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Can everyone receive stars on Facebook?

Can everyone receive stars on Facebook?

Facebook stars are a feature that allows users to show appreciation and recognition for posts and comments made by others. Here are some quick answers about who can receive stars on Facebook:

Who can receive stars?

All Facebook users can both give and receive stars, regardless of whether their account is personal or representing a business, brand, or organization. There are no restrictions on receiving stars based on account type.

Do you have to be friends to give/get stars?

No, you do not need to be Facebook friends in order to give or receive stars. You can give stars to anyone’s public posts or comments, even if you are not connected on Facebook.

Can Pages and Groups get stars?

Yes. Facebook Pages and Groups can both receive stars on their posts and comments just like individual users can. Fans and followers can give stars to show appreciation for content from Pages and Groups they like.

Do you get notified when you receive stars?

Yes, you will get notifications when someone gives you stars. The notifications will show you which post or comment received the stars and from whom. You can click on the notification to view the post/comment and see the stars.

Can posts or comments get more than 1 star?

Yes, it is possible for a single post or comment to receive multiple stars from different people. There is no limit to how many stars a post can accumulate from different users.

Do stars expire?

No, stars do not expire once given. They will remain on posts and comments unless the original content is deleted by the author. Stars help showcase great content on Facebook indefinitely.

Can you remove stars you’ve given?

No, currently once you give someone stars, there is no way to remove or take them back. Make sure you really want to give someone stars before clicking on the star icon under their content.

Do stars boost distribution of posts?

Stars do not directly increase the reach or distribution of posts on Facebook. However, they do help highlight quality content and engagement, which are factors Facebook’s algorithm uses to determine what content to show higher up in News Feeds.

Can you give stars on mobile?

Yes, giving and receiving stars works the same on mobile devices. Simply tap the star icon below any post or comment while browsing Facebook in your mobile app to leave stars.

Do stars cost money?

No, stars are free to use. Giving and receiving stars does not cost anything for Facebook users. It is simply a feature for showing appreciation.


Facebook stars provide a simple way for any user to recognize great content across the platform. Anyone can give stars, receive stars, and accumulate multiple stars on posts and comments. Stars help showcase quality content and engagement, but do not directly boost distribution. Overall, stars allow the Facebook community to celebrate each other and highlight standout content.

Benefits of Receiving Stars

Here are some of the key benefits of receiving stars on Facebook:

  • Validation – Stars show that people appreciate and value your content.
  • Engagement – Receiving stars means more engagement on your posts.
  • Reputation – Accumulating stars can improve your reputation and credibility on Facebook.
  • Reach – Stars help signal to Facebook that your content resonates with the community.
  • Motivation – Getting stars can motivate you to continue creating great content.

Ways to Get More Stars

If you want to receive more stars on your Facebook posts and comments, here are some tips:

  • Post engaging content that provides value to your audience.
  • Respond to comments and questions to keep the conversation going.
  • Ask questions to get your audience involved.
  • Share updates from your personal life to connect on a deeper level.
  • Give stars to others to promote a culture of appreciation.
  • Thank people publicly when they give you stars.

Giving Stars to Others

It’s important to not just receive stars, but also give stars to others on Facebook. Here are some best practices:

  • Give stars for content that makes you laugh, inspires you, teaches you something, etc.
  • Aim to give stars for truly great content, not just minor comments.
  • Spread your stars around to different people when deserved.
  • Focus on quality over quantity when giving out stars.
  • Consider stars in comments