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Can I add a button to my Facebook post?

Can I add a button to my Facebook post?

Facebook allows users to add interactive buttons to their posts that allow people to take actions like visiting external websites, downloading files, making donations, RSVPing to events, and more. These buttons can help drive traffic, generate leads, and increase engagement on posts.

What are the different types of buttons you can add to Facebook posts?

There are several types of buttons you can add to Facebook posts:

Website Buttons

Website buttons allow you to drive traffic to an external website when people click the button. For example, you could create a “Visit Website” button that goes to your company’s website or a product page.

Call-to-Action Buttons

Call-to-action buttons encourage people to take a specific action, like signing up for a webinar, downloading content, registering for an event, buying tickets, and more. These create more interactivity with your post.

Donation Buttons

Nonprofits and fundraisers can add donation buttons to collect contributions directly on Facebook. When people click the button, it will open a dialog where they can choose a preset donation amount or enter a custom amount.

File Download Buttons

Adding a file download button allows people to download things like PDFs, images, videos, audio files, and other documents directly from your Facebook post.

Lead Generation Buttons

Lead generation buttons let people submit contact information like their name, email address, phone number, or customize questions you need answered. This allows you to collect lead information without sending people to an external site.

RSVP Buttons

Event RSVP buttons allow people to let you know if they are attending an event or not with just one click. They can RSVP yes, no, or maybe to streamline the process.

Shop Now Buttons

Ecommerce brands can add Shop Now buttons to drive sales of products. When people click the button, it will send them to your online store to make purchases.

How do I add a button to my Facebook posts?

Adding a button to your Facebook posts is a simple process:

Step 1

When creating a new post, click the “+” icon to open the creative tools menu.

Step 2

Scroll down and click on the “Add Button” option.

Step 3

Choose the type of button you want to create. This includes the options covered above like website buttons, download buttons, RSVP buttons, lead gen buttons, and more.

Step 4

Customize the text, link, and appearance of your button. You can choose background colors, text, and if you want rounded or square edges.

Step 5

Preview how your button will look in the post. Make any tweaks needed to the design.

Step 6

Click “Add Button” when you are satisfied with the button. This will insert it into your post where people can click on it.

Step 7

Publish your post as normal. The interactive button will now be live and clickable for anyone who views your post.

What size should my Facebook post button be?

Facebook recommends keeping buttons in posts between 90-100 pixels wide for optimal visibility and engagement. This provides a large enough tapping area for people viewing on mobile devices.

If you make the buttons too small, they can be difficult for people to notice and tap when scrolling on mobile. Too large and they take up too much visual space.

Sticking to the 90-100 pixel width is ideal for most types of post buttons. You can adjust the height as needed to match different button text lengths.

Can I choose where the button appears in my Facebook post?

Yes, when adding a button you can choose where you want it to appear in your post. There are a few options:

  • Top of post – The button will appear above the main text content
  • Middle of post – The button will appear in the middle or your text post
  • Bottom of post – The button will appear at the bottom under your text

Think about when you want people to see the call to action. Placing it above your text means people see it immediately as they start reading. The bottom positions the button as a final call to action after consuming your content.

You may need to experiment to see which button placement drives the most clicks for your particular audience and posts. You can use Facebook’s A/B testing tools to test different button positions.

Can I change the button color in my Facebook post?

When customizing the design of your button, you have a few different color options:

  • Blue – Matches Facebook’s branding
  • White
  • Light Grey
  • Dark Grey
  • Black
  • Green
  • Red

You can also enable the “gradient” background setting when choosing colors. This will apply a color gradient to the button for a more vivid, eye-catching effect.

Keep in mind that brighter, bolder button colors tend to perform better in terms of generating clicks. Using Facebook’s blue color also blends the button naturally into the interface. Avoid darker greys or black as they don’t stand out as well on various device screens.

Test different button colors to determine what resonates most with your target audience.

Can I add multiple buttons in a single Facebook post?

Yes, you can include up to 3 buttons within a single Facebook post. This allows you to add several call-to-action options, like “Shop Now”, “Learn More”, and “Contact Us” in one post.

