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Can Facebook business page do a fundraiser?

Can Facebook business page do a fundraiser?

Yes, Facebook business pages can create and host fundraisers on Facebook. Fundraisers allow business pages to raise money for nonprofit organizations, personal causes, or their own business needs. Here are some key things to know about Facebook business page fundraisers:

Requirements for Facebook Business Page Fundraisers

In order to create a fundraiser on a Facebook business page, the page needs to meet these requirements:

  • The page must be an authentic business and comply with Facebook’s Commerce Policies.
  • The page admin needs to be authorized to fundraise. This involves completing Facebook’s fundraiser registration process and providing necessary verification information.
  • The fundraiser must be for a purpose permitted by Facebook. Allowed purposes include nonprofits, personal causes, or business needs. Fundraisers cannot be for the admin’s personal gain.

How to Set Up a Facebook Business Page Fundraiser

Once a page meets the requirements, the admin can set up a fundraiser by following these steps:

  1. Go to the business page and click “Create Fundraiser” in the left menu.
  2. Select the nonprofit to support or choose “Raise Money For Your Own Cause.”
  3. Fill in the fundraiser details: title, goal amount, end date, description, cover photo/video.
  4. Submit the fundraiser for Facebook review. Most fundraisers are approved within 1 business day.
  5. Once approved, the fundraiser will go live on the page and admins can share and promote it.

Fundraiser Options for Business Pages

Facebook offers business pages several options when setting up and managing a fundraiser:

  • Supported nonprofits – Pages can raise funds directly on Facebook for over 1 million verified nonprofit organizations.
  • Personal causes – Funds can be raised for individuals in need, community projects, or the page’s own business expenses.
  • Fundraiser duration – Fundraisers can last from 1 to 30 days. Longer durations allow more time for sharing and promotion.
  • Goal amount – Pages can set a target fundraising amount from $100 to $1,000,000.
  • Sharing tools – Admins have access to sharing features like posts, stories, invites, and ads to promote their fundraiser.

Benefits of Business Page Fundraisers

Hosting a fundraiser on a Facebook business page can offer several benefits:

  • Takes advantage of the page’s existing audience and reach.
  • Spreads awareness for a cause through users’ News Feeds.
  • Enables easy mobilization of the page’s followers for fundraising support.
  • Accepts donations directly through Facebook so no external tools are needed.
  • Gives the page positive exposure and goodwill by supporting a nonprofit.

Fundraising Success Tips for Business Pages

To maximize the impact of a Facebook business page fundraiser, admins can employ these tips:

  • Choose a compelling cause that aligns with the page’s brand and audience values.
  • Craft engaging fundraiser content that tells a story people can connect with.
  • Set a reasonable goal amount based on expected donor capacity.
  • Market the fundraiser through both paid and organic methods like posts, ads, sharing, etc.
  • Send regular fundraiser updates to maintain momentum and return to top of News Feed.
  • Add visual elements like images, videos, and graphics to bring the fundraiser to life.
  • Use insights tool to monitor fundraising progress and adapt approach as needed.
  • Thank all donors and provide impact updates after fundraiser ends.

Fundraiser Rules and Regulations for Business Pages

Facebook has rules in place to govern fundraisers created on business pages:

  • All fundraisers require Facebook review and approval before going live.
  • Funds raised must be used for the stated purpose and properly documented.
  • Fundraiser organizers are responsible for complying with all applicable laws and regulations.
  • Facebook must be informed if a nonprofit beneficiary changes during an active fundraiser.
  • Fundraiser content cannot include deceptive, false, or misleading information.
  • Facebook may reject or end any fundraiser it deems violates their fundraising policies.

Overall, Facebook aims to create a secure fundraising environment while giving business pages flexibility to do good via fundraisers. Pages should carefully manage their fundraisers to align with Facebook’s standards.


Facebook provides business pages an excellent platform to host fundraisers benefitting nonprofit organizations, personal causes, or business needs. By meeting Facebook’s requirements, properly setting up the fundraiser, utilizing sharing capabilities, and following best practices, business pages can maximize their fundraising impact.

Fundraisers allow pages to mobilize their audience, showcase their values, support important causes, and potentially raise substantial sums. Facebook’s fundraising features offer business pages flexibility while enforcing guidelines to maintain integrity. With thoughtful strategy and promotion, business page fundraisers can become an impactful part of a page’s approach to doing good and enriching community.

