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Can I add events on Facebook app?

Can I add events on Facebook app?

Yes, you can add events on the Facebook app for both iOS and Android devices. The Facebook app allows users to create, manage, and respond to event invitations right from their mobile device. Here is a guide on how to add events using the Facebook app.

Creating a New Event

To create a new event in the Facebook app, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your mobile device.
  2. Tap on thethree horizontal lines menu icon in the top right corner.
  3. Select “Events” from the menu.
  4. Tap on the “+ Add Event” button at the top.

This will open up the event creation page where you can fill in all the key details about your event:

  • Event name – Give your event a title that summarizes what it’s about.
  • Location – Search for and select the venue where the event will take place.
  • Date and time – Set the start and end date and time for the event.
  • Description – Give more details about what the event is for, any schedules or agendas, and other useful information.
  • Photo/Video – Add a relevant photo or video that represents your event.
  • Invite friends – Select the friends you want to invite from your friends list.
  • Create button – Tap this once you’ve filled in all the details to create the Facebook event.

The event creation page has additional options as well, such as setting a ticket price, adding co-hosts, making the event public or private, and more.

Managing Existing Events

For events you’ve already created, you can manage them right within the Facebook app. Here are some of the key things you can do:

  • View event – See all the event details, posts, photos and videos shared to the event.
  • Edit event – Change the event name, time, location or other details.
  • Invite friends – Send invites to more people.
  • Promote event – Boost a post about the event to get it more visibility.
  • Message guests – Send a message to all guests who are invited or responding.
  • Add co-hosts – Give other friends co-host privileges to help manage the event.
  • Cancel event – Delete the event if needed.

To access your existing events:

  1. Open the Facebook app menu.
  2. Tap on “Events”.
  3. You will see tabs for Upcoming Events, Past Events, and Events You’re Invited to.
  4. Tap on any event to manage it.

Responding to Event Invitations

When friends invite you to events on Facebook, you’ll get notifications on the app. Here is how to manage event invites and RSVP:

  • Open event invite notification – This will take you directly to the event page.
  • View event details – Check the event info to learn more about what it’s about.
  • Respond to invite – Tap “Going” or “Interested” to RSVP, or select “Can’t Go” if declining.
  • Comment on event – Interact with the host or other guests by commenting.
  • Invite friends – Help build the guest list by inviting your friends.
  • Add to Calendar – Sync the event to your mobile device’s calendar.

The Facebook app makes it simple to act on event invites. You can quickly RSVP and see which friends are also attending or interested in the event.

Adding Events to Your Calendar

When you get invited to or create an event on Facebook, you can add it to your calendar so you don’t forget about it. Here is how to sync Facebook events with your calendar:

iPhone Calendar

  • Tap the “Add to Calendar” button on the event page.
  • Select “Add to iCalendar” and confirm.
  • Open the iPhone Calendar app to see the synced event.

Android Calendar

  • Tap the 3-dot menu button on the event.
  • Choose “Add to Calendar”.
  • Select the calendar app it should sync to.
  • Open your calendar app to see the event added.

This saves you time by automatically adding events to your calendar so you don’t forget them. The events stay synced between Facebook and your calendar as well.

Things to Know About Facebook Events

Here are some additional tips to keep in mind when working with Facebook events:

  • Public vs private – Make events public to reach more people, or private to limit it to your invited guests.
  • Co-hosts – Add co-hosts to help you manage events and delegate responsibilities.
  • Promote events – Consider boosting event posts to get more visibility and guests.
  • Use hashtags – Adding hashtags makes it easier for people to find your public events.
  • Event formats – Standard in-person events, online events, and community events are available.
  • Facebook Groups – You can also create events just for members of a Group you manage.

Pros of Using Facebook for Events

Here are some of the major benefits of using Facebook events:

  • Reach large audiences – Facebook provides huge exposure since so many people actively use it.
  • Event management – Everything needed to manage events is handled seamlessly in one place.
  • Engage guests – Guests can easily comment, post photos, etc. to your event page.
  • Track RSVPs – You can instantly see who is interested, attending, or declining.
  • Integration – Events integrate with Facebook pages and groups too.
  • Mobile access – Manage everything directly from the Facebook app on your phone.
  • Promote easily – Use built-in sharing and promotion tools to boost event turnout.

Cons of Using Facebook for Events

While Facebook events offer many benefits, there are some potential drawbacks as well:

  • Limited customization – You have less design control compared to a dedicated event site.
  • Privacy concerns – Facebook has access to guest data from events.
  • Activity feed based – Events rely on the activity feeds, which not all guests check frequently.
  • Less professional – Events may seem more casual and informal to some.
  • Event fees – You may need to pay Facebook to boost event reach and exposure.
  • Technical issues – Bugs or changes to Facebook could impact your events.
  • No shows – RSVPs don’t guarantee guests will actually attend.


Facebook’s mobile app provides a streamlined way to create events, invite guests, manage RSVPs, interact with attendees, and more. Key benefits include leveraging Facebook’s huge user base, built-in management tools, and ability to promote events easily.

However, there are some drawbacks to weigh as well, like less customization options, privacy concerns, and reliance on Facebook’s platform. Overall, Facebook events are a convenient and effective option for both small and large-scale events, but they may not be the right fit for highly professional or customized events.

With the steps provided above, anyone can easily add events on the Facebook mobile app. Just open the app menu, tap “Events”, and click the “Add Event” button to get started planning your next event.

Pros Cons
Reach large audiences Limited customization
Event management Privacy concerns
Engage guests Activity feed based
Track RSVPs Less professional
Integration Event fees
Mobile access Technical issues
Promote easily No shows

Here are some key pointers to remember when creating Facebook events:

  • Make events public to reach more people, or private to limit guests.
  • Add co-hosts to help manage event responsibilities.
  • Consider boosting posts to increase event visibility.
  • Use hashtags to make it easier for people to find your events.
  • Choose from standard, online, or community event formats.
  • You can create events for Facebook Groups too.

With Facebook’s event management tools, creating and promoting events is easy and intuitive right from your phone. The key is leveraging the power of Facebook’s platform while understanding its limitations compared to dedicated event sites. Overall, the Facebook mobile app provides an accessible and feature-rich option for hosting both small casual gatherings and large-scale professional events.