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Can Facebook friends see your private groups?

Can Facebook friends see your private groups?

Facebook groups allow users to connect with others who share similar interests and engage in discussions. When creating a Facebook group, admins can choose to make it public, closed, or secret.

Public groups are open and visible to anyone on Facebook. Closed groups require approval from an admin to join. Secret groups are completely private and invisible to non-members.

Can Friends See Your Membership in Private Facebook Groups?

Whether your Facebook friends can see your membership in private Facebook groups depends on the privacy setting of the group.

Public Groups

If you join a public Facebook group, all of your friends will be able to see that you are a member of that group. Public groups are visible to anyone on Facebook, even if they are not a member.

When you join a public group, it may show up on your profile under “Groups” and also in your friends’ News Feeds. Friends can also visit the public group and see you listed as a member there.

Closed Groups

When you join a closed Facebook group, your friends cannot see your membership. Closed groups do not display their member lists publicly, so only fellow group members will know that you’ve joined.

However, if you interact with closed group posts (liking, commenting, posting, etc.), that activity may be visible to your friends depending on your privacy settings. You can control who sees your posts and interactions within groups using the audience selector.

Secret Groups

Secret groups provide the most privacy. Like with closed groups, your friends will not be able to see that you are a member of a secret Facebook group. Additionally, secret groups and their content are completely hidden from non-members.

Your membership and activity within a secret group will never be visible to your Facebook friends unless you directly share content from the group with them.

Who Can See Your List of Facebook Groups?

In addition to your membership within individual groups, Facebook has a “Groups” section on profiles that lists all the groups a user has joined. Who can view your full list of groups depends on your privacy settings:

  • Public: Anyone can see your group list.
  • Friends: Only your friends can see the groups you’ve joined.
  • Only Me: Your groups list is private.

So even if your friends can’t see your activity within closed and secret groups, they may be able to see that you’ve joined those groups if your “Groups” privacy setting allows friends to view your list.

How to Check Your Group Privacy Settings

Here are steps to review and adjust your group privacy settings on Facebook:

  1. Go to your profile and click “Groups” in the left sidebar.
  2. Click the 3-dot menu in the top right corner of your Groups list.
  3. Select “Edit Privacy.”
  4. Choose who you want to be able to see your group memberships: Public, Friends, or Only Me.

Adjusting this setting will control who can view the full list of groups you’ve joined on your profile. To check the privacy settings for individual groups:

  1. Go to the group’s main page.
  2. Click “Members” or “Member List” at the top.
  3. This will show the group’s privacy setting, such as Public, Closed, or Secret.

How to Keep Your Group Activity Private

In addition to keeping your group membership list private, you may want to limit which Facebook friends can see your activity within those groups. Here are some tips:

  • Use the audience selector when posting in groups to customize who can see your posts. Choose “Groups Members” to limit visibility to just that group.
  • Be thoughtful about which groups you interact with most actively. Keep activity to a minimum in sensitive groups.
  • Review News Feed preferences to limit friends from seeing groups posts at all.
  • Avoid linking your Facebook profile to accounts used for anonymous group participation.


Facebook gives users granular control over who can see group memberships and activity. While public groups are open to everyone, closed and secret groups keep your membership private from friends.

Review your individual groups’ privacy settings and your profile “Groups” visibility to ensure Facebook friends see only what you want them to. Limit News Feed visibility and use audience selectors to keep group activity on Facebook need-to-know.

With careful privacy settings, you can participate in closed and secret Facebook groups anonymously and avoid mingling that interest-based social activity with your main Facebook friends list.

Group Privacy Type Who Can See Membership Who Can See Activity
Public Everyone Everyone
Closed Only group members Limited by your privacy settings
Secret Only group members Only visible to other members

Other Facebook Group Privacy Questions

Can group admins see my other groups?

No, being a group admin does not give special access to see your other group memberships or activity. The admin can only see what your individual privacy settings allow.

Can I hide my group membership from specific friends?

No, you cannot hide groups from certain friends while leaving them visible to others. The “Groups” privacy setting applies to all friends collectively.

If I leave a group, can friends still see I was a member?

No, when you leave a Facebook group your friends will no longer be able to see you were once a member. However, any past activity within the group remains visible.

Can I completely hide my Facebook group activity from friends?

Yes, you can hide all group activity from friends in your News Feed preferences. Go to “Settings & Privacy” > “News Feed Preferences” and turn off the “Groups” toggle. This will prevent all group posts from displaying to friends.

Is it possible to join a secret Facebook group anonymously?

Yes, you can create a separate Facebook account not linked to your real identity to join secret groups anonymously. Just be sure not to friend any of those groups’ members on your main profile.