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Can Facebook Reels be over 1 minute?

Can Facebook Reels be over 1 minute?

When Facebook launched Reels in 2020, they were originally limited to 15 seconds, just like TikTok. However, in early 2021, Facebook increased the maximum length for Reels to 30 seconds. Then in December 2021, they again increased the limit, this time to 60 seconds. So as of now, Facebook Reels can be up to 1 minute long.

Why did Facebook increase the limit?

There are a few key reasons why Facebook decided to increase the length limit for Reels over time:

  • To stay competitive with TikTok – As TikTok continued to grow in popularity, especially among younger users, Facebook wanted to ensure its short-form video product could match TikTok’s capabilities.
  • To allow more creativity – 15 or even 30 seconds is very restrictive for creators. 60 seconds gives them more flexibility to tell stories or provide tutorials/information.
  • To accommodate different content types – Some types of content, like recipes, product reviews, or comedy sketches, are difficult to fit into 15-30 seconds. The 60-second length caters to these verticals.
  • To drive more user engagement – Longer videos tend to keep viewers watching for longer and can decrease drop-off rates compared to very short clips.

Overall, the expanded time limit gives creators more options when making Reels and helps Facebook better compete for short-form video viewing.

Are there any requirements or limitations?

Facebook does still have some requirements and restrictions in place for 60-second Reels:

  • Reels must be at least 20 seconds long – You cannot make a Reel shorter than 20 seconds.
  • Square aspect ratio is preferred – While you can upload vertical or horizontal Reels, Facebook’s algorithms favor square 1:1 ratio videos.
  • No continuous text or images – Reels should not just be static text/images the whole time, even if narrated. Some sort of video clip is required.
  • Subject to community standards – Reels must adhere to Facebook’s rules around dangerous individuals/organizations, violent/graphic content, adult nudity, etc.

So while 60 seconds is now allowed, creators do need to keep those limitations in mind when producing longer Reels. There are still some constraints in place even with the expanded time length.

Are Reels over 1 minute possible?

As of October 2022, Facebook has not indicated any plans to allow Reels over 1 minute in length. The maximum length remains 60 seconds. There are a few reasons why they are sticking with this limit for now:

  • It maintains differentiation from long-form video – Keeping Reels under 1 minute distinguishes them from regular Facebook video posts or YouTube videos, which are often much longer.
  • Data shows engagement declines after 1 minute – Facebook has likely tested or analyzed ideal Reel lengths, and found viewer dropoff increases significantly after 60 seconds.
  • Creative constraints can boost innovation – Forcing condensing of ideas into 60 seconds pushes creators to be more innovative in their storytelling technique.

However, Facebook has shown they are willing to increase the limits as needed for competitiveness. If TikTok or other rivals begin commonly allowing videos over 60 seconds, Facebook may again reconsider expanding Reels. But for now, 1 minute remains the cap.

Comparison to competitors

Here is how the current 1 minute maximum Reel length compares to key competitors in short-form video:

Platform Max Video Length
TikTok 60 seconds
YouTube Shorts 60 seconds
Instagram Reels 60 seconds
Snapchat Spotlight 60 seconds

As the table shows, all the major platforms currently have a 1 minute limit in place. So Facebook Reels is aligned with competitors for maximum length allowed at this time.

Pros of 1 minute limit

Some pros of Facebook limiting Reels to 1 minute include:

  • Forces more condensed, engaging storytelling – Creators must get right to the point and use every second effectively.
  • Quick consumption fits modern attention spans – 60 seconds caters perfectly to the more limited attention spans of today’s mobile viewers.
  • Less storage space needed – Shorter videos take up less storage capacity for Facebook’s servers.
  • Adapts proven model of competitors – Following a similar time limit as successful competitors like TikTok is a lower-risk strategy.

Cons of 1 minute limit

Some cons of restricting Reels to 1 minute include:

  • Hinders certain content formats – Some types of educational or documentary content require longer runtimes.
  • More segments needed for long-form content – Those posting content like recipes may need to split into multiple parts.
  • Hard for new creators to stand out – Gaining followers can be challenging within tight time constraints.
  • Innovation may be stifled – Longer runtimes could enable new creative video formats.

Tips for keeping Reels engaging

Here are some tips for keeping Reels effective and engaging within the 1 minute constraint:

  • Hook viewers right away – Grab attention immediately with an interesting first shot, soundbite, or graphics.
  • Keep clips short and snappy – Use tighter shots and faster pacing to maintain energy.
  • Leverage text overlays – Use concise text and emojis to quickly convey info.
  • Use strong CTA at the end – End with a clear call-to-action telling viewers what to do next.
  • Re-use content from longer videos – Repurpose snippets of existing content into quick Reels.

Examples of popular 1 minute Reels

Here are some examples of Reels that effectively tell compelling stories or deliver shareable content within just 60 seconds:

  • Short comedy sketches
  • Product reviews summarizing pros/cons
  • Recipe tutorials highlighting key steps
  • “Day in the life” vlogs presenting highlights
  • Dance videos showcasing new choreography
  • Pranks and social experiments
  • Timelapse room makeovers
  • Travel montages capturing trip highlights

The future of Reels length limits

It’s likely that Facebook will continue incrementally increasing Reels limits over time when they feel it’s needed to stay competitive. Some possible future time limits we could see based on platforms like TikTok and YouTube Shorts include:

  • 90 seconds
  • 2 minutes
  • 5 minutes

However, longer limits present challenges like increased storage needs, risks of disengagement, and dilution of the Reels value proposition as a home for short-form content. So Facebook will likely proceed cautiously and only expand past 1 minute when clear user demand and competitive pressure warrants it.


In summary, Facebook currently allows Reels up to 1 minute long, but does not permit over 60 seconds at this time. They’ve gradually expanded from only 15 seconds initially to the current limit. While some creators would benefit from longer Reels, Facebook likely sees strategic and practical value in keeping videos under 1 minute for now. However, they may reassess this limit in the future as the competitive landscape evolves. Overall, most effective Reels follow the old adage that “brevity is the soul of wit” – making every second count is key to engaging audiences within tight time constraints.