To add multiple buttons:

  1. Insert your first button using the steps outlined earlier.
  2. Click the “+” icon again and choose “Add Button” to insert your second button.
  3. Repeat to insert a third button if desired.

You can position each button in the top, middle, or lower part of the post. Make sure to spread them out visually so they don’t overlap or clutter the post.

Using multiple buttons can help direct people to key pages on your website, promote different offers or content, and give people options to engage further. However, avoid going overboard with too many competing calls-to-action in one post.

Can I edit or delete a button after posting?

Once your Facebook post is published with a button, you can still go back and make edits if needed:

  • To edit the button, click the three dots in the upper right corner of your post and select “Edit Post”.
  • This will open the editor where you can change the button text, link, design, or placement.
  • To delete the button altogether, click the X icon on the button preview itself in the editor.

After making any changes, save your edits and the post will update. Keep in mind that the original post and button will remain live until you overwrite it with the edited version.

So you do have flexibility to iterate on your call-to-action buttons even after initial posting. Track button performance in your Facebook Insights and make changes to boost clicks.

Can I add buttons to Facebook ads?

In addition to organic posts, you can add clickable call-to-action buttons to your Facebook ads. These help drive direct conversions from your ads.

When creating an ad in Facebook Ads Manager, look for the “Add button” option under the format tabs. This lets you insert a button the same way you would in a post.

Buttons help reinforce the promotional angle of your ads and get people to take immediate action by clicking.

You can also specify button optimization goals during the ad setup process:

  • Drive website traffic
  • Boost post engagement
  • Get page likes
  • Increase conversions
  • Collect leads

This tells Facebook to show your ad to people more likely to click the specific button type.

Should I add a button to all my Facebook posts?

Not necessarily. While buttons allow for great interactivity, they may not make sense for every single post. Here are some best practices:

  • Use buttons mainly for promotional posts – Offers, deals, events, downloads, etc.
  • Avoid overusing buttons – Sprinkle them into your mix vs. every post.
  • Test different types – See which button styles drive the most clicks.
  • Make sure your button messaging is clear.
  • Direct buttons to relevant destinations on your site.
  • Analyze button click-through rates in Insights.

Find a balance between posts that simply provide valuable content vs. posts meant to directly convert readers. Use buttons strategically in the latter scenario. Cluttering up your feed with too many buttons can lead to blind spots.

Can I use buttons for lead generation on Facebook?

Absolutely. One of the best practices for Facebook marketing is to use interactive post elements like buttons for lead capture.

As covered earlier, you can create dedicated Lead Gen buttons in posts and ads that allow people to submit contact details like their email address and phone number without leaving Facebook.

For example, you could boost a post with a “Request Info” button that lets people inquire about your products/services directly within the interface.

To set this up:

  1. Go to the Lead Ads section under Assets in Ads Manager
  2. Create a lead gen form asking for the info you need
  3. When making a post or ad, choose Lead Gen under button types
  4. Select the form you created

Now your button will collect lead information you can access and export under Leads in Ads Manager.

This provides a more frictionless way for people to convert from your content vs. sending them to an external landing page.

What are some tips for increasing button click-through rate?

To get more people actually tapping and clicking your post buttons, keep these tips in mind:

  • Use clear, concise button text – Avoid vague language.
  • Make buttons visually stand out with color/formatting.
  • Experiment with different button placements.
  • Include emojis and icons to grab attention.
  • Target your post audience carefully.
  • Boost the reach of posts with budget.
  • Use video/images that align with button message.

Analyze which button designs, wording, and posts perform best by looking at click-through rates and conversion metrics in Facebook Insights. Refine your approach over time.


Adding clickable buttons to your Facebook posts provides a way to drive traffic, increase engagement, and generate conversions directly from the platform. Use website links, downloads, lead gen forms, donations, and other interactive buttons sparingly to highlight your most promotable content. Monitor performance and make iterative design changes to improve click-through rates. With strategic use of post buttons, you can get your audience to take action and achieve your marketing goals.