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Can Facebook pages still create events?

Can Facebook pages still create events?

Facebook events allow users to publicize get-togethers, parties, conferences, and more on the platform. Events have been an integral part of Facebook since the feature launched back in 2007. Over the years, Facebook events have become a popular way for businesses, organizations, and public figures to connect with their target audiences and promote happenings. However, with Facebook’s ever-evolving algorithm and policy changes, some users are left wondering: can Facebook pages still create events in 2022?

The Short Answer

Yes, Facebook pages can still create events as of October 2022. The events feature is alive and well for business pages, community pages, artist pages, politician pages, and various other public figure/organization pages on Facebook.

Facebook Events Overview

Before diving into the details, let’s first take a quick look at how Facebook events work:

  • Facebook events can be created directly within Facebook by page admins.
  • Basic event details like name, location, date/time, host(s), and imagery can be added.
  • Facebook events also allow users to invite friends, set reminders, purchase tickets, follow the event for updates, and more.
  • Events are visible on the page’s timeline and also surface on users’ Facebook feeds if they follow the page or are invited.
  • Separate event discussion boards allow attendees to connect with each other.
  • Insights provide page admins data on event views, interest, reach, and more.

In a nutshell, Facebook events allow page owners to create dedicated event landing pages that make it easy for users to learn about happenings and signal interest or intent to attend.

The Difference Between Facebook Pages and Profiles

Before answering whether pages can still create events, it’s important to understand the difference between Facebook pages and personal profiles:

  • Profiles – Every Facebook user has a personal profile that they use to connect with friends and family. Profiles represent individual people.
  • Pages – Facebook pages represent businesses, brands, organizations, public figures, artists, politicians, pets, places, etc. Pages allow entities beyond individual people to establish a presence on Facebook.

Facebook events can be created by both profiles and pages. However, this article is focused specifically on whether pages can still create events.

Can Facebook Pages Still Create Events?

So can Facebook pages still create events in 2022? The short answer is yes. As of October 2022, the ability for Facebook pages to create and promote events remains intact. There have been no announced plans to remove this functionality or prevent pages from leveraging events.

Events remain available across all types of Facebook pages, including:

  • Business pages
  • Community organization pages
  • Artist pages
  • Politician pages
  • Pet pages
  • Places pages

In fact, Facebook has continued updating and enhancing events for pages over the years by adding new features like online events, live videos, ticketing, and more.

The Basics of Creating Facebook Events

For those unfamiliar, here is a quick rundown of how Facebook pages can create events:

  1. Navigate to the Facebook page
  2. Click “Events” in the left sidebar menu
  3. Click the “Create Event” button
  4. Fill out the event name, location, date/time, and other details
  5. Hit “Publish” to create the public event

The process is quite straightforward and simple. Page admins can create events directly from their desktop or phone via the Facebook app.

New Features Expand Facebook Event Capabilities

Facebook has continued expanding the capabilities of events for pages over the years. Some newer event features include:

  • Online events – In response to the pandemic, Facebook allowed events to be designated as online. Attendees can stream live video into the event.
  • Live video – Pages can now live stream video directly into the event page to broaden reach.
  • Ticketing – Integrations with ticketing platforms allow event organizers to sell tickets and check attendees in via events.
  • Co-hosting – Pages can now designate other profiles or pages as co-hosts to help manage events.

Facebook has also enhanced events by improving recommendations and search to help users discover relevant happenings. Augmented reality effects have also been added to make events more engaging and interactive.

The Value of Facebook Events for Businesses & Organizations

Facebook events provide significant value for businesses, organizations, and other entities with Facebook pages. Some of the benefits include:

  • Increased awareness for events and happenings
  • Viral promotion when attendees invite friends
  • Engaged discussion boards for attendees
  • Easy ticketing and RSVP management
  • Targeted promotion to relevant audience segments
  • Ability to live stream video into the event
  • Metrics and insights into event engagement

In short, Facebook events offer a versatile suite of tools for pages to connect with their followers around events and real-world happenings. The platform makes it incredibly easy to create, manage, and promote events that resonate with target audiences.

