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Can friends see when I’m active on Facebook?

Can friends see when I’m active on Facebook?

Facebook has become a huge part of many people’s lives. It allows us to stay connected with friends and family, share life events, and find out what’s going on in the world. But Facebook also raises questions about privacy. One common question is whether your Facebook friends can see when you’re active or online.

What does “active” mean on Facebook?

When Facebook says you’re “active,” it simply means you have the Facebook app open or are browsing Facebook in a web browser. Being active doesn’t necessarily mean you’re posting updates, commenting on posts, or actively engaging with content. It just means Facebook is open.

Can friends see when you were last active?

In the past, Facebook showed some friends when you were last active or online. It would say something like “Active 2 hours ago” or “Active now.” However, Facebook removed this feature for all users in 2019.

So currently, Facebook friends cannot see your last active status or when you were last online. The only activity they can see is when you post updates, comment on posts, react to content, etc. Simply having Facebook open no longer shows up as an “active” status.

Does the active/online indicator ever show for Facebook friends?

Even though friends can’t see when you were last active, there are still some cases where an active or online indicator may display next to their name:

  • In Messenger chats, you can see when friends are actively using Messenger.
  • In Facebook Groups, you can see if fellow members are active in the group.
  • When on a Facebook video call or Messenger video chat.
  • When friends share their location with you in Messenger.

So direct communication methods like chat or video call may show active statuses, but simply browsing Facebook will not.

How to appear offline on Facebook

If you don’t even want the limited active statuses visible, there are options to appear offline, including:

  • Turning off active status for Messenger – Go to settings > activate status and toggle it off.
  • Disabling location sharing in Messenger.
  • Using Facebook’s “Take a Break” feature, which temporarily logs you out of Facebook so nothing shows you active.

Who can see when you’re active on Facebook?

Since friends can’t see your last active time, the only ones who can see your active status are:

  • You – You can always see your own last active time and when you are currently active.
  • Facebook – Facebook’s servers register anytime you have the app open and share some of that data internally.
  • Advertisers – Facebook may share some activity data with advertisers to target ads.

So friends have no way of detecting your active time, but Facebook itself has access to that data.


Facebook actively showing your friends when you were last active or online was disabled several years ago. So you no longer have to worry about friends tracking your every move!

The only active indicators that remain are for direct communication methods like Messenger. And if you want to appear totally offline, settings like disabling Messenger active status give you that control.

Overall, Facebook has shifted away from publicly displaying user’s active times and towards greater privacy control. While Facebook still may use activity data internally, friends can only see the updates you intentionally share.

Can Facebook admins or moderators see when I’m active?

If you are a member of a Facebook Group, the group admins and moderators are not able to see when you are active or when you were last online. Just like with your friends list, this information is private.

However, if you participate in a group by posting, commenting, reacting, etc., admins and mods will be able to see the time and date when you engaged with that content. But merely being active in Facebook itself does not show to group admins.

Does Facebook show when I’m typing a post or comment?

Some social networks show other users when you are typing a post or comment in real time. However, Facebook does not have any indicator when you are actively typing.

Friends and other Facebook users will only see your activity when you actually post a comment or publish a post. They have no way of knowing if you were typing something out but didn’t end up posting it.

Can I see if my friends are active on Facebook without them knowing?

There is no built-in way to detect when your Facebook friends are active without them knowing. Since user active statuses are private, you won’t be notified if friends are online.

Some third-party browser extensions or add-ons claim to show friend activity. However, Facebook has restricted access to data that these tools may need. So any extension that claims to show private activity statuses is likely inaccurate or no longer functioning.

The only foolproof way to know if close friends or partners are active on Facebook is to communicate with them directly via Messenger. Starting a chat is the best way to confirm if someone is currently online.

Is there a way to be completely invisible on Facebook?

If you want to use Facebook without any activity indicators displaying to other users, there are a few options:

  • Disable active status in Messenger settings.
  • Avoid using Messenger calls or rooms which show active indicators.
  • Don’t share your location in Messenger which shows on a map if active.
  • Use Facebook on your browser in an incognito or private window.
  • Log out of Facebook when you aren’t actively using it.

Combining multiple of these options gives you the greatest chance of staying completely invisible and avoiding any active or online indicators.

What does the green dot mean on Facebook?

If you see a small green dot next to a user’s name, it means they are currently active on Facebook messenger. The green dot indicates they have the Messenger app open or they are actively using Messenger on the web.

