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Can everyone see Facebook profile picture?

Can everyone see Facebook profile picture?

Facebook profile pictures are a core part of a user’s identity on the platform. With over 2.9 billion monthly active users, Facebook hosts billions of profile pictures that help users express themselves and connect with others. However, privacy settings determine exactly who can view your profile picture. The default setting allows anyone to see your profile picture, but this can be changed to share with friends only, or a custom audience. Understanding these options is key to managing your privacy.

Who Can See Your Facebook Profile Picture by Default

The default privacy setting for Facebook profile pictures is public. This means anyone on or off Facebook can see your profile picture. Some key things to know about the public default:

  • Your profile picture will appear next to content you share publicly on Facebook.
  • Anyone visiting your profile that is not your Facebook friend will be able to see your profile picture.
  • Your profile picture will also be viewable on public search engines like Google.

So in summary, when your profile picture privacy is set to public, any other Facebook user, non-Facebook user, or public search engine can access and view it.

Changing Profile Picture Privacy Settings

Despite the public default, you do have options to limit visibility of your profile picture on Facebook. Here are the steps to editing your profile picture privacy:

  1. Click on the down arrow in the top right corner of Facebook and select “Settings”.
  2. In the left column, click “Privacy”.
  3. Under the “Your Activity” heading, click “Who can see your future posts?”.
  4. Click on “Profile Picture”.
  5. Change the audience for who can see your profile picture posts.

Facebook offers several options for profile picture visibility that give you more control:

Friends Only

This limits your profile picture visibility to only people on your friends list. Friends of friends or public viewers will not be able to see it.

Specific Friends List

You can also select a more refined friends list to view your profile picture, like “Close Friends” or “Family”.

Only Me

Choosing “Only Me” makes your profile picture only visible to you when logged into your account. No other users on Facebook can view it.

Custom Audience

This option allows you to manually select specific people who can view your profile picture. You can type names into a custom list.

So in summary, the profile picture privacy settings give you full control over your audience reach on Facebook.

Who Can See Your Old Facebook Profile Pictures

When you update your Facebook profile picture, your previous profile photos also have privacy settings:

  • By default, old profile pictures are set to the audience you selected for your new profile picture.
  • You can edit the audience of previous profile pictures individually.
  • Photos visible on your timeline will follow the same audience as your new profile picture.

To change the audience for an old profile picture:

  1. Go to your profile and click on “Photos”.
  2. Click on a profile picture you want to edit.
  3. Click on the 3 dots at the bottom and select “Edit Audience”.
  4. Adjust who can see that specific profile picture.

Following these steps allows you to customize the privacy of current and past profile photos displayed on your Facebook account.

Profile Picture Visibility on Facebook Groups

Your profile picture settings also impact visibility within Facebook Groups:

  • In closed groups, members will be able to see your profile picture.
  • In open or public groups, all Group members and the public can see your profile picture.
  • Secret groups do not display profile pictures at all.

Group administrators may also have the ability to display or hide profile pictures within their Groups. But generally, closed Groups provide the most privacy while public Groups have minimal privacy for profile pictures.

Context of Your Facebook Profile Picture

It’s important to remember that your profile picture appears in various contexts across Facebook:

  • On your profile
  • Next to your comments
  • In Messenger conversations
  • Alongside Group posts
  • On Marketplace listings

So even if you limit your profile picture audience, it could still appear publicly in certain contexts on Facebook to a broader audience than you intended based on your privacy settings.

Finding Profile Pictures Through Search Engines

Public Facebook profile pictures may also appear on public search engines like Google. Even if you updated your privacy settings, search engines can still cache old public profile photos.

To potentially remove Facebook profile photos from search engine results:

  1. Go to each major search engine (Google, Bing, etc.)
  2. Search your name in quotes (e.g. “John Doe”)
  3. Click related images that appear
  4. Look for options to “Report” or “Request Removal” of cached photos

However, removal is not guaranteed. Search engines ultimately decide what they keep and remove from results. But reporting cached public images can possibly get them taken down.