Do Any Pages Have Restrictions on Event Creation?

For the most part, all page categories retain the ability to create events as of October 2022. However, Facebook does put some restrictions in place for certain pages to better safeguard users:

  • New pages – Pages less than 30 days old may have limited access to create events until establishing a posting history and connecting with more users.
  • Low quality pages – Pages that have repeatedly shared clickbait, misinformation, or spam content may lose the ability to create events.
  • Pages violating policies – Any pages that violate Facebook’s community standards or terms of service may be prohibited from creating events as an enforcement measure.

These limitations primarily impact low-integrity pages that have not earned Facebook’s trust. Reputable organizations and public figures generally have no issue creating events from their Facebook presence.

Creating Quality Events to Engage Followers

While Facebook pages retain the full ability to create events, it’s important that organizations create compelling, high-quality happenings to attract and engage their target audience. Here are some tips:

  • Choose events relevant to the page’s focus and audience. A pet groomer hosting a dog adoption event makes sense, but not a crypto conference.
  • Provide plenty of details – location, exact time, parking instructions, agenda, speaker bios, etc.
  • Use eye-catching visuals like videos and photos from past events to give attendees a preview.
  • Promote the event via ads or posts to maximize reach and discovery.
  • Engage attendees in event discussions by posting Q&As, polls, and updates.
  • Make sure the page hosting the event provides value beyond just events to continually grow its audience.

Creating compelling events that resonate takes thoughtful planning and promotion, even with a robust platform like Facebook supporting them.


Let’s review some frequently asked questions about Facebook events for pages:

Can businesses create Facebook events?

Yes. Businesses can create events through their Facebook business pages. Events are an excellent way for businesses to engage customers and promote sales or special offers.

Can nonprofits use Facebook events?

Absolutely. Nonprofit organizations rely heavily on Facebook events to promote fundraising events, volunteer activities, workshops, and more. Events help nonprofits rally support and raise awareness of their mission.

Do Facebook events show up in News Feed?

Facebook events created by pages will surface in the news feeds of people who follow the page. Additionally, events may appear when friends are invited or interact with the event.

Is there a limit to how many events a page can create?

Facebook does not impose a specific limit on the number of events a single page can create. However, pages that create low-quality or irrelevant events may see restrictions placed on their ability to create more events.

Can pages schedule event series?

Yes, Facebook allows pages to schedule recurring event series with multiple instances over a period of time, such as a weekly yoga class.

Can multiple pages collaborate on events?

Yes. Facebook now allows pages to co-host events together, giving multiple pages joint ownership to better coordinate hosting duties.

The Future of Facebook Events

Facebook events have become deeply ingrained into the platform over the past 15+ years. While small restrictions apply to ensure integrity, there are no signs of events going away anytime soon for legitimate organizations.

In fact, Facebook continues investing in new event technologies and features. For example, CEO Mark Zuckerberg outlined his plans for developing a “social metaverse” in which virtual reality and augmented reality allow online events to mimic immersive, in-person experiences.

Events also tie closely with Facebook’s ecommerce and advertising objectives. More organizations are integrating ticket sales and virtual goods into events. Meanwhile, the ability to target ads to people interested in specific events creates new monetization opportunities.

In summary, events remain a viable and effective feature for Facebook pages to drive real-world engagement and digital interaction. Expect Facebook’s commitment to events and new innovations in the space only to grow in the future.


Facebook events provide an invaluable tool for pages to engage their target audience around happenings, conferences, meetups, and more. Despite Facebook’s ever-evolving platform, the ability for pages to create events remains firmly in place as of October 2022.

Events are available across all major page categories, including businesses, nonprofits, artists, politicians, places, pets, and community organizations. The only pages with potential event restrictions are those violating Facebook policies or posting low-quality content.

Moving forward, Facebook is poised to keep investing in virtual and augmented reality to take events to the next level. But the core functionality shows no sign of disappearing. So pages can continue leveraging events to drive real-world engagement with confidence.