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Can I advertise Vapes on Facebook?

Can I advertise Vapes on Facebook?

Facebook has strict policies when it comes to advertising vaping products and services on their platform. In short, all advertisements that promote the sale or use of electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), including e-cigarettes, e-liquids, vape pens and other vaping devices, are prohibited across Facebook and Instagram.

Facebook’s Policy on Vape Advertising

Here are the key points regarding Facebook’s policy on advertising vapes and other ENDS:

  • Ads must not promote the sale or use of ENDS, including e-cigarettes, e-liquids, vaping devices and accessories.
  • Ads may not depict the consumption of tobacco products or ENDS.
  • Ads may not promote branded or unbranded ENDS devices and accessories, even if not for sale.
  • Ads may not promote goods containing tobacco or nicotine, except for FDA-approved nicotine replacement therapy products.
  • Ads may not promote electronic or non-electronic vaping devices and accessories by depicting “mod” building or the customization of these devices.

In summary, any content that promotes vaping and ENDS products in any way is prohibited by Facebook’s advertising policies. This includes both direct product promotion as well as content that may appear to promote vaping culture and behaviors.

Why Facebook Prohibits Vape Advertising

Facebook enacted its policy prohibiting ads for vaping products in 2018. There are a few key reasons behind this decision:

  • Concerns over youth vaping – There is evidence that e-cigarette marketing has contributed to the rise in vaping among teens. Facebook likely sought to prevent its platform from further promoting youth vaping.
  • Regulatory pressures – The FDA and lawmakers have been increasingly scrutinizing the marketing and sales of ENDS to youth. Facebook preemptively banned vape ads to avoid potential future legal issues.
  • Public relations – Banning vape ads allows Facebook to present itself as a socially responsible company looking out for public health interests.

By prohibiting all advertisements for vapes, e-liquids and related products, Facebook has taken a very strict stance aligned with regulators’ concerns around youth vaping prevention. This policy eliminates any gray areas about what types of ENDS content is permitted on its advertising platform.

What Happens if You Violate the Policy

If you attempt to run vape advertisements on Facebook in violation of its policies, here are some potential consequences:

  • Rejection of the ads during the review process. All Facebook ads are manually reviewed before going live, during which prohibited products will be rejected.
  • Removal of the ads after posting. If any ads do make it through the review, Facebook regularly scans ads on its platform and will take down any prohibited content.
  • Disabled ad account. Repeated violations may cause Facebook to ban your ad account, page or entire business account.
  • Decreased reach and impressions. Facebook may limit the reach and visibility of your other content if you post prohibited ads.

In most cases, Facebook will simply reject or remove the problematic ads. However, consistent violations could lead to irreversible consequences like losing your account-level access to advertising.

What Kinds of Vape Content is Allowed

While Facebook does not permit any ads that promote vape products directly, there are some instances where vape-related content is allowed:

  • Organic posts that mention vaping may be permitted, but cannot directly encourage vape usage and sales.
  • Sharing news articles about vaping and ENDS may be allowed, but cannot promote products.
  • Ads for smoking cessation services and addiction treatment programs related to vaping.
  • Advocacy ads focused on vaping regulations, but not promoting specific brands/products.
  • Ads for non-ENDS products from companies that also sell ENDS, as long as the ads are not vape-related.

Essentially, Facebook’s policy targets direct ads selling or promoting ENDS, but does not prohibit all references to vaping. However, the line between informative content and promotional content can be hazy.

Other Platforms’ Stances on Vape Advertising

Facebook is not alone in banning ENDS advertising on its platform. Here is a brief overview of how other major internet platforms handle vape promotions:

Platform Vape Advertising Policy
Google Bans ads for ENDS products, components and accessories globally
YouTube (Owned by Google) Prohibits ads for vaping products or implying vaping makes users more socially accepted, attractive or popular
Snapchat Bans ads for vaping products and accessories, as well as implying vaping contributes to social, sexual, academic or athletic success
Twitter Prohibits ads for ENDS products, accessories or branded merchandise globally
TikTok Bans ads promoting vaping products or depicting minors vaping
Amazon Prohibits listings for ENDS products without an accompanying FDA marketing order

Major digital ad sellers like Google, YouTube, Snapchat and Twitter all enacted similar blanket bans on ENDS promotions in recent years. And platforms popular with younger audiences, like TikTok, have also prohibited content that makes vaping appealing. The consensus across the tech industry is to restrict vape advertising access, even if limited ENDS information can still be posted organically by users.


Facebook unequivocally prohibits any advertisements that promote vaping products, including e-cigarettes, vape mods, e-liquids and related accessories. This comprehensive ban covers both direct sales ads as well as content that may appear to glamorize or encourage vaping more broadly. Attempting to run vape ads could result in rejection, removal or even account-level bans by Facebook. Other major digital platforms have all enacted similar restrictions on ENDS advertising access due to regulatory pressures and youth vaping concerns. While limited organic vape-related posts may still be permitted, any business whose revenue depends on vaping cannot rely on paid advertising through Facebook or other major ad networks at this time.