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Can Facebook admin manage Instagram?

Can Facebook admin manage Instagram?

This is a common question for many social media managers and business owners who use both Facebook and Instagram. The short answer is yes, Facebook admins can manage Instagram accounts connected to Facebook Pages. However, there are some limitations and things to keep in mind.

Connecting Instagram to Facebook

The first step is connecting your Instagram account to your Facebook Page. This allows you to manage both from the same Facebook Ads Manager and Creator Studio accounts. Here’s how to connect Instagram and Facebook:

  1. Go to your Instagram profile
  2. Tap the settings icon in the top right
  3. Select “Linked Accounts”
  4. Tap “Connect to Facebook”
  5. Log into your Facebook account if prompted
  6. Select the Facebook Page you want to link to

Once your Instagram account is connected to a Facebook Page, any admin of that Page will be able to access the connected Instagram account. However, there are limitations to what Facebook admins can do compared to Instagram account owners.

What Facebook Admins Can Manage in Instagram

Facebook Page admins who are connected to an Instagram account have access to the following Instagram management features:

  • Posting and scheduling posts
  • Commenting and engaging with followers
  • Basic account settings like contact info and category
  • Insights and analytics
  • Ad creation and management
  • Content collections creation

So Facebook admins have quite a bit of access and ability to fully manage content, engagement, ads, and insights for an Instagram account. However, there are still some limitations.

What Facebook Admins Can’t Manage in Instagram

While Facebook Page admins have extensive access to connected Instagram accounts, there are some restrictions on what they can’t do or change:

  • Switching the connected Instagram account or connecting to multiple accounts
  • Changing the Instagram username or handle
  • Resetting the Instagram password or updating login info
  • Modifying private Instagram account settings
  • Adding or removing Instagram account managers
  • Permanently deleting the Instagram account

So Facebook admins don’t have full access to make major account changes to Instagram. The Instagram account owner still has the ultimate control through the Instagram app itself.

Best Practices for Facebook Admins Managing Instagram

When Facebook admins are managing a connected Instagram account, here are some best practices to follow:

  • Collaborate with the Instagram account owner on overall strategy and posting guidelines
  • Have the account owner handle Instagram-only features like Stories, Live, IGTV
  • Review comments and engagement on Instagram regularly
  • Get approval for major changes like switching categories
  • Share access to analytics and insights regularly
  • Communicate with the Instagram account owner on how things are going

Following these tips will help ensure effective management of Instagram by Facebook admins while respecting the account owner’s ultimate control and vision.

Facebook Admin Instagram Management Tools

Facebook provides a suite of tools for Page admins to manage connected Instagram accounts. Here are some of the key platforms:

Facebook Business Suite

Business Suite is an integrated desktop platform for managing Facebook Pages and ad accounts as well as Instagram accounts and profiles. Key features include:

  • Posting content to Facebook and Instagram
  • Commenting and engaging with followers
  • Managing ads and boosting posts
  • Analytics and insights

Facebook Creator Studio

Creator Studio is Facebook’s mobile app for creators and publishers to manage Pages and content. Admins can use it to:

  • Schedule and publish posts
  • Engage with comments
  • Check notifications and messages
  • Monitor metrics and performance

Instagram Mobile App

While limited in analytics, the Instagram mobile app does allow Facebook Page admins to:

  • Post photos, videos, Stories
  • Like and comment on content
  • Check notifications and messages

The Instagram app offers the most native Instagram experience for admins managing an account.

Can Multiple Facebook Admins Manage One Instagram Account?

Absolutely! Once an Instagram account is connected to a Facebook Page, any and all admins of that Page will be able to access and manage the connected Instagram account.

Page admins don’t need to share passwords or logins for the connected Instagram account. The connection through Facebook authorization allows all admins to mange that Instagram profile.

Best practice is to coordinate among Page admins on who will manage what Instagram content and tasks. Communication is important to prevent overlapping efforts or conflicts.

Many larger brands and companies will divide and conquer, with different admins responsible for community management, visual content, ads, and more.

Pros and Cons of Facebook Admins Managing Instagram

Allowing Facebook Page admins to manage a connected Instagram account provides several benefits but also some potential drawbacks to consider:


  • Spreads workload across larger team
  • Allows focused efforts by topic/skillset
  • Provides broader analytics and optimization
  • Increases amount and consistency of posting
  • Improves speed and coverage of engagement


  • Branding and voice can get diluted
  • Account owner gives up some control
  • Need for coordination and communication
  • Potential content conflicts or overlaps
  • Less intimate feel from larger operation

In most cases for larger accounts, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks of opening up Instagram management to Facebook admins. But it does take some planning and management to do it effectively.

Can Facebook Admins Manage Multiple Connected Instagram Accounts?

Yes, Facebook Page admins can manage multiple Instagram accounts connected to that Facebook Page. For example:

  • A parent company Page can connect the Instagram accounts of all its brand subsidiaries
  • A publisher can connect the Instagram profiles for all its different magazine titles
  • A retail business can connect the Instagram presences of its individual store locations

In these cases, the Page admins would have access to post, analyze, and advertise on all the connected Instagram accounts. This allows large organizations to maintain control and consistency across their brand portfolio.

The main limit is connecting personal Instagram profiles. Facebook only allows Pages to connect Instagram business profiles, not personal accounts.

Can You Post to Instagram From Facebook Business Suite?

Yes, Facebook Business Suite provides the ability for Page admins to create and schedule posts that will publish directly to connected Instagram profiles.

To post on Instagram from Business Suite:

  1. Click “Posts” in the left menu
  2. Click “Create Post”
  3. Select the connected Instagram account(s) to post to
  4. Upload images/video and customize the content
  5. Schedule the post to go live on Instagram

This makes it easy to plan and publish Instagram content in conjunction with Facebook posts right from Business Suite.

