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Can Facebook videos be embedded?

Can Facebook videos be embedded?

Yes, Facebook videos can be embedded on other websites. Embedding allows you to display a Facebook video on your website or blog without viewers having to visit Facebook to watch it.

How to Embed a Facebook Video

Embedding a Facebook video is easy to do. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to the Facebook video you want to embed and click the “Share” button below the video.
  2. From the share menu, click the “Embed” option.
  3. A box will pop up with the embed code. Copy the entire code.
  4. Paste the embed code into the HTML of your website or blog where you want the video to appear.

The embed code will look something like this:

<div id="fb-root"></div>
<script async defer crossorigin="anonymous" src="" nonce="AbCdEfG"></script>
<div class="fb-video" data-href="" data-width="500" data-show-text="false"><blockquote cite="" class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore"><a href="">How to Share With Just Friends</a><p>How to share with just friends.</p>Posted by <a href="#" role="button">Facebook</a> on Friday, 5 December 2014</blockquote></div>

Customizing the Embedded Video

The embed code provides some options for customizing the appearance of the embedded video:

  • data-width – Sets the width of the video player in pixels.
  • data-show-text – Shows text like titles and descriptions when set to “true”. Hides text when set to “false”.
  • data-autoplay – Autoplays the video on page load when set to “true”. Does not autoplay when set to “false”.

For example, to embed a 500 pixel wide video that autoplays with no text, the code would look like:

<div data-width="500" data-show-text="false" data-autoplay="true"></div>

Embedding Facebook Videos on WordPress

To embed a Facebook video on a WordPress site:

  1. Install and activate a plugin like Facebook Video Embed or Social Video Embed.
  2. Copy the Facebook video embed code while viewing the video.
  3. Paste the embed code into the WordPress text editor where you want the video to display.
  4. Publish or update the post/page to view the embedded video.

The plugin will automatically add the necessary iframe markup around the code. Some plugins also provide widgets and shortcodes for easier embedding.

Embedding Facebook Videos on Blogger

To embed Facebook videos on Blogger:

  1. Go to Layout > Edit HTML in your Blogger dashboard.
  2. Paste the Facebook embed code into the HTML editor.
  3. Publish the blog post to view the embedded video.

Make sure to paste the code in the correct place between the HTML tags, not just anywhere in the text.

Embedding Facebook Videos on Wix

To embed a Facebook video on Wix:

  1. Click the “+” button to add an element to your page.
  2. Search for and select the “Embed” widget.
  3. Paste the Facebook embed code into the widget HTML box.
  4. Resize and style the widget as needed.
  5. Publish the page to view the embedded video.

Embedding Facebook Videos on Squarespace

To embed Facebook videos on Squarespace:

  1. Go to the Squarespace page editor.
  2. Add a new Code Block to the page.
  3. Switch the Code Block to HTML mode.
  4. Paste the Facebook embed code into the block.
  5. Update the page to view the embedded video.

Make sure the Code Block is set to render as HTML, not Markdown or plain text.

Embedding Facebook Videos on Shopify

To embed a Facebook video on Shopify:

  1. Go to Online Store > Themes.
  2. Edit the code for the theme section where you want the video.
  3. Paste the Facebook embed code into the themeliquid template file.
  4. Save the theme and view the video on your shop site.

Just paste the code – no additional markup is needed.

Troubleshooting Embeds

Here are some common problems and fixes for embedding Facebook videos:

Video thumbnail shows but video does not play

  • Make sure you have the full embed code including the <script> tags.
  • Check that the video URL is correct in the embed code.
  • Try generating a new embed code and re-embedding.

Video not responsive or mobile optimized

  • Add data-width=”500″ to scale the width for mobile.
  • Wrap embed code in a <div> tag with CSS for responsiveness.

Errors like “Facebook SDK not defined”

  • The Facebook JavaScript SDK failed to load. Make sure the <script> tag is in the embed code.
  • Try embedding on HTTPS not HTTP to avoid mixed content errors.

Old video or wrong video shows

  • Double check the video URL in the embed code is correct.
  • Generate a new embed code from the source video to get the updated link.

Best Practices

Here are some best practices for embedding Facebook videos:

  • Use the highest resolution video available for quality.
  • Customize the width and height for the container dimensions.
  • Add data-autoplay=”true” to play videos automatically.
  • Include a poster image or custom thumbnail using og:image meta tag.
  • Use descriptive text in the <a> tag for accessibility.
  • Embed videos on HTTPS sites when possible to avoid mixed content.
  • Test embeds on mobile devices and optimize for responsiveness.

Facebook’s Video Embedding Policies

Facebook allows open embedding of public videos but has some restrictions:

  • You cannot disable sharing or commenting.
  • The Facebook logo and branding will be shown.
  • Videos may contain ads that Facebook controls.
  • The video owner can disable embedding at any time.

Private, non-embeddable, and copyrighted videos cannot be embedded without permission.

Alternatives to Facebook Embedding

If embedding from Facebook is not possible or ideal, some alternative options include:

  • Self-hosting video – Upload the video to your own site or a platform like YouTube and embed from there.
  • Downloading and re-uploading – Download the Facebook video and upload it to another host to embed.
  • Screen recording – Record your screen as you play the Facebook video and embed the screen recording.
  • linking to Facebook – Link to the Facebook video URL rather than embedding the video.

However, downloading or re-sharing videos without permission could violate copyright law.


Embedding Facebook videos can be a great way to enhance your website with engaging video content. By using the embed code on your site, you can stream Facebook videos directly in your content without viewers needing a Facebook account. Just copy the oEmbed code from Facebook, paste it into your site HTML, and customize the appearance as needed. With the proper markup, you can embed Facebook videos seamlessly across platforms.

Some key points to remember include:

  • Use the Share menu in Facebook to find the embed code.
  • Paste the code in the HTML editor, not just the text content.
  • Adjust the width, height, autoplay, and other options as desired.
  • The Facebook logo and branding will be shown.
  • Public videos can be freely embedded, but private, deleted, and copyrighted videos cannot.

With the massive popularity of Facebook, embedding their video content can allow you to share engaging, up-to-date videos with your audience instantly. Just follow best practices for customization and optimization, and your embedded Facebook videos will help boost your user experience and viewer retention.