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Can I add text to my cover photo on Facebook?

Can I add text to my cover photo on Facebook?

Yes, it is possible to add text to your Facebook cover photo. Facebook allows you to customize your cover photo with text, which can be a great way to showcase information, quotes, or messages to your friends and followers.

What is a Facebook cover photo?

A Facebook cover photo is the large banner image that appears at the top of your Facebook profile. It serves as the background image for your profile and helps express your personality or interests. The default size for a Facebook cover photo is 820 pixels wide by 312 pixels tall.

Your cover photo is public and visible to anyone who visits your profile. It’s one of the first things people will see on your profile, so it’s a good opportunity to make an impression.

Adding text to your Facebook cover photo

To add text to your Facebook cover photo:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile
  2. Click “Update Cover Photo” at the bottom left of your cover photo
  3. Choose a new cover photo or reselect your existing cover photo
  4. Click “Add Text” from the bottom left menu
  5. Type in the text you want to add in the “Add Text” box
  6. Customize the look of your text by changing the font, size, color, background, and alignment
  7. Drag the text box anywhere on your cover photo
  8. Click “Save Changes” when you are done

The text will now appear layered on top of your cover photo. You can go back and edit or delete the text anytime.

Tips for adding text to your cover photo

Here are some tips for getting the most out of custom text on your Facebook cover photo:

  • Keep the text short and simple. A few short phrases or key words make the biggest impact.
  • Make sure the text is easy to read. Use a large, bold font in a high contrast color.
  • Place the text in an area of the photo that is not too cluttered. You want the background to make the text stand out.
  • Use the text to complement your photo. Match the style and theme.
  • Consider your audience and what you want to say with your cover photo text.
  • Change up your cover text periodically to keep your profile fresh.
  • Proofread for typos before publishing your cover photo.
  • Make sure the important parts of your photo are still visible.

What you can do with cover photo text

Adding text opens up lots of creative possibilities for personalizing your Facebook cover photo. Here are some ideas:

  • Highlight an inspirational quote or meaningful words
  • Show off your name, nickname, or initials
  • Give a shoutout to your school, sports team, or hometown
  • Share lyrics from your favorite song
  • Promote a business, brand, or product
  • Raise awareness for a cause or social issue
  • Commemorate special events, vacations, memories
  • Add emoji, shapes, or other graphic elements

Examples of cover photos with text

Here are some examples of how people are using text creatively on their Facebook cover photos:

  • A photo of a beach sunset with “Life’s a Beach” in fun, summery font
  • A photo from a recent trip to Paris with “I Love Paris” in curly pink lettering
  • A nature scene with “Adventure is Out There” in bold white text
  • A photo of books with the Mark Twain quote “The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read”
  • A photo of a coffee shop with “Joe’s Coffee Shop” to promote a business
  • A solid color background with “Class of 2021” to celebrate a graduation

Cover photo text limitations

There are a few limitations to be aware of when adding text to your Facebook cover photo:

  • You can only add one text box per cover photo
  • The text box can take up a maximum of 20% of the total photo area
  • The text box must be placed at least 20% down from the top of the photo and 20% up from the bottom
  • Cover photos are public, so any text you add will be visible to all Facebook users

Make sure any text you add meets Facebook’s Community Standards. Avoid text that is harassing, offensive or violating of someone’s privacy rights.

Troubleshooting cover photo text

If you are having trouble adding text to your Facebook cover photo, try the following:

  • Make sure you have selected a cover photo first before adding text. You can’t add text over the default blue Facebook background.
  • Double check that your cover photo meets the minimum size requirements of 820 x 312 pixels.
  • Try adjusting the text box size, position, or font size if the “Add Text” option is grayed out.
  • Simplify or shorten your text if it seems cut off or won’t display properly.
  • Crop or reselect your cover photo to find a less cluttered background for the text.
  • Make sure your internet connection is stable, then refresh the page.
  • Clear your browser cache and cookies, then try adding text again.

If all else fails, delete your existing cover photo and upload a new one to start fresh.

Removing cover photo text

To remove text you have added to your Facebook cover photo:

  1. Go to your profile and click “Update Cover Photo”
  2. Click the three dots icon in the upper right corner of the text box
  3. Select “Delete”
  4. Confirm that you want to delete the text
  5. Click “Save Changes”

This will delete the text box while retaining your existing cover photo.


Adding custom text is an easy way to personalize your Facebook profile and make your cover photo pop. Get creative with fonts, colors, and placement to complement your photo. Just keep in mind the size and content limitations. Change up your cover text periodically to keep your profile looking fresh.

With the ability to add text to your cover photo, you have endless possibilities for showcasing your personality or sharing inspirational messages. So give it a try next time you update your Facebook cover photo!

