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Can Facebook group members see my posts?

Can Facebook group members see my posts?

Facebook groups allow users to connect with others who share similar interests and exchange content such as status updates, photos, videos, and links. When you post content in a Facebook group, who can see it depends on the group’s privacy settings.

Public Groups

In a public Facebook group, anyone on Facebook can see the group, who’s in it, and what members post. Public groups are discoverable by anyone using search, and their posts also appear in News Feeds. So if you post in a public group, all group members as well as nonmembers can see your posts.

Private Groups

Private Facebook groups require approval to join and only members can see posts. Private group content doesn’t appear in News Feeds or other places on Facebook. So if you post in a private group, only current group members can see your posts.

Closed Groups

Closed groups on Facebook also require approval to join. However, while only members can see posts, the group and its members are visible to anyone on Facebook. A closed group’s description, member list, and members’ names may be seen by nonmembers. But nonmembers cannot see posts.

Secret Groups

Secret Facebook groups are the most private group type. Secret groups don’t appear in searches, don’t have a public description, and only current members can see the group at all. Any posts you make in a secret group are only visible to its members.

How to Check a Group’s Privacy Settings

To find out if a Facebook group is public, private, closed, or secret:

  • Go to the group’s main page
  • Click on the About tab
  • Look for “Privacy” – this will show the group type

You can also tell at a glance from the group’s profile picture. Public groups have a globe icon, closed groups have a lock icon, and secret groups have a secret icon.

Controlling Who Sees Your Posts

Beyond choosing groups with your desired privacy level, you have some additional options to control who sees your posts:

Post Privacy

When making a post in any group, you can change the audience for that specific post using the audience selector. You can make a post public, limit it to group members only, or customized groups and friends.

Friend Lists

Create custom friend lists of specific people you want to share posts with. You can select these custom friend lists as the audience when posting to further limit visibility.


If there are certain group members you don’t want seeing your posts, you can block or unfriend them. They will no longer be able to see your posts or interact with you in the group.

Managing Visibility as a Group Admin

As a Facebook group admin, you have additional tools to control what posts group members see:

  • Review each member’s post before it publishes using pre-approval
  • Select whether only admins or all members can post in the group
  • Turn off group member commenting on posts
  • Ban or remove members who don’t follow group rules


Who can view your posts in a Facebook group depends on the group’s privacy settings. Public groups are visible to all of Facebook. Closed and private groups limit views to members only. Secret groups offer the most privacy and don’t appear anywhere outside the group. As a member, you can also customize post and friend list audience. And group admins have tools to monitor content.

Understanding Facebook groups’ privacy controls allows you to share comfortably within group discussions. Select groups with your desired privacy level or adjust individual post audiences for more control over who sees your content.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can non-members see any of my posts in a private Facebook group?

No, posts made in a private Facebook group are only visible to current members of that group. Non-members cannot see any posts. Private groups also do not show up in searches or suggestions to join.

If I post in a closed Facebook group, who can see it?

Only current members of a closed Facebook group can see posts within it. Non-members can see the group description and member list, but not actual posts.

Can I limit some posts in a group to certain friends only?

Yes, when making a post in a group you can customize the audience using the selector menu. Here you can change it from the default of all group members to friends lists, individual friends, or other custom groups.

Do secret Facebook groups appear anywhere outside the group?

No, secret groups are completely hidden from anyone not currently added as a member. Secret groups do not appear in searches, suggestions, profiles, or anywhere else outside the group.

Can I prevent specific group members from seeing my posts?

You can block or unfriend any group member to prevent them seeing your posts and interacting with you. Another option is creating a custom friends list that excludes them and selecting it as the audience when posting.

Comparison of Facebook Group Types

Group Type Who Can See Group Who Can See Posts
Public Anyone Anyone
Closed Anyone Members Only
Private Members Only Members Only
Secret Members Only Members Only

How Post Visibility Works in Groups

Image shows posts in public groups visible to all of Facebook, closed/private group posts only visible to members, and secret group posts completely hidden.

Privacy Tips for Facebook Groups

  • Review a group’s information and settings before joining or posting
  • Understand the difference between public, closed, private, and secret groups
  • Use secret groups when you want maximum privacy
  • Limit specific posts to friends/custom lists if needed
  • Block individual members who you don’t want seeing posts
  • Report any harassment or privacy violations to group admins

Following these tips will help you safely participate in group discussions while maintaining control over who sees your activity and content.


Facebook groups can be a great way to connect with people, share your interests, and engage in productive conversations online. But before actively participating, it’s important to understand how your posts within groups may be visible to others depending on privacy settings.

Public groups provide the least amount of privacy, while secret groups offer more control. You can also limit views by customizing post audience and blocking specific individuals. Overall, being aware of the different visibility and moderation options allows you to posting comfortably in Facebook groups.