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Can friends post on a memorialized Facebook page?

Can friends post on a memorialized Facebook page?

When a Facebook user passes away, their account can be memorialized so that friends and family can still view their profile and remember them. This raises the question – can friends still post on a memorialized Facebook page?

What happens when a Facebook account is memorialized?

When a Facebook account is memorialized, several things occur:

  • The word “Remembering” is added to the top of the profile
  • The profile is frozen so no one can log into it or make any changes
  • Friends can still view posts the person shared and leave posts in remembrance
  • Memorialized profiles do not appear in “People You May Know” suggestions
  • Memorialized profiles will not appear in ads or birthday reminders

The key thing to note is that while the core profile is frozen, friends can still interact with it by viewing posts and leaving new posts.

Can friends post on a memorialized Facebook profile?

Yes, friends can still post on a memorialized Facebook profile. When a profile is memorialized, friends can leave posts, memories, condolences, photos, and more on the person’s timeline. This allows friends to interact with the profile, remember the person, and show support for their loved ones.

Some key things to note about posting on memorialized profiles:

  • Anyone who was friends with the deceased person on Facebook can post on their memorialized profile
  • Friends can post text updates, share photos, leave condolence messages, write memories, etc
  • Posts by friends will appear on the memorialized profile in the usual timeline order
  • Friends cannot tag the memorialized account in new posts or invite them to events
  • Friends may be able to depending on privacy settings

So in summary, while friends can no longer interact with the memorialized account owner directly, they can still actively participate on the profile by posting their own new content.

What are some appropriate things friends can post on memorialized profiles?

When posting on a memorialized profile, friends should be respectful and focus their posts on fond memories, condolences, and grief support. Some appropriate post ideas include:

  • Sharing favorite memories and stories about the deceased person
  • Posting photos of fun times spent together
  • Offering prayers, condolences, and emotional support to grieving loved ones
  • Reminiscing about the person’s unique quirks and qualities
  • Sharing how the person impacted your life in a meaningful way

Posts that celebrate the person’s life, share the grief journey, send comforting messages, and bring the community together to remember them are all appropriate. When in doubt, speak from the heart in a sensitive, genuine manner.

What type of posts should friends avoid on memorialized profiles?

While memorialized profiles allow friends to post memories and condolences, there are some types of posts that should be avoided out of respect:

  • Insensitive, hurtful, or accusatory posts
  • Insensitive or inappropriate jokes/memes
  • Spam or overtly promotional content
  • Negativity or airing grievances about the deceased
  • Posts that ignite divisiveness or arguments
  • Happy, celebratory posts that don’t fit the memorial tone
  • Excessive check-ins, tags, and invites that seem disingenuous

Essentially, friends should read the room and refrain from any posts that disrupt the grieving and memorialization process. Comments should come from a genuine place with the goal of comfort, not controversy.

How do you report inappropriate memorialized profile posts?

If you come across inappropriate content on a memorialized profile, you can report it to Facebook:

  1. Click the three dots next to the inappropriate post
  2. Select “Find support or report post”
  3. Choose “Report post”
  4. Select the reason for reporting – for memorialized profiles choose “Disrespectful or harmful content”
  5. Add any extra context in the text box and submit the report

Memorialized profiles have special protections and reporting routes. By reporting disrespectful memorial posts, you can help maintain the sanctity, sensitivity, and community on the page.

Will memorialized profiles eventually deactivate?

No, once a Facebook account has been memorialized, it remains online permanently as a memorial unless requested otherwise. Memorialized profiles do not automatically deactivate over time.

Some key facts about memorialized accounts:

  • They will stay online indefinitely as an active memorial
  • The word “Remembering” will always display at the top
  • Friends and family can interact with it through new posts
  • It requires a special request from a verified immediate family member to remove a memorial

Memorials on Facebook are designed to exist in perpetuity so friends and family always have a place online to remember those they’ve lost. The accounts are specially secured and restricted.

Can family members request the memorialization be removed?

Yes, immediate family members who were verified on the deceased person’s account can make requests regarding the memorialization.

According to Facebook’s policies, memorialized profiles can only be taken down if certain criteria are met:

  • The request must come from an immediate family member (spouse, parent, child, sibling)
  • The immediate family member must have been verified on the deceased’s account previously
  • The requester must provide proof of authority such as power of attorney documentation
  • The request must demonstrate valid reasoning for removal (privacy concerns, misrepresentation, etc)

If all criteria are satisfied, Facebook can remove the “Remembering” label and either deactivate the profile or return it to a normal active status. This allows families some control over the memorialization.

Can friends download data from a memorialized account?

No, friends cannot download the posts, photos, videos or any other data from a memorialized Facebook account. Only the original account holder or a verified immediate family member can request data downloads from a memorialized profile.

Here are Facebook’s data access policies for memorialized accounts:

  • Friends cannot request data from memorialized profiles – only account owners can
  • Immediate family can request data under special circumstances
  • Data can only be downloaded once per account
  • Downloaded data may exclude some content shared by friends
  • Facebook reviews all data requests on a case-by-case basis

So while friends can still view some profile data like shared photos, they cannot save, download, or export that content from a memorialized account without special authorization.

Can you memorialize someone else’s profile?

No, regular friends and followers cannot proactively have someone else’s Facebook profile memorialized. Only immediate family members can request memorialization from Facebook.

Here are the memorialization policies:

  • You must be an immediate family member (spouse, parent, sibling, child)
  • You must provide proof of death such as an obituary or news article
  • Facebook will verify your relationship to the deceased
  • Facebook support will memorialize the profile after verification

Friends can suggest memorialization if they know a death occurred but they cannot directly memorialize profiles themselves. All requests must be made through the authorized immediate family process verified by Facebook support.

Can you post on a memorialized profile from your own account if you’re deceased?

No, you cannot post from your own Facebook account onto a memorialized profile if you are the deceased person. Once a profile is memorialized, the original account holder can no longer access or post from it.

Some key reasons you cannot post from a memorialized account:

  • You are blocked from logging into the memorialized account
  • The account has been frozen from any interactive changes
  • Your profile has the “Remembering” label memorializing you
  • You are deceased, so you cannot actually post anywhere

While living friends can interact on memorials, the memorialized person themselves cannot post or comment since they are deceased. Any new posts would have to come from friends’ own accounts.

Can someone manage my Facebook account after I die?

Yes, Facebook does allow account management after death through an appointed legacy contact. To set this up:

  • Go to your General Account Settings
  • Click “Memorialization Settings”
  • Designate a trusted Facebook friend as your legacy contact
  • They can manage posts, accept requests, update photos after death

Legacy contacts have limited profile management abilities if granted that power. They cannot see private messages, access financial info, or make friend changes. Appointing a legacy contact can help keep your profile tidy post-death.


Overall, friends do have the ability to actively post, comment, share photos, and interact on a memorialized Facebook profile to keep the memory alive. Certain controls remain in place, and all posts should come from a genuine, respectful place to support the grieving community. Memorialized accounts provide a unique space for posthumous connection.