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Can Facebook ID name be changed?

Can Facebook ID name be changed?

Facebook allows users to change their name on their profile. This can be done through the settings menu on Facebook’s website or mobile app. There are some limitations to how often you can change your name, but in general it is possible to update and customize your profile name.

How often can you change your Facebook name?

Facebook limits name changes to prevent abuse. You are allowed to change your name every 60 days. If you try to change it more frequently, you will get an error message stating “You can change your name only once every 60 days.”

So while Facebook does allow name changes, you cannot switch back and forth between different names on a weekly or even monthly basis. The 60 day limit helps prevent users from constantly changing their identity or misleading other users.

Are there any requirements for your Facebook name?

Facebook does have some requirements when it comes to choosing your profile name:

  • Your name must have at least 5 characters
  • It cannot contain celebrity names or offensive terms
  • It cannot consist solely of generic terms like “user” or “facebooker”
  • It cannot impersonate someone else

Facebook reviews name change requests to ensure they meet these criteria. If your requested name does not follow the requirements, you will receive an error message and have to choose a different name.

How do you change your Facebook name on desktop?

Here are the steps to change your Facebook name on a desktop computer:

  1. Go to and log into your account
  2. Click on the down arrow in the top right corner and choose “Settings”
  3. On the left sidebar, click “Name”
  4. Enter your new name in the “Name” field
  5. Click “Review Change” to submit it for review

Facebook will then review your requested name change to make sure it follows the requirements. If approved, your new name will be updated on your profile and visible to other users.

Changing your name on the Facebook mobile app

You can also change your Facebook name via the Facebook mobile app for iOS or Android. Here are the steps:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your phone
  2. Tap the three line menu icon in the top right
  3. Go to “Settings & Privacy” then tap “Settings”
  4. Tap “Name” and then “Edit Name”
  5. Enter your new name and tap “Review Change”

The name change process is the same as on desktop. Facebook will review your request and notify you if the new name has been approved and updated.

What happens when you change your Facebook name?

Here are some key things to know about what happens when you change your profile name on Facebook:

  • Your previous name remains visible to you even after changing it
  • Your URL will automatically change to reflect your new name
  • Friends will see your new name in their feeds and when they visit your profile
  • You may have to confirm your identity again if your name changes significantly
  • Pages and groups you manage will not change names

In most cases the transition is seamless. Friends will see that your new name is associated with your profile. You can also choose to notify people of your name change through a post if desired.

Does changing your name affect your Facebook messages?

When you change your Facebook name, it does not affect your existing messages or friends list. Here is what happens to your Facebook messages when you change your name:

  • Your old conversations remain under your previous name
  • New messages will show your updated name
  • Friends can still search for and message you with your old name
  • Your friend list does not change

So your Facebook messages and which friends can message you will remain the same, even if your profile name is different.

Can you reuse a previous Facebook name?

Once you change your name, your old name becomes available for reuse after 60 days.

So if you change your name from “Jane Doe” to “Jane Smith,” you cannot immediately change it back to Jane Doe. You would have to wait 60 days from the first change to reuse your old name.

This is to prevent name cycling and abuse. But after two months you can revert to a previous name if you choose.

Does your Facebook URL change when you update your name?

Yes, when you change your Facebook name your custom URL will automatically update:

  • Old name:
  • New name:

The URL will change to reflect your new profile name. There is no way to retain your old custom URL after changing your Facebook name.

Can you optimize your new Facebook name for search?

To optimize your new Facebook name for search, here are some best practices:

  • Choose a consistent name you will keep for a long time
  • Make sure it matches any names you use on other social media sites
  • Use your commonly known name or official name
  • Include your middle name or middle initial if applicable
  • Avoid changing your name frequently or using temporary names

Having a consistent name that aligns with your other online profiles will make you easier to find and authenticate. Frequently changing your Facebook name can actually penalize you in search results.

Tips for updating your name on other accounts

Once you change your Facebook name, consider updating your name on any other accounts for consistency:

  • Update the name on your Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn profiles, etc.
  • Change the name on your email accounts
  • Update your byline name if you publish articles or content
  • Change the name on professional profiles like GitHub or StackOverflow

Keeping the same name across your online presence makes you easier to find and helps reinforce your personal brand. Use your new Facebook name as an opportunity to sync up all your online profiles.

Should businesses change their Facebook Page name?

For businesses managing Facebook Pages, there are separate naming considerations:

  • The official business name should match your brand identity
  • consistency with other social media accounts is also important
  • Shorter, memorable names can work better than formal names
  • Descriptive names help people identify what your business does

Facebook allows Pages to change names an unlimited number of times to allow flexibility in branding. Just be sure not to change names too frequently or drastically.

When should a business rename their Facebook Page?

Common reasons businesses rename their Facebook Pages include:

  • Rebranding the company with a new name
  • Expanding into new products or services
  • Merging with or acquiring another company
  • Improving discoverability with a descriptive name
  • Retiring an old brand or product line

Evaluate whether your current Page name still aligns with your brand and role in the marketplace. Page name changes present an opportunity to refine your business identity on Facebook.

Can you merge Facebook Pages when renaming?

If you have multiple existing Pages and want to consolidate, you can also merge them when renaming:

  1. Go to your primary Page you wish to keep
  2. Click “Settings” and select “Merge & Migrate”
  3. Select the Page you want to merge into this one
  4. Choose a new name for the merged Page

Consolidating multiple Pages into one unified presence can help simplify management and branding. Just make sure fans of the old Pages get notified.

Should I notify people about my new Facebook name?

When changing your personal Facebook name, it’s a good idea to notify your friends list of the change. You can do this either through:

  • A post on your Timeline explaining the name change
  • A Facebook Story announcing your new name
  • A message sent to friends directly

This reduces confusion and helps ensure people know your new identity. The same advice applies to Pages renaming – alert your followers to avoid losing touch with them.


Facebook does allow you to change your profile name, with some frequency limits in place. When changing your name, be thoughtful about choosing a consistent identity that aligns with your real-world name and other social profiles. Properly notify people in your network about name changes to avoid confusion.

Businesses should periodically reevaluate their Facebook Page names to ensure they match their brand identity and help customers understand their offerings. Name changes present an opportunity for improved discoverability and communicating shifts in branding, ownership or products.

With some strategic thought and preparation, changing your Facebook name – whether your personal profile or a branded Page – can help refine and reinforce your identity in the social media sphere.