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Can Facebook sellers delete reviews?

Can Facebook sellers delete reviews?

Facebook Marketplace has become a popular place for individuals to buy and sell items. As a platform that connects buyers and sellers directly, it relies heavily on product reviews to help buyers make informed decisions. This raises an important question – can sellers delete or remove negative reviews on Facebook Marketplace if they want to?

The short answer

No, sellers cannot delete or remove reviews on Facebook Marketplace. Once a review is posted, it becomes a permanent part of the seller’s profile. Facebook does not allow sellers to edit or delete reviews for any reason.

How reviews work on Facebook Marketplace

When a buyer completes a transaction on Facebook Marketplace, they have the option to leave a star rating and write a review for the seller. These reviews are public and become part of the seller’s profile, visible to anyone who views their page.

Facebook Marketplace reviews work on a 5-star rating system. Buyers can leave between 1 and 5 stars along with an optional written review. The average of all ratings left for a seller is displayed at the top of their profile. There is no way for sellers to remove specific reviews.

Why sellers can’t delete reviews

Here are some of the main reasons Facebook does not allow sellers to delete or edit reviews:

  • Maintains trust – Reviews help buyers trust that sellers are reputable and honest. If sellers could remove negative reviews, it would erode buyer trust in the authenticity of seller ratings.
  • Holds sellers accountable – Reviews keep sellers accountable for providing good products, descriptions, shipping, communication, etc. Without reviews, sellers would have less incentive to satisfy buyers.
  • Provides transparency – Reviews give an unfiltered look at a seller’s true track record. Deleting reviews would reduce transparency for shoppers.
  • Avoids manipulation – Prohibiting deletions prevents sellers from manipulating reviews to show an inaccurately positive profile.

By making reviews permanent, Facebook aims to maintain the integrity of Marketplace as a platform where buyers can confidently shop from individuals.

What sellers can do about negative reviews

While sellers can’t remove negative reviews, they do have some options to manage them:

Respond professionally

Sellers can post a public response to a negative review to provide additional context or apologize for any issues. Professional, constructive responses may improve the seller’s standing with future buyers.

Report inaccurate reviews

If a review contains false information or seems suspicious, the seller can report it to Facebook. Facebook may remove reviews found to violate policies.

Improve future transactions

Sellers can learn from negative reviews to improve their selling practices going forward. This may lead to better reviews that counteract any negative ones.

Focus on continuing to satisfy buyers

While a few negative reviews are inevitable, sellers should focus their energy on all the future transactions they can complete successfully. This will ideally minimize negatives and boost positives.

Mistakes sellers make regarding negative reviews

Some common mistakes sellers make when dealing with negative Facebook Marketplace reviews include:

  • Getting defensive – Arguing with dissatisfied buyers rarely improves the situation.
  • Begging for review removal – Facebook won’t remove reviews based on seller requests.
  • Posting personal attacks – Attacking a buyer’s character looks unprofessional and may violate Facebook’s rules.
  • Giving up completely – Letting a few bad reviews stop selling altogether only hurts the seller.
  • Trying to trick the system – Creating fake accounts to leave positive reviews often gets sellers banned.

By staying calm, professional, and focused on improvement, sellers can minimize the impact of any negative feedback.

Examples of sellers attempting to delete reviews

Here are some real-life examples of sellers attempting unsuccessfully to remove negative Facebook Marketplace reviews:

Clothing seller asks for removal

A clothing seller received a 1-star review claiming an item arrived dirty and damaged. The seller commented “This is unfair, please remove your review!” But since Facebook doesn’t allow sellers to delete reviews, the negative rating remained.

Seller reports accurate review

A buyer left a 2-star review for a seller who shipped an item late. The seller reported the review to Facebook for removal. Facebook found the review followed policies, so it stayed up.

Angry seller leaves retaliatory review

When an electronics seller got a negative review for selling a defective product, they tried to fight back by purchasing an item from the buyer and leaving a 1-star review in retaliation. Facebook deleted the seller’s vindictive review.

Seller creates fake account to leave positive review

A seller tried to counteract a negative review by creating a fake Facebook account to leave themselves a 5-star rating. Facebook detected the false account and removed both it and the fake positive review.

