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Can everyone see your live on Facebook?

Can everyone see your live on Facebook?

Facebook Live allows users to broadcast live video to their followers on Facebook. When you go live on Facebook, you have options for controlling who can view your broadcast.

Can anyone see your Facebook Live video?

By default, when you start broadcasting live video on Facebook, the privacy setting is set to “Public.” This means that anyone on Facebook, even people who are not your friends or followers, will be able to see your live video.

Making a Facebook Live video public increases the chances that more people will view it. However, it also means you have no control over who sees your broadcast. Strangers and acquaintances may stumble upon your live video if it is set to public.

Limiting the audience for your Facebook Live video

If you don’t want your Facebook Live broadcast to be viewable by the general public, you can limit your audience in the following ways:

Friends only

When starting your live video, choose the “Friends” option under privacy settings. This will make your live video visible only to people who are your friends on Facebook.

Specific friends or groups

You can also customize the audience even further. When setting up your Facebook Live, click on the “Specific Friends or Groups” option. Here you can select only certain friends or groups who will be allowed to watch.

Pages you manage

If you manage any Facebook pages, you have the option to limit the live video audience to only people who follow your page. Under privacy settings, select “Pages You Manage” and choose the specific page.

Can you hide your live video from certain people?

Unfortunately there is no way to block specific individuals from viewing your Facebook Live video. The options are to either make it public, limit it to friends, or choose specific groups/pages.

If you want to prevent certain people from seeing your live broadcast, the only option would be to create a group that excludes those individuals, and select that group under the audience settings.

What happens when your Facebook Live video ends?

When you finish broadcasting live on Facebook, the video will remain viewable on your profile or page. The same audience settings will apply.

For example, if you originally limited the live broadcast to friends only, after the video ends, only friends will be able to view the recording.

Can you delete your Facebook Live video?

Yes, you can delete your Facebook Live video after you have finished broadcasting:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile or page where the live video was posted
  2. Click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the video post
  3. Select “Delete”

The video will be permanently deleted. Anyone who had been able to view the live broadcast will no longer have access.

Tips for managing your Facebook Live audience

  • Carefully consider the audience you want to reach before going live.
  • Use precise targeting rather than public if you only want your content seen by certain people.
  • Be cautious about selecting friends or followers as your audience if you want to limit access.
  • Remember that after you finish broadcasting, the video remains viewable to the same audience.
  • Delete the video when you no longer want it available on your profile or page.

Can comments on your Facebook Live video be limited?

When broadcasting live on Facebook, viewers have the option to comment in real-time during your video. As the broadcaster, you can control whether comments are enabled or disabled:

Disabling comments

To prevent any comments from appearing with your live video:

  1. Go to your post where the live video is broadcasting
  2. Click on the Comments text below the video
  3. Select “Turn Off Commenting” at the bottom

This will completely disable comments for the duration of your broadcast.

Pre-approving comments

You also have the option to pre-approve any comments before they appear visible with your video. To enable this moderation setting:

  1. Go to your Facebook page settings
  2. Click on “Post Approval”
  3. Toggle “Comment Moderation” on

This will require you to manually approve each comment before it is posted during your live broadcast.

Filtering comments during live video

Unfortunately there is no way to automatically filter or block certain words from appearing in Facebook Live comments. Your options are to either turn off commenting entirely or manually approve each comment.

Make sure to have a moderated following and consistent monitoring if you allow comments during your live videos.


When broadcasting live on Facebook, you have options to control your video’s privacy settings and limit who can view it. The default is public, but you can restrict it to friends, specific groups or pages you manage.

There is no way to hide your live video from certain individual people. You can only delete the video after you finish broadcasting if you want to prevent access.

Comments can be disabled or set to require approval during live videos. But there are no automatic filters for blocking words in Facebook Live comments.

Think carefully about your intended audience and privacy preferences before going live on Facebook.

Audience Setting Who Can View
Public Anyone on Facebook
Friends Your Facebook friends
Specific Friends or Groups Only selected individuals or groups
Pages You Manage Only followers of selected pages you manage
Comment Settings Options
Disable Comments No comments visible during live video
Pre-approve Comments Manual moderation of each comment
Filter Words No automatic filters available

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I hide my Facebook Live video from my boss or coworkers?

Unfortunately there is no way to block specific people from viewing your live video. You can limit the audience to friends, groups or pages which would exclude non-friends.

What if I share private information during a live video by mistake?

If you accidentally broadcast something private, delete the video as soon as your live session finishes. This will remove it from being viewed on your profile or page.

Can I limit my Facebook Live audience size?

There is no limit on audience size for Facebook Live videos. The only way to restrict the potential reach is through your privacy settings. A public video could be viewed by Facebook’s over 2 billion users.

Do live videos appear differently in followers’ feeds?

Facebook Live videos will show up prominently in followers’ feeds while broadcasting. Once the broadcast finishes, the video appears similar to any other video post in their feed.

What happens if I get banned from Facebook during a live video?

If your account gets banned by Facebook mid-broadcast, your live video will immediately end for all viewers. The recording may still briefly remain viewable to your audience depending on the reason for the ban.


Facebook Live can be a great way to interact with your friends, family and followers in real time. But it’s important to be mindful of your privacy settings and audience. Limit your broadcast to only people you are comfortable reaching.

Monitor comments closely and moderate when appropriate. Think carefully about the content you share live, as you have limited ability to hide it from certain individuals afterward.

With proper security and privacy measures in place, Facebook Live can provide engaging interaction with your intended viewers.