Cover Photo Text Ideas Example Usage
Quotes or Sayings “Follow your dreams” on a motivational background
Promoting a Business “Bob’s Burgers” to promote a restaurant
Event Info “Happy Birthday Jane!” on a party photo
Vacation Memories “Costa Rica 2022” with a beach photo
School Pride “Go Tigers!” overlaying school colors
Social Causes “Stand with Ukraine” in solidarity

This table provides examples of the many ways custom text can be used creatively on a Facebook cover photo.

Quotes or Sayings

Facebook cover text is a great way to share an inspirational quote or saying with your friends and followers. Choose something short but impactful and display it in a stylized font over a matching background photo. This allows you to change up your profile theme while spreading some motivation.

For example, the quote “She believed she could so she did” in a flowing script font over a photo of a beach sunset. Or the saying “You only live once” in bold lettering with a backdrop of a city skyline.

Promoting a Business

If you have a business or brand, you can use your Facebook cover text to get the word out. Simply add your business name, logo, or promotional text over a photo relevant to what you do.

For instance, “Bob’s Burgers” in a fun font with flames or burgers in the background. Or “Annie’s Art Studio” in artsy lettering over an arts and crafts related image. Just make sure to follow Facebook’s policies around promoting businesses.

Event Info

Let your friends know about an upcoming event by adding key details to your cover text. This could include a birthday, party, concert, conference, graduation, reunion, or any other event.

Some examples are “Jane’s Sweet 16!” in bubbly font and colors to celebrate a birthday. Or “Class of 2022 Reunion” in school spirit colors and imagery to promote an event. Your cover text can generate excitement leading up to the big day.

Vacation Memories

After an awesome trip, keep the vacation vibes going by using your cover text to reminisce. Add the location and year “Costa Rica 2022” in tropical inspired fonts over a photo from your travels.

You can change it up as you go on new adventures. “Paris 2023” with the Eiffel Tower, “Coachella 2024” with music festival shots, and more. It’s a fun way to decorate your profile with memories.

School Pride

Show your school spirit by adding custom text with your school name, mascot or colors. For a college student, “Go Badgers!” in red and white with images of a badger mascot. Or for high schoolers, “Frederick High 2025” in the school’s colors over a photo of classmates.

Use it to get pumped up for big games, represent on campus, or just reminisce about your school days when feeling nostalgic.

Social Causes

Stand in solidarity or raise awareness for social causes with customized text on your cover photo. For example, “Stand with Ukraine” in blue and yellow with a relevant image. Or “Save the Rainforests” in green font with environmental imagery.

Make sure your visuals and text align with the tone of the cause. Your Facebook cover can be a conversation starter on important global issues.

As you can see, the possibilities are endless for making your Facebook cover photo pop with personalized text. Get creative with different looks for various occasions – the options are only limited by your imagination! Change up your cover text periodically to keep things fresh and give your friends something new to “like.”

Your cover image is valuable online real estate, so take advantage of the ability to add text and make it work for you. Whether it’s for fun, memories, inspiration or promotion, text can take your Facebook cover photo to the next level.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use special characters or emojis in my cover photo text?

Yes, Facebook allows the use of Unicode characters and emojis within the cover photo text. Emojis and special characters can help your text stand out. Just keep in mind that some emojis or symbols may be displayed differently depending on the device or platform used to view them.

Is there a character limit for cover photo text?

Facebook does not enforce a hard character limit on the amount of text you can add to a cover photo. However, longer text may get cut off due to the limited text box size. In general, aim for text that’s around 60-100 characters to ensure it remains readable.

Can I change the font style of my cover text?

Yes, you have several font style options when customizing your cover text. This includes classic/printed fonts like Times New Roman or whimsical script fonts. Adjust the font style along with size, color and alignment to suit your photo.

How do I make my cover text stand out?

Using high contrast colors, bold fonts, drop shadows, outlines, or all-caps can help make your cover text stand out. Place the text over a less busy area of the photo. You can also give the text box a colored background to help it pop.

Does cover text work for business Pages too?

Yes, adding text to the cover photo is available both for personal profiles and business Pages on Facebook. Use cover text to promote your business name, products, upcoming sales, or other marketing messages.

Can I add clickable links in my cover text?

Unfortunately Facebook does not allow adding hyperlinks or clickable URLs within the cover photo text box. However, you can include a URL or call-to-action that encourages viewers to visit the hyperlinked websites in your actual Facebook bio or posts.


  • Facebook allows users to customize cover photos with text
  • Keeping cover text short, readable and relevant ensures maximum impact
  • Get creative with fonts, colors, placement to make text stand out
  • Refresh your cover text regularly to keep your profile looking updated
  • Text can promote your brand, highlight inspirational quotes, commemorate events and more