As these examples illustrate, Facebook’s policy prohibiting sellers from removing or manipulating reviews holds firm even when sellers try getting around it. Any attempts to delete or counteract negative reviews will ultimately fail.

How Facebook prevents sellers from deleting reviews

Facebook employs a number of measures to prevent sellers from being able to remove or alter reviews on Marketplace, including:

  • Reviews are immediately published – Reviews appear instantly, giving sellers no time window to delete.
  • Seller accounts have no review control – Seller accounts lack any functionality to edit or manage reviews.
  • Strict policies forbid review deletion – Facebook’s commerce policies explicitly prohibit review deletion or manipulation.
  • Reviews can’t be reported as harassment – Sellers can’t even report negative reviews for harassment since all reviews are considered part of normal commerce.
  • Reviews linked to purchase history – Reviews can be traced back to actual completed transactions, preventing fraudulent reviews.
  • Algorithms detect review manipulation – Complex algorithms analyze reviews and detect suspicious patterns of manipulation.
  • Fake accounts get deleted – Accounts created just to leave false reviews will get detected and removed.

With so many robust safeguards in place, sellers have virtually no way to delete or alter existing reviews on Facebook Marketplace. The transparency and authenticity of seller profiles are locked in.

Penalties sellers face for review manipulation

If a seller is caught trying to delete negative reviews or manipulate reviews in their favor, Facebook can impose penalties such as:

  • Removal of fake reviews – Any fake or manipulated reviews will get deleted.
  • Suspension from selling – Seller accounts may be temporarily blocked from Marketplace activity.
  • Permanent ban – Repeated review manipulation may result in a permanent ban from selling on Facebook.
  • Disabled personal account – In severe cases, a seller’s entire personal Facebook account could be disabled.

The exact penalty depends on the severity and frequency of the review manipulation. But sellers should know Facebook takes a hard line on protecting review authenticity and will punish those who try to game the system.

What buyers can do about sellers deleting reviews

In the rare event a buyer notices their negative review for a seller disappeared, here are some steps they can take:

  1. Double check if the review is really gone – Sometimes reviews can be hidden, so re-check the seller’s profile.
  2. Consider reporting the seller – If it seems a review was deleted, the buyer can report the seller to Facebook.
  3. Leave the review again – If the review is confirmed missing, the buyer can simply leave it a second time.
  4. Warn others – Let fellow buyers know to beware of the sketchy seller who may be trying to hide negative reviews.
  5. Avoid that seller – Delete shady sellers from consideration for future purchases.

While sellers deleting negative reviews is very uncommon, taking these steps empowers buyers to take action if they believe their feedback has been erased.

Pros for sellers of not allowing review deletion

While sellers may dislike negative reviews, the policy against deleting them does have some benefits:

  • Motivates good performance – Knowing reviews can’t be removed motivates sellers to always provide good products and service.
  • Builds buyer trust – Permanent reviews help convince buyers the seller is honest and reliable.
  • Surfaces issues – Negative reviews alert the seller to problems needing improvement.
  • Filters out scams – Scam sellers are quickly exposed by negative reviews they can’t remove.
  • Upholds standards – Non-deletion sets a standard of integrity that benefits the whole marketplace.

While stinging in the moment, constructive negative reviews and seller responses ultimately help improve commerce for all parties.

The importance of review transparency

Review transparency is crucial for any peer-to-peer commerce platform like Facebook Marketplace. When buyers can trust reviews are authentic, it enables informed shopping. And when sellers can’t delete negative feedback, they stay accountable for providing good service. Facebook’s seller review policy aims to keep interactions on the platform honest and equitable.

So in summary – no, Facebook Marketplace sellers cannot remove or delete reviews once they’ve been posted. Buyers can leave feedback with the confidence it will remain visible. This review permanence helps make Facebook a trustworthy destination for P2P e-commerce.


Facebook Marketplace reviews provide helpful buyer insight, but also expose sellers to criticism. While negative feedback can hurt, Facebook prohibits sellers from removing or manipulating reviews to maintain trust and transparency. Sellers must accept reviews as permanent records of service quality. Rather than fighting negative ratings, wise sellers focus on improvements that lead to future positive reviews and satisfied buyers.