Can You Use Creator Studio to Post to Instagram?

The Creator Studio mobile app also allows Facebook Page admins to create and schedule posts directly to connected Instagram accounts.

Posting to Instagram from Creator Studio includes:

  • Uploading images and video from your mobile device
  • Applying filters and editing content
  • Writing captions and adding hashtags
  • Tagging locations
  • Scheduling publishing date and time

Creator Studio is designed for posting content on the go from your smartphone. The features cater specifically to visual social networks like Instagram.

Do Instagram Insights Differ Between Instagram and Facebook?

The core Instagram Insights available to Instagram business profiles are the same whether accessed from Facebook or the Instagram app. Metrics like impressions, reach, engagement are consistent.

However, connecting an Instagram profile to Facebook does unlock some additional reporting features:

  • Cross-platform reporting in Ads Manager
  • Aggregated Page engagement insights
  • Unified messaging inbox and response metrics
  • Integrated metric segmentation and filtering

So Facebook does provide extra Insights value, but the base metrics remain the same across Instagram and Facebook.

Can You Schedule Instagram Posts in Facebook Business Suite?

Yes, Facebook Business Suite provides robust scheduling options for planning Instagram posts in advance. Admins can:

  • Choose specific dates and times for posts to publish
  • Schedule posts days, weeks, or months in advance
  • Schedule posts individually or in recurring series
  • Update or delete scheduled posts
  • View an overview calendar of scheduled posts

Scheduling ahead saves time, organizes content, and ensures consistency. Facebook Business Suite gives admins the tools to plan their Instagram content publishing.

Can Facebook Admins Use Instagram Ads Manager?

Yes, Facebook Page admins connected to an Instagram account have full access to set up and manage ads in Instagram Ads Manager.

Ads Manager allows admins to:

  • Create Instagram ad campaigns
  • Customize audiences and placements
  • Design creative ad content
  • Set budgets and schedules
  • Track performance and optimize

Running Instagram ad campaigns is a key part of many social strategies. Facebook Business Suite and Ads Manager integrate Instagram and Facebook ad management for streamlined optimization.

Can You Use IG Business Tools with a Personal Instagram Account?

Unfortunately no – Facebook limits the business management integrations like ads, analytics, and cross-posting to officially registered Instagram business accounts only. Personal consumer Instagram profiles cannot access these tools.

Here are some key differences between personal Instagram accounts vs business profiles:

Personal Business
More informal, personal content Official professional content for brands
No advertising or shop features Can run ads and use commerce features
Used for individual interests Used for organizations and public figures
No analytics Has access to Instagram Insights
Cannot connect to Facebook Pages Can connect to and cross-post from Facebook

So unfortunately personal Instagram users miss out on the business tools and integration options. But that allows a more intimate social experience.

Can You Merge Multiple Instagram Accounts Into One?

Unfortunately, there is no official way to merge multiple existing Instagram accounts into one consolidated account. Instagram does not support account merging.

There are a couple partial workaround options:

  • Manually repost desired content from the secondary accounts to your primary account
  • Use an Instagram dashboard tool to help repost and manage multiple accounts more easily

But there is no way to directly combine the follows, messages, and identities of multiple accounts. Each Instagram profile remains separate.

For brands, best practice is to identify one primary Instagram business account, grow its following organically, and connect other existing accounts to that main profile via Facebook.

Can You Have Multiple Instagram Business Accounts?

Yes, absolutely. There are no limits on the number of Instagram business accounts an individual or business can create and run.

Reasons companies often have multiple Instagram accounts include:

  • Separate accounts for individual brands or product lines
  • Local or regional accounts for specific locations
  • Accounts in different languages for global markets
  • Accounts focused on different content categories and audiences

Managing multiple Instagram accounts does take more effort. But it allows greater customization and targeting.

Can You Use The Same Email for Multiple Instagram Accounts?

Unfortunately each Instagram account must be registered with a unique email address – you cannot use the same email for different Instagram accounts.

However, there are some workarounds:

  • Create alias emails that route to your main email inbox like [email protected]
  • Use email forwarding to consolidate messages from alias addresses
  • Use a group email management platform to access multiple accounts

With these tactics you can still effectively monitor notifications and messages from multiple Instagram profiles while keeping each one separate.

Can You Have Multiple Instagram Business Managers?

Yes, a single Instagram business account can have multiple managers. To add managers:

  1. Go to your Instagram profile and tap the menu
  2. Tap Settings > Account > Switch to Professional Account
  3. Tap Business information > Business managers
  4. Enter the username(s) to invite as managers

Business managers have the same permissions as the original account owner to post, engage, and advertise. This allows collaboration and delegation.

There is no limit on the number of business managers for an Instagram account. But best practice is adding only those who truly need access.

Can a Business Instagram Account Have Multiple Admins?

Yes, there are a couple ways a business Instagram account can have multiple administrators:

  1. Add business managers within Instagram itself
  2. Connect the Instagram account to a Facebook Page for admin access

All business managers and Facebook admins connected to an Instagram profile can manage posting, engagement, ads, and insights.

Granting multiple admins allows businesses to share the workload and have specialists focus on specific areas like content creation or community management.


In summary, Facebook Page admins do have extensive management access to Instagram accounts connected to their Pages – but with some limitations.

Key takeaways include:

  • Facebook admins can post, engage, and advertise on connected Instagram accounts
  • The Instagram account owner maintains ultimate control
  • Facebook tools like Business Suite provide integrated IG management
  • Coordination is key for multiple admins
  • Separate Instagram accounts still have unique identities

Understanding the possibilities and limits allows brands to maximize their Instagram presence through Facebook integration while respecting each community’s unique needs.