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Can everyone see my Facebook Marketplace listing?

Can everyone see my Facebook Marketplace listing?

When you create a Facebook Marketplace listing to sell an item, you may wonder who can actually see and access that listing. Facebook Marketplace allows you to sell items locally to others in your area, but your privacy settings and post audience can impact how visible your listing is.

Who can see your Facebook Marketplace listing by default?

By default, your Facebook Marketplace listings are visible to the following groups:

  • Your Facebook friends
  • Friends of your Facebook friends
  • Members of Facebook Groups that you’ve joined and posted in
  • Members of Facebook Groups your friends have joined and posted in

So when you create a Marketplace listing, it automatically becomes visible to your personal Facebook network and connections. This includes both people you’re directly connected to and friends of your friends.

How to adjust the audience for your Marketplace listing

If you want to limit or expand who can see your Marketplace post, you can adjust the audience when creating the listing:

  • Public – Anyone on or off Facebook can see your listing
  • Friends of Friends – Your friends and their friends can see your listing
  • Friends – Only your confirmed Facebook friends can see your listing
  • Specific Groups – You select which Facebook Groups can access your listing
  • Only Me – The listing is private and only visible to you

The default setting is Friends of Friends. But you can easily change it to one of the other options in the audience selector when making a new Marketplace post.

Can people outside my local area see my listing?

Facebook Marketplace is primarily focused on local buyers and sellers. When you create a listing, it will mainly be shown to others near your local area.

However, if you select a public audience, people outside your area can come across your listing in Marketplace searches. They can also see it if they directly visit your Facebook profile or are connected to you through friends.

Tips for adjusting your Facebook Marketplace audience

  • Use Friends or Friends of Friends for regular items – This targets people in your local network.
  • Go Public for high-value items – You’ll get more exposure, which can help sell expensive items faster.
  • Use a Group for niche items – Post in relevant Groups to reach people interested in specific items.
  • Keep it Private for initial drafts – You can edit the listing before making it visible to others.

Can Facebook friends see your Marketplace activity?

Your Facebook friends cannot see what items you are browsing or searching for in Marketplace. Your browsing history is private.

However, friends can see:

  • Listings you post in Marketplace
  • Your comments on Marketplace listings
  • Items you have marked as “Saved”
  • Reviews of purchases you have made

So while your general Marketplace activity is private, content you actively post, engage with or save can be seen by your Facebook friends depending on your audience setting.

Is your name and profile picture shown?

When you create a Facebook Marketplace listing, your name and profile picture will be displayed publicly as the seller.

Buyers will see this seller information on your listing, even if they are not your Facebook friend.

There is no setting to hide your name or profile picture from Marketplace listings. This identification is meant to build trust between buyers and sellers on the platform.

Can you post Marketplace listings anonymously?

There is no way to post a completely anonymous Facebook Marketplace listing. Your name and profile image will always be displayed.

If you want to limit identification, you have a few options:

  • Use a abbreviated or generic name on your Facebook profile
  • Set your profile picture to something neutral instead of your photo
  • Create a Facebook profile just for Marketplace interactions

However, keep in mind Facebook discourages creating inauthentic accounts or profiles. Your best option is adjusting privacy settings or audience targeting for your listings.

Can you see who viewed your Marketplace listing?

Facebook does not provide data on who specifically has viewed or seen your Marketplace listings.

You can see the total number of views your listing has received. But there is no way to know exactly which Facebook profiles browsed or opened your listing post.

Should you worry about privacy with Marketplace listings?

Facebook Marketplace was designed to connect local buyers and sellers, so some listing visibility is necessary for it to function.

But you do have options to limit wider visibility using Facebook’s privacy settings, audience selectors and Group targeting.

In general, privacy issues are minimal if you take reasonable precautions with your Marketplace activity and network connections.

Good privacy practices on Facebook Marketplace include:

  • Being selective with your Facebook friends and Group joins
  • Using specific audiences, not public, for most listings
  • Keeping personal information out of listing titles and descriptions
  • Blocking users who send suspicious requests or messages

If you are uncomfortable with the visibility Marketplace provides, using an alternative classifieds platform may be a better option for you.


Facebook Marketplace provides a convenient local marketplace for buying and selling items through your Facebook network.

Listings are visible by default to your friends, friends of friends and Groups. But you can adjust audience settings to limit broader visibility.

Take reasonable privacy precautions based on what you are comfortable with. Marketplace integrates with your existing Facebook profile and connections, which provides buyer and seller verification.

Adjust your audience settings, focus on trusted connections and be selective in what interactions and information you share publicly on Marketplace.