Who Can See Your Facebook Cover Photo

Your Facebook cover photo has its own distinct privacy settings separate from your profile picture. By default, cover photos are public just like profile pictures initially are.

To change visibility of your cover photo:

  1. Go to your profile
  2. Click on your cover photo
  3. Select “Edit Cover Photo”
  4. Click “Customize Audience”
  5. Choose who can see your cover photo

You have the same audience options for cover photos as profile pictures. And you can update the audiences of your past cover photos in your photos archive if needed.

Ways Profile Pictures are Used on Facebook

Understanding how profile pictures appear across Facebook can help guide your privacy settings. Here are some of the main ways profile photos are displayed:

News Feed and Profile

Your current profile picture appears next to all content you post in News Feed. Anyone who can see that post will also see your profile picture.


If you add profile photos to Facebook Stories, they will appear to your audience chosen in Story settings.


Your profile picture shows next to Marketplace listings from your account.


When you comment on posts from friends, Pages, or Groups, your profile picture appears with the comment.


In Messenger conversations, your profile photo appears next to messages you send.


When you get notifications from Facebook, your profile picture accompanies them.

Face Recognition with Profile Pictures

Facebook utilizes face recognition technology to help identify people in photos. As a result, Facebook may be able to algorithmically determine who is in profile pictures based on its face recognition database.

Some key things to know about face recognition on Facebook:

  • By default, face recognition is set to “On” for new Facebook accounts.
  • If face recognition is on, Facebook can suggest tags of people it recognizes in photos.
  • Facebook builds a unique faceprint for people it recognizes across photos.

You can control whether Facebook applies face recognition to your profile pictures and photos:

  1. Go to “Settings”
  2. Click “Face Recognition”
  3. Choose “Edit” to turn it off or restrict it to certain groups

Disabling face recognition prevents Facebook from automatically identifying people in your profile picture or suggesting tags. However, anyone could still manually tag you.

Profile Pictures of Non-Users on Facebook

Facebook profiles without associated Facebook accounts are known as “non-user” profiles. They are essentially placeholder profiles. Some things to note about non-user profiles:

  • Anyone on Facebook can create a non-user profile.
  • Non-user profiles have names and profile pictures, but no login access.
  • Facebook uses facial recognition to suggest tagging non-users.
  • Non-users have no control over their profile privacy settings.

As a result, a non-user profile picture can appear publicly across Facebook if tagged by others. However, non-users can request removal of their non-user profiles and associated photos.

Adding Context to Your Profile Photo

Given the variety of contexts your Facebook profile photo appears in, adding some descriptive context can be helpful for acquaintances or new connections. Some ways to provide context:

Profile Picture Frames

Facebook provides frames to overlay on profile pictures during certain events or causes. These temporary frames hint at your interests or views.

Profile Picture Captions

You can add text captions to appear over your profile picture in certain contexts like News Feed posts. Captions give personalized context.

Profile Bio

Your profile bio description also appears below your profile picture in some cases, providing permanent background. A detailed bio adds context anywhere your profile picture shows up across Facebook.


Facebook profile pictures have public visibility by default, but privacy settings give you control over exactly who can view them. Limiting your profile picture audience reach takes a bit of work but can maximize your privacy on Facebook. Understanding how profile photos appear across Facebook can help guide your privacy decisions to shape the contexts you want to share photos in. Adding descriptive details with your profile pictures also assists in providing helpful context wherever they are viewed.

Who Can See Your Facebook Profile Picture: Summary Table

Profile Photo Audience Setting Who Can See Your Profile Picture
Public All Facebook users, non-users, public search engines
Friends Only Your Facebook friends list only
Specific Friends List Just the selected friends list you choose
Only Me Only you, when logged into your account
Custom Audience Manual list of specific people you designate