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Can Facebook send verification code to email?

Can Facebook send verification code to email?

Yes, Facebook can send a verification code to your email address when you create a new account or make certain changes to your existing account. Facebook uses verification codes as part of its security protocols to ensure you are the valid account owner.

When you create a new Facebook account, you will be asked to provide an email address and phone number. Facebook will then send a 6-digit verification code to your email that you must enter on the next screen to verify ownership of the email address you provided.

Similarly, if you make certain changes to your account, such as changing your password, email address, adding a new email address, or enabling Two-Factor Authentication, Facebook will require you to confirm the change by entering a new verification code sent to your email.

The verification code is designed to ensure that you have access to the email associated with the Facebook account. This prevents unauthorized changes or access by someone else.

When Does Facebook Send a Verification Code to Your Email?

There are several scenarios when Facebook will send a verification code to your email address:

Creating a New Facebook Account

When you register for a new Facebook account, you will provide your name, email address or phone number, password, date of birth and gender.

Facebook will then send a 6-digit verification code to the email address you provided. You must enter this code on the next screen to verify you have access to that email inbox.

This confirms that you own the email address and it is not a fake or invalid email being used to create the account. Once your email is verified, the account creation process will be completed.

Resetting Your Facebook Password

If you forget your Facebook password and need to reset it, you will go through a password reset flow.

As part of this, Facebook will send a 6-digit verification code to your registered email address. Enter this code in the password reset screen to verify you have access to the account’s email inbox.

This allows Facebook to confirm your identity and allows you to set a new password securely.

Enabling Two-Factor Authentication

When you enable two-factor authentication on your Facebook account, you will be asked to provide a mobile phone number.

Facebook will send a 6-digit authentication code to the phone number via text message. Enter this code in Facebook to verify your phone number.

Following this, Facebook will generate a unique security code that you can use to log in when prompted in addition to your normal login password. This adds an extra layer of security to your account.

Making Changes to Your Registered Email Address

If you update the email address registered to your Facebook account, Facebook will send a verification code to both your old and new email addresses.

You will need to enter the code received by your new email to confirm you have access to it. This ensures your account’s email is updated successfully.

The code sent to your old address allows you to still access your account if the change was unauthorized.

Adding a New Email Address to Your Account

Similarly, if you add a new or secondary email address to your Facebook account, you will go through a verification flow.

Facebook will send a 6-digit code to your new email address. Enter this in Facebook to confirm you have access and can verify that email.

This adds the secondary email securely to your existing account by verifying you own it.

How Does Facebook Send the Verification Code?

When you trigger an action that requires email verification, Facebook will instantly generate a unique 6-digit numerical code and send it to your registered or newly-added email address.

This code is sent via email to your inbox. The email will be from the official Facebook automated email address ‘[email protected]’.

The subject line will be ‘Facebook code’ and the body of the email will say something like “Your Facebook code is: 123456”.

Once you receive the email, simply copy the 6-digit code and enter it into the Facebook verification screen to complete the process.

The code expires shortly after being sent, so be sure to enter it into Facebook promptly before it stops working. If it expires, you may be able to request Facebook to re-send a new code.

Does Facebook Call or Text the Code?

No, Facebook does not call or text message a verification code. The code will only be sent to your email inbox.

Any call or text claiming to be from Facebook asking for a verification code is fraudulent. Be wary of these as they are often scams trying to steal your information.

What If I Don’t Get the Facebook Verification Email?

Here are some tips if you do not receive the verification email from Facebook:

Check Your Spam or Junk Folder

As the Facebook verification email comes from an automated address, it sometimes may be filtered into your spam or junk email folders. Be sure to check these folders.

You can mark the email as ‘Not Spam’ so future Facebook emails arrive in your inbox.

Allow Sufficient Time

It takes a short time for the email to be delivered to your inbox. Wait 5-10 minutes and refresh your email before assuming it was not sent.

Use Another Email Address

Try having the verification code sent to another email address you have access to in case something is blocking it from reaching your primary email.

Check for Typos

Ensure you typed your email address correctly without any typos when entering it into Facebook. An incorrect email will not receive the verification code.

Request Facebook to Re-send It

If you still don’t see the email, you can request Facebook to re-send a new verification code. There should be options to do this in the verification flow.

Contact Facebook Support

As a last resort, reach out to Facebook’s customer support team for additional help if you cannot complete email verification.

How to Use the Facebook Verification Code

Using the Facebook verification code is simple:

1. Once you trigger an action requiring verification, Facebook will prompt you to check your email for the code.

2. Open your email inbox and look for a new email from Facebook ([email protected]).

3. In the email body, copy the full 6-digit code.

4. Return to the Facebook verification screen and paste the code into the input field.

5. Click Submit or Continue to complete the verification process.

Be sure to enter the code exactly as it appears in the email without any extra spaces or characters. Double check it is the full 6 digits.

The code will quickly expire, so enter it soon after receiving the email to ensure it still works. If it has expired, request Facebook to re-send a new code.

Why Does Facebook Use Email Verification?

Facebook has several important reasons for using email verification:

Confirm Account Ownership

Email verification helps prove that you own the email associated with a Facebook account. This prevents fake or unauthorized accounts being created.

Secure Account Changes

Requiring current email access for changes like resetting your password ensures only the account owner can make those changes.

Protect User Data

Verification adds a critical security layer that helps keep user data safe from unauthorized access.

Reduce Hacked or Fake Accounts

Verification codes deter cybercriminals and scammers by making it harder for them to break into legitimate accounts.

Comply with Regulations

In some jurisdictions, services like Facebook are required to verify user identities to comply with local laws.


In summary, Facebook commonly uses email verification codes anytime an account is created or modified to enhance security. Check your email inbox including spam folders for a 6-digit code needed to complete the process if Facebook prompts you for one. This simple extra step helps keep billions of Facebook accounts safe from compromise.