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Can Facebook pages see who views their page?

Can Facebook pages see who views their page?

This is a common question for many Facebook page owners and users alike. With over 2.9 billion monthly active users on Facebook, pages on the platform can reach large audiences. Naturally, page owners are curious about who exactly is viewing their content. So can Facebook pages see who views their page? The short answer is no, Facebook pages cannot see the identities of individual profile viewers. However, page owners do have access to some analytics about their page viewership.

Facebook Page Insights

While Facebook pages cannot see the identities of individual profile visitors, they do have access to analytics about their page traffic. Page owners can view Facebook Page Insights to get data on their page views, reach, and engagement. Here are some of the key metrics Facebook Page Insights provide:

  • Page Views: The number of times your Facebook page was viewed. This includes views by logged-in and logged-out users.
  • Reach: The number of unique people who saw any content from your page. Reach includes organic reach and paid reach.
  • Page Previews: The number of times your page’s profile information was viewed. This occurs when users click on your page name or profile picture.
  • Page Likes: The total number of likes your Facebook page has received.
  • Post Reach: The number of unique people who saw your post in their feed or on your page.
  • Engagement: The total number of actions on your page or posts, such as likes, comments, shares, event responses, etc.
  • Video Views: The number of times your video has been viewed for at least 3 seconds.
  • Demographic Data: Statistics on your page audience’s age, gender, location, language, etc.

So while Facebook Page Insights do not show who specifically is viewing your page, they provide page owners with visibility into their page traffic and audience makeup. Using these metrics, page owners can analyze performance over time and optimize their content strategy.

Who Can See Your Facebook Page

When creating a Facebook page, owners can set a few different audience options:

  • Public: Anyone on or off Facebook can view your public page and its content.
  • Friends: Only your friends and their friends on Facebook can view your page.
  • Private: Only people you approve can access your private page. Others will not be able to view any content.

The majority of Facebook pages are public so that they can reach the widest audience possible. By default, new pages on Facebook are public. Unless a page owner specifically sets audience restrictions, anyone with a Facebook account can view a public page and its content.

Can Individual Profiles See Who Views Their Profile?

While Facebook pages cannot see who views their page, individual profiles do have some ability to see who has visited their profile if certain conditions are met:

  • If the viewer has interacted with the profile by liking, commenting on, sharing, reacting to or posting on any of the profile’s public content.
  • If the viewer is a Facebook friend of the profile.
  • If the profile owner has installed the “Who Viewed Your Profile” app.

With these conditions met, profile owners may see some information about individual profile visitors within the Facebook Activity Log or through third party apps. However, regular profile viewing of public profiles does not get tracked. Facebook prioritizes privacy for its users, so information about profile views is limited.

Tips to See Who is Engaging With Your Facebook Page

While page owners cannot see exactly who is viewing their page, they can get more visibility into who is engaging with their content. Here are some tips:

  • Check Notifications: When someone likes, comments on or shares one of your page posts, you will get a notification. Click into notifications to see who is actively engaging.
  • Monitor Comments: Keep an eye on comments and replies on your page posts to see who is commenting on your content.
  • Review Follower Demographics: Use Page Insights to analyze the age, gender, location and language demographics of your page followers.
  • Promote Engagement Opportunities: Ask followers to like, tag friends, check-in, submit photos/videos or share to increase engagement.
  • Analyze Your Reach: See when your page and post reach spikes to indicate increased interest and visibility.
  • Use Ads Manager: If running ads, you can see demographic data on who your ads are reaching and engaging.

While page owners cannot see exactly who visits their page, monitoring notifications, comments, and Page Insights can provide helpful clues into who engages with your content.


In summary, Facebook pages are not able to see exactly who views their page and content. Page views are anonymous unless someone engages by liking, commenting or sharing page content. However, page owners can access analytics through Facebook Page Insights to view data on their page reach, post engagement, audience demographics and more. By keeping an eye on notifications, comments and Insights, page owners can get a better sense of who their content resonates with. But overall, Facebook does not provide pages the ability to see private profile information about individual page visitors in order to protect user privacy.