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Can Facebook page owner be anonymous?

Can Facebook page owner be anonymous?

Facebook pages allow individuals, businesses, organizations, and others to connect with their target audience. When creating a Facebook page, the owner has the option to display their real identity or remain anonymous. However, Facebook’s terms of service require page owners to use their real identities.

Is it possible to create an anonymous Facebook page?

When setting up a new Facebook page, the platform requires the owner to provide their real name and identity. However, it is possible for page owners to create pages under pseudonyms, fake names, or anonymous identities. The page creation process does not thoroughly verify the identity of the owner. So it is relatively easy to provide false information when registering a new page.

Creating pages under fake names

Page owners can enter a fake name when prompted for a name during page creation. As Facebook does not verify the name entered, it is possible to create pages under any name, real or fake. The platform relies on user reports and its automated systems to detect and remove falsely identified pages after creation.

Using pseudonyms

A pseudonym is a name used in place of a real name. For example, an author may write under a pen name instead of their real identity. Page owners can create Facebook pages under imaginative pseudonyms without using their real names.

Acquiring pages from others

Individuals can acquire existing Facebook pages from others through direct transfer of ownership or purchase. This allows acquiring pages with established audiences while avoiding the identity verification parts of creating a new page. However, the original owner’s name remains associated with the page unless changed.

Does Facebook allow anonymous page owners?

Facebook’s terms of service expressly prohibit anonymous page ownership and fake accounts. Section 3.1 of the terms states:

“You will not provide any false personal information on Facebook, or create an account for anyone other than yourself without permission.”

Furthermore, Section 3.2 states:

“You will keep your contact information accurate and up-to-date.”

These clauses indicate page owners must provide accurate identity details and update them if they change. Creating or acquiring pages anonymously violates Facebook’s rules.

Why Facebook prohibits anonymity

Facebook desires real identities for the following reasons:

  • Authenticity – Real identities foster genuine user interactions and community.
  • Safety – Fake accounts can spread objectionable content, misinformation, and scams.
  • Advertising – Real identities allow targeted, relevant advertising.
  • Legality – Facebook must comply with laws regarding content moderation, privacy, elections, etc.

Enforcement actions

If Facebook detects an anonymous or fake account, it may take the following enforcement actions:

  • Content removal
  • Page suspension or disablement
  • Loss of page verification badge
  • Ban from administrative roles
  • Ban from advertising
  • Permanent ban from Facebook

Therefore, anonymity poses risks even if initially successful in page creation.

Can business pages have anonymous owners?

The same Facebook rules apply for business pages. According to section 3.2 of the terms:

“Users will not provide any false personal information on Facebook, or create an account for anyone other than themselves without permission.”

So business pages must submit accurate identity information for owners and administrators to comply with the terms.

But business names differ from personal names

Legitimate businesses have legal business names that may differ from the owner’s personal name. However, Facebook requires the real identity of the account administrator for the business page during setup.

For example, Jane Doe could create a page for her business Doe Landscaping. While Doe Landscaping is the business name, Jane Doe must provide her real personal name as the account administrator.

Verification requires identity confirmation

To acquire a blue verification badge, Facebook requires business pages to submit confirming documentation. This includes:

  • Business licenses
  • Tax records
  • Legal paperwork
  • Government IDs

These documents must show the real identity of the page administrator, preventing full anonymity.

What steps can page owners take to hide their identities?

While full anonymity violates Facebook’s rules, page owners can take steps to obfuscate their real identities. These include:

Using a pseudonym

As mentioned earlier, a realistic-sounding pseudonym can disguise the page owner’s real identity. This fake name will display publicly as the account administrator.

Blocking visitors from tagging the page

Page owners can disable the ability for others to tag the page in photos and posts. This prevents revealing connections to the owner’s real identity.

Avoiding personal details

Page owners should be careful not to disclose identifying details through page content. Things like hometowns, schools attended, and relatives’ names can connect a page to an individual.

Securing personal profile and friends list

The owner should maximize privacy settings on their personal profile and friends list. A private profile hides incriminating identity details from public view.

Using a pseudonymous profile picture

An anonymous avatar or logo as the profile picture prevents visitors from linking the page to the owner’s face. However, fake pictures may draw violation reports.

What risks do anonymous page owners face?

While anonymity provides some benefits, page owners should weigh the significant risks involved:

Content removal

Facebook can delete page content without notice or explanation. Anonymous owners have little recourse for appealing these decisions.

Page suspension or disablement

Facebook may indefinitely suspend pages in violation of its terms, severing the owner’s tie to their audience. Page access can be permanently revoked.

Loss of page verification

Pages confirmed with the blue verification badge can lose verification at any time for anonymity. This reduces credibility.

Bans from monetization

Financial privileges like ad revenue sharing and Facebook Marketplace may be prohibited for anonymous pages.

Law enforcement cooperation

Facebook may provide law enforcement information about illegal activity on offending pages. This can result in criminal charges.

Civil lawsuits

Page visitors harmed by objectionable anonymous content may be able to sue the page owner.

Harm to reputation

If a page owner’s real identity is revealed, dishonesty and policy violations may damage their reputation.

Should page owners remain anonymous despite the risks?

Here are some pros and cons for page owners to weigh when considering anonymity:

Potential benefits

  • Avoid unwanted contact through separation of personal and page identities
  • Build audience without preconceived biases toward page owner’s real identity
  • Express views freely without professional or personal repercussions
  • Prevent harassment by concealing identity from online trolls

Potential drawbacks

  • Content removal without explanation or appeal
  • Loss of page following and reputation built under pseudonym
  • Bans from page monetization opportunities
  • Legal consequences for objectionable content
  • Reputational damage if real identity revealed

Page owners must evaluate their priorities, audience, and risk tolerance to decide if anonymity benefits outweigh the substantial risks.


Facebook’s terms prohibit operating pages under fake identities or pseudonyms. However, page creators can initially bypass identity checks when registering. Ongoing obfuscation steps can further mask page ownership.

Still, Facebook employs technical and human measures to continually detect anonymity violations. Page owners caught flouting Facebook rules may face content deletion, page suspension, lost verification, bans on monetization, legal consequences, and reputation damage.

Page owners gain some benefits from anonymity but also assume significant risks. Each person must weigh the pros and cons themselves based on their specific situation and goals in operating a Facebook page.