent – you can only rejoin if an admin approves your request to join again.

What happens when I leave a Facebook group?

When you fully leave a Facebook group:

  • You are removed as a member
  • You no longer see any posts from the group in your feed
  • You stop getting notifications from the group
  • You cannot access any of the group’s content
  • The group’s administrators are notified you left
  • You have to request to rejoin if you want to follow it again

Basically, you sever all ties with the group unless you take steps to join again in the future.

Should I block or leave a group?

Knowing the differences between blocking and leaving a Facebook group can help you decide which option is right for your situation:

Blocking a group Leaving a group
Stops posts and notifications Removes you as a member completely
Reversible Permanent unless you rejoin
Doesn’t notify administrators Notifies administrators
Allows access if you go to the page Removes access to the page

In most cases, simply blocking a group is sufficient if you just want to mute the content. Leaving completely makes more sense if you no longer want any association with that community.

Reasons to block instead of leaving a group

Consider blocking instead of leaving if:

  • You want a temporary break from the group
  • You might be interested in following it again later
  • You don’t want to upset the administrator by leaving
  • You find some of the content interesting still

Blocking allows you to easily resume following the group if you change your mind.

Reasons to leave instead of blocking a group

Consider fully leaving instead of just blocking if:

  • The group shares offensive or upsetting content
  • You have philosophical differences with the group
  • Interactions with members make you uncomfortable
  • The administrator does not make any effort to manage disputes
  • You have no interest in ever reading updates from them again

Leaving is the only way to fully remove the association with groups you fundamentally disagree with.

How Admins Can Block or Ban Members

Just as you can leave or hide groups as a user, administrators also have options to block or restrict members. Here is an overview:

Blocking a member

Admins can block individual members, which:

  • Removes ability for blocked member to post or comment
  • Hides the group from blocked member’s newsfeed
  • Allows admin to later unblock the member

Blocking is useful for temporarily restricting someone violating rules.

Banning a member

Admins can ban members, which:

  • Fully removes access to the group
  • Prevents them from ever joining again without admin approval
  • Deletes all of their past posts and comments
  • Cannot be undone by the banned member

Banning is permanent and limits abusive members from returning.

Removing a member

Admins can also remove a member which:

  • Takes away membership immediately
  • Allows the member to request to join again
  • Leaves posts and comments intact
  • Does not block the group’s content right away

Removing is more temporary than banning but still eliminates access.

Appealing Blocks or Bans from Facebook Groups

If you have been blocked or banned from a Facebook group, you do have some options to appeal the administrators’ decision:

If you were banned

To appeal a ban:

  • Contact the admin directly to request lifting the ban
  • Explain why you should be allowed back in
  • Promise to follow rules going forward
  • If no response, wait and try contacting again later

Since bans restrict you from messaging the group, you will need to message the admin separately.

If you were just removed

To rejoin after being removed:

  • Go to the group page and click Join Group
  • Send a direct message to the admin from your profile
  • Be sure to read the rules carefully before participating
  • Avoid the behavior that got you removed originally

You may be automatically allowed back in right away or the admin may need to approve your request.

If you are blocked

To get unblocked:

  • Search for the group admin’s individual profile
  • Send them a message asking to get unblocked
  • Assure them you will follow community rules moving forward
  • Wait patiently as they may not respond immediately

With a block, you can’t contact the admin through the group directly given your access is limited.


Facebook groups can provide useful connections and information. But occasionally you may want to mute, leave or block a problematic group completely. Knowing how to restrict your access through feeds, notifications and membership can help curate your ideal social media experience. And if you are ever on the receiving end of blocks or bans, being polite and patient with administrators as you appeal the decision is wise. With so many groups to choose from, you can move on if needed and find more positive communities to engage with.