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Can I add multiple Facebook accounts to Instagram?

Can I add multiple Facebook accounts to Instagram?

Instagram allows users to link their Instagram accounts to Facebook in order to find friends, share photos to both platforms, and more. However, one common question that arises is whether you can link multiple Facebook accounts to a single Instagram account.

The Short Answer

Unfortunately, Instagram only allows you to link one Facebook account per Instagram account. There is no option to merge or add multiple Facebook accounts to one Instagram account.

Why You Can Only Link One Facebook Account

Instagram limits linking to one Facebook account for a few key reasons:

  • User identity – Linking accounts verifies the identity of the Instagram account owner. Allowing multiple Facebook accounts would compromise this.
  • Preventing abuse – Restricting to one Facebook account per Instagram prevents bad actors from artificially inflating followers, likes, etc. by linking multiple fake accounts.
  • Simplicity – Supporting multiple linked accounts adds complexity for users and the platform. A single link is simpler.

The one-to-one link between Facebook and Instagram accounts creates a straightforward, easy-to-understand connection between the two platforms for most users. While some users may want more flexibility, the single account link prevents potential abuse and moderation challenges.

Workarounds to Link Multiple Facebook Accounts

While Instagram does not support direct links between one account and multiple Facebook accounts, there are some workarounds users employ to connect their profiles:

Use Facebook Groups or Pages

Facebook offers both Groups and Pages in addition to personal profiles. Users can create and manage these in addition to their main personal profile. If you want to link a second Facebook presence to Instagram, creating a Group or Page allows you to link it while keeping your main profile connected.

Pages are public and used by businesses, organizations, brands, public figures, and others to have a professional presence on Facebook. Groups are more commonly used for sharing between small groups of people around a common interest or activity.

Use a Secondary Instagram Account

Another option is to create a secondary Instagram account and link that to your second Facebook account. This allows you to maintain separate presences on Instagram tied to different Facebook profiles.

The downside is it can become difficult to manage multiple Instagram accounts simultaneously. However, this does allow you to link multiple Facebook profiles across different Instagram accounts.

Switch Primary Linked Account

You can only link one Facebook account at a time to Instagram, but you can switch which account is linked as your primary. So you could link Account A, then later unlink it and link Account B instead.

The process to do this is:

  1. On Instagram, go to your profile and tap the menu (three horizontal lines) in the top-right corner
  2. Select “Settings”
  3. Tap “Account”
  4. Tap “Linked Accounts”
  5. Tap “Facebook”
  6. Tap “Unlink Account”
  7. Repeat the steps above to link your other Facebook account

While doable, this can get tedious to switch back and forth repeatedly. And you still can only have one active link at a time.

Why Linking Facebook and Instagram Matters

Linking your Facebook and Instagram accounts together provides some major benefits:

Find Friends & Followers

When you link accounts, you can easily find Facebook friends who also have Instagram accounts and follow each other. This helps you quickly build an audience on Instagram.

Share Content

Linking allows easy cross-posting of posts/photos between Facebook and Instagram in both directions.

Unified Identity

Your accounts on each platform clearly connect to each other, strengthening your personal brand identity across social channels.

Access Data & Insights

Facebook owns Instagram, so linking provides Facebook access to valuable Instagram data and analytics to improve your experience and engagement.

Tips for Linking Facebook and Instagram

If you only have one Facebook account, linking it to your Instagram is generally recommended to take advantage of the benefits above. Here are some tips:

Use Matching Profile Names

Keep your profile name consistent across both platforms so your accounts are clearly identifiable as the same person.

Enhance Cross-Promotion

Post your Instagram profile link or highlights in your Facebook bio to drive your Facebook friends to follow you on Instagram.

Cross-Post Valuable Content

Don’t automatically re-post everything. Instead, share your best content optimized for each platform.

Make Following Easy

Use Instagram’s link in profile option to add an Instagram follow button on your Facebook page that makes it simple for people to find and follow you.

Instagram Account Linking Restrictions

In addition to only allowing one Facebook account link per Instagram, there are a few other restrictions to be aware of:

No Facebook Page Links

Only Facebook personal profiles can be linked, pages cannot be connected to Instagram accounts.

Business Accounts Only

Facebook linking is only available for Instagram business accounts, not personal accounts.

No Instagram Links to Facebook Pages

Similarly, Instagram does not allow users to link out to Facebook pages, only personal Facebook profiles.

Facebook Account Linking Options

On the Facebook side, you have a few options for linking accounts beyond just your primary personal profile:

Facebook Groups

As mentioned above, you can link Groups you manage or own to an Instagram account.

Facebook Pages

Pages can be linked to another Facebook account, allowing admins to manage a Page via their personal profile.


If you use Oculus VR headsets, you can link your device to your Facebook account and Instagram.


Linking your Facebook Messenger account allows cross-communication between Messenger and Instagram Direct messages.

How to Link Facebook and Instagram Accounts

If you only have one Facebook account you use personally, linking it to Instagram is a simple process:

  1. Open the Instagram app and go to your profile
  2. Tap the menu icon (three horizontal lines) in the top-right and go to Settings
  3. Select “Accounts”
  4. Tap “Linked Accounts”
  5. Tap “Facebook”
  6. Log into your Facebook account
  7. Select which Facebook profile you want to link if prompted
  8. Tap “Link Account”

Once completed, your Facebook profile will be connected with your Instagram account for all the benefits outlined above.


Here are the key points about linking multiple Facebook accounts with Instagram:

  • Only one Facebook account can be linked per Instagram account
  • Linking provides benefits like unified identity, content sharing, and insights
  • Workarounds exist using Facebook Groups/Pages or multiple Instagram accounts
  • Linking is only available for Instagram business accounts
  • The process to link accounts is quick and easy in the app settings

While having multiple Facebook accounts on Instagram is not possible, the single link option provides powerful connectivity in a simple package. Focus on maximizing value from the one linked account rather than trying to connect multiples.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I link multiple Facebook accounts to one Instagram account?

No, Instagram only allows linking one Facebook account per Instagram account. You cannot merge or connect multiple Facebook accounts to a single Instagram profile.

Can I link my Facebook Page to Instagram?

No, only personal Facebook profiles can be linked to Instagram accounts – Facebook Pages cannot be connected.

How do I switch my connected Facebook account?

You can unlink your current Facebook account in your Instagram settings, then link your other Facebook profile. But you can still only link one account at a time.

What are the benefits of linking Facebook and Instagram?

Linking your Facebook and Instagram provides benefits like finding friends, unified identity across accounts, easy content sharing, growth opportunities, and data/insight access.

Can I have multiple Instagram accounts?

Yes, you can create and manage multiple Instagram accounts. So you could link different Facebook accounts to different Instagram accounts.

Is linking required to use Instagram?

No, linking Facebook is optional. But it does provide helpful connectivity that many Instagram users utilize.

What data does Facebook get when I link accounts?

Linking allows Facebook to receive data and analytics about your Instagram account use and content to improve their products and ads targeting.


Linking your Facebook and Instagram accounts provides a valuable unified social media presence with many benefits. While you can only connect one Facebook profile to each Instagram account, focusing on maximizing that singular link is better than trying to link multiples. Use cross-posting, unified identities, and data insights to grow your reach.

With smart linking best practices, you can expand your audience and engagement across both platforms. Alternative workarounds like Groups, Pages, and multiple Instagram accounts can also help connect different Facebook profiles if needed. But for most users, the simple one-to-one connection between Facebook and Instagram is the best option.