However, the green dot does not necessarily mean the person is interacting with messages or typing to contacts. It simply means the Messenger platform is open in some capacity.


Facebook has limited what active and online statuses are visible to who. With friends no longer seeing your last active time, you have much more control over when you appear visible on Facebook.

To stay completely invisible, be strategic about disabling certain active indicators and limiting your interactions only to times when you want to be seen. With the right privacy settings and activity precautions, you can use Facebook on your own terms.

Can I see if someone is active on Facebook without messaging them?

There is no direct way to detect if someone is active on Facebook without directly messaging them. Since friend active statuses are private, you won’t receive any notification when a friend is online or using Facebook.

Some methods you could try to gauge activity include:

  • Looking for recent posts on their timeline.
  • Seeing if they have liked or commented on recent posts.
  • Checking their profile pic for the “Active now” indicator.
  • Messaging them directly to get a response.

However, none of these methods are foolproof. The only surefire way is to message them via Messenger and look for the “Active now” indicator or wait for a responsive chat.

Should I be concerned about Facebook tracking my activity?

It’s understandable to have privacy concerns about how much of your activity Facebook can monitor. Here are a few key points on Facebook activity tracking:

  • Facebook does extensively track activity like time spent, clicks, posts, searches, etc. for internal analytics.
  • They use this data primarily for advertising targeting and content optimization.
  • However, they have limited what activity data is visible to other regular users.
  • You do have some options like time limits and disabling services to limit tracking.
  • Frequently clearing cookies, using private browsing, and not staying logged in can help.

Overall, Facebook tracking activity itself isn’t inherently dangerous. But you may want to limit how much they can follow if you have privacy concerns.

What should I do if someone is harassing me based on when I’m active?

If another user is excessively messaging you or harassing you based on assumptions about your active status, here are some recommendations:

  • Turn off active status indicators in Messenger settings.
  • Block the user so they can no longer see any part of your profile or activity.
  • Report the harassment to Facebook for review.
  • Keep a record of any concerning messages as evidence.
  • Consider deleting that person from your friends list.

You have a right not to be harassed online. Take proactive steps to block, report, and limit unwanted attention based around your activity.

Why did Facebook remove the ability to see friend’s activity?

Facebook has cited wanting to give users more privacy and control as the reason for removing the ability to see when friends were last active. Other likely reasons include:

  • To address complaints and concerns from users and critics.
  • Removing inactive user indicators provides less data to outside parties.
  • Forcing users to interact more directly fits their focus on meaningful connections.
  • It reduces some opportunities for targeted harassment or unwanted attention.

Overall, the change aligns with Facebook’s recent direction of privacy updates and trying to limit data sharing. User control over activity status reflects a response to feedback on the issue.

Are there any third-party apps that can show Facebook friend activity?

Some third-party social media monitoring tools and browser extensions claim they can reveal when your Facebook friends are active. However, Facebook has limited what data is accessible, so these tools have limited effectiveness.

Here are a few factors to consider about third-party activity monitoring tools:

  • They often do not have any official access to or partnership with Facebook.
  • Their techniques rely on incomplete data points like proxies and assumptions.
  • Facebook actively blocks access that violates their privacy policies.
  • Any activity details they show are unlikely to be fully accurate.
  • There are risks giving access for browser tools to monitor your activity.

In most cases, these tools fail to consistently and reliably show private friend activity status. Proceed with caution if considering any third-party Facebook monitoring options.

What are the risks of third-party tools to see Facebook friend activity?

Some risks of using third-party website monitoring tools include:

  • Giving access to your own private data and activity.
  • Malware risks if tools act maliciously or are compromised.
  • Potential for tools to misuse collected data.
  • Violating Facebook policies against unauthorized access.
  • Inaccurate or misleading information on friend activity.
  • Overstepping bounds of what friends would want monitored.

Reputable tools will be upfront about what data they collect and how it’s used. Be very cautious installing anything that might overreach in attempts to surface private user activity.


Facebook has evolved a lot over time when it comes to privacy controls. The ability to see friend activity and online status has been dialed back to increase user privacy.

While Facebook itself still collects activity data internally, friends and other users now have very limited access. The visibility is restricted only to what you intentionally post and share.

If Facebook friend activity monitoring is important to you, communicating directly via Messenger is the best option. And be very cautious about claims from any third-party websites or tools promising access to private status details.