Fundraiser Type Benefits Considerations
Nonprofit Organization
  • Support an established cause
  • Leverage existing donor base
  • Nonprofit provides oversight
  • Must research nonprofits
  • Less control over funds
  • May take longer to find the right fit
Personal Cause
  • Customize for your own interests
  • Full control over funds use
  • Quicker setup process
  • More effort to establish legitimacy
  • Less existing donor awareness
  • Responsible for legal compliance
Business Needs
  • Funds come directly to your business
  • Builds customer engagement
  • Positions you as a worthy cause
  • Justifying business expenses to donors can be difficult
  • Need clear business fund use plans
  • Donors may prefer nonprofit causes

Fundraiser Duration Considerations

When determining the duration for your Facebook business page fundraiser, keep these factors in mind:

Duration Benefits Downsides
1-7 days
  • Creates urgency to donate
  • Good for time-sensitive needs
  • Less effort to administer
  • Limits shareability over time
  • Harder to meet higher fundraising goals
  • Less flexibility if issues arise
8-15 days
  • Allows solid sharing window
  • Enough duration for awareness building
  • Moderate administration needs
  • Donor fatigue may set in
  • Not long enough for bigger goals
  • Less sense of immediacy
16-30 days
  • Maximum sharing & promotion time
  • Higher fundraising potential
  • Flexibility if obstacles occur
  • More tiring for organizers & donors
  • Harder to maintain viral momentum
  • Higher admin workload

Key Fundraising Milestones

Successful Facebook business page fundraisers often follow this timeline of key milestones:

Milestone Time Frame Description
Initial Fundraiser Setup 2-3 weeks before launch
  • Determine cause & set goal amount
  • Draft fundraiser content
  • Select duration and start/end dates
  • Build fundraising team if needed
  • Create marketing assets and plan
Fundraiser Approval Up to 1 week before launch
  • Submit fundraiser to Facebook for review
  • Provide any requested additional information
  • Obtain approval to move forward
Launch Promotion First 2-3 days live
  • Post fundraiser links prominently on page
  • Sticky first fundraiser post to page top
  • Ask followers to like/share and donate
  • Consider small ads to boost reach
Ongoing Awareness Push Throughout fundraiser duration
  • Share new content and impact stories
  • Respond and thank followers for support
  • Re-share the fundraiser periodically
  • Evaluate analytics and adapt approach
Final Outreach Last 3 days before closing
  • Send reminders that closing date is near
  • Highlight any matching funds at stake
  • Share final total and push for last minute donations
Thank You and Follow Up 1-2 weeks after fundraiser ends
  • Send thank you message to all donors
  • Provide updates on funds distribution
  • Share impact stories demonstrating results

Donation Matching Opportunities

Offering donation matching during a Facebook business page fundraiser can help motivate and incentivize giving. Here are some common matching options:

Matching Type Description Benefits
1:1 Matching Each donated dollar is matched by equal funds
  • Easy for donors to understand
  • Clear doubling impact
Percentage Matching Donations are increased by set percentage (e.g. 50%)
  • Provides incremental increase in value
  • Lower cost than 1:1 for providers
Limited Time Matching Matching only available during certain timeframe
  • Creates urgency to donate
  • Concentrates giving push
Tiered Matching Higher matching rates for larger gifts
  • Incentivizes bigger donations
  • Lets provider scale cost
Challenge Matching Matching triggered when goal amount reached
  • Builds momentum based on collective effort
  • Rewards successful outreach

Measuring Fundraising Performance

To evaluate success and optimize future efforts, Facebook provides business pages with data and insights on their fundraisers. Metrics to analyze include:

Metric Calculation Usefulness
Amount Raised Total dollar amount donated Measures direct fundraising success
Donations Per Day Total donations / Duration days Shows average daily donor response
Average Donation Total raised / Number of donations Gauges donor willingness and capacity to give
Cost Per Dollar Raised Fundraising expenses / Amount raised Calculates return on promotional investments
Facebook Reach & Impressions How many saw fundraiser posts via News Feed, shares, etc Quantifies potential donor audience exposure
Shares and Likes Total number of shares and likes on fundraiser posts Measures organic spread and engagement

By analyzing these metrics in Facebook Insights, business pages can identify what messaging, promotion strategies, and call-to-action tactics perform best for their future fundraisers.


Facebook provides an immensely powerful platform for business pages to create fundraisers that mobilize supporter giving. With Facebook’s global reach and built-in social sharing capabilities, fundraisers allow pages to tap into their existing audience and spreads their message to drive donations for good causes.

To maximize results, business pages should utilize best practices in fundraiser setup, promotion, matching incentives, and performance analysis. With a thoughtful approach, business page fundraisers can connect communities, advance meaningful causes, and showcase the positive impact that businesses can have on the world.