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Can Facebook block someone without you knowing?

Can Facebook block someone without you knowing?

Facebook allows users to block other users so that they can’t see each other’s posts or interact with each other. This can be done for a variety of reasons, such as avoiding harassment or limiting contact with someone. However, many Facebook users wonder if it’s possible to block someone on Facebook without them being notified.

Can you block someone on Facebook without them knowing?

The short answer is yes, it is possible to block someone on Facebook without them being notified. When you block someone on Facebook, they do not receive any notification that they have been blocked. The blocked person will not get a message that they have been blocked and they will not get any other obvious indicators that they have been blocked.

From the blocked person’s perspective, it will just seem like the blocking user no longer appears in their friends list or interactions. The blocked person will be able to still view public posts by the blocking user, but all other communication will be severed.

How does blocking work on Facebook?

When you block someone on Facebook, it severs all forms of direct communication between you and that person. Here’s an overview of what blocking does:

  • The blocked person can no longer see your posts in their News Feed.
  • You will no longer see the blocked person’s posts in your News Feed.
  • You and the blocked person can no longer start a conversation with each other on Messenger.
  • The blocked person is removed from your friends list.
  • You both won’t be suggested as People You May Know to each other on Facebook.

So in essence, blocking prevents you and the other person from interacting in any way on Facebook. It cuts off all direct communication.

What the blocked person can still do

While blocking prevents direct interaction, it does not completely eliminate all traces of the blocked person from your Facebook experience. Here are some things the blocked person can still do:

  • See your public posts and any public information on your profile
  • Tag you in posts and photos (though you won’t be notified)
  • Invite you to events or groups (though you won’t see the invitation)
  • Message your Facebook friends
  • See things you post in public groups and events

So the blocked person can still take certain limited actions related to you, even though you won’t be notified or see what they are doing.

Will the blocked person know they are blocked?

Facebook does not directly notify users when they have been blocked. So unless the blocking is obvious from the blocked user’s perspective, they may not realize they have been blocked.

Here are some signs that may indicate to a user that they have been blocked on Facebook:

  • The blocking user disappears from their friends list
  • Old messages with the blocking user disappear from their inbox
  • They can no longer see new posts by the blocking user
  • They can no longer tag the blocking user in posts
  • They can no longer start a Messenger conversation with the blocking user

A blocked user who is observant may pick up on one or more of these signs. However, since Facebook provides no notice, some blocked users may not realize what happened and may think the blocking user deleted their account or changed privacy settings.

How do you know if you’ve been blocked on Facebook?

As the person being blocked, you also will not get any notification from Facebook. But there are some signs that suggest you may have been blocked:

  • You can no longer see new posts from that person in your News Feed
  • You can no longer tag that person in posts, photos or other content
  • That person no longer appears in your list of friends
  • You can no longer start a Messenger conversation with that person

If one or more of these issues occur suddenly with a specific person with no other explanation, it’s possible you’ve been blocked. But without any notice from Facebook, you can’t know for 100% certain.

Why doesn’t Facebook notify people when they are blocked?

Facebook has said that not notifying users when they are blocked is intentional. The rationale is that it helps minimize potential harassment or awkward situations.

For example, if an abusive ex-partner was notified when they were blocked, they may retaliate or find other ways to continue the harassment. The lack of notification allows people to quietly sever contact with someone without drama.

However, some believe Facebook should provide users with an option to notify blocked users or see a list of users who have blocked them. This could prevent confusion and misunderstandings that can happen when people disappear without explanation.

Can you tell if you’ve been blocked on Messenger?

If someone blocks you specifically on Messenger but not all of Facebook, it can be a bit more clear that you’ve been blocked. Here are some signs that you may have been blocked just on Messenger:

  • Your old Messenger conversations with them disappear
  • Your messages to them on Messenger will show only one check mark and remain undelivered
  • You can no longer start a new Messenger chat with that person
  • You will no longer see their online status or when they were last active on Messenger

So while full blocking removes all signs of someone’s activity, being blocked just on Messenger means you can still interact on Facebook but not Messenger specifically. This may make it more clear you’ve been blocked.

Can you undo blocking someone on Facebook?

Yes, blocking on Facebook can be undone. As the person who did the blocking, you can easily unblock someone:

  1. Go to your Facebook Settings
  2. Select “Blocking” in the left menu
  3. Click on “Unblock” next to the name of the person you want to unblock

This will remove the block and re-open communication between you and that person on Facebook.

If you have been blocked by someone else on Facebook, unfortunately there is no way to undo it yourself. Only the other person can reverse the block by unblocking you.

Does blocking remove chat history?

Blocking someone on Facebook removes your own ability to view prior chat history with that person in Messenger. However, it does not by default remove the chat history from the perspective of the blocked person.

So if you block someone, your past Messenger conversations will disappear. But that person may still have access on their end to the old chat history with you.

The only way to fully delete the chat history is to manually delete it before blocking the person. Or you can request that the blocked person delete the conversations themselves.

Can you get blocked by too many people?

There is no known limit to how many people you can block or by how many people you can be blocked on Facebook. The blocking system is designed to let users curate their News Feed and contact list. So there are no repercussions for blocking or being blocked by large numbers of people.

That said, being blocked by a great many people or blocking large numbers of people yourself may indicate that your Facebook presence is bothering people or needs to be reevaluated.


Blocking someone on Facebook can be done discreetly without the other person being notified or fully understanding that they have been blocked. The lack of notification allows for cutting off unwanted communication without social repercussions.

However, the opacity of the blocking system can also lead to confusion and misunderstandings when people suddenly disappear without explanation. Understanding how blocking works and what its limits are allows you to have the most control over your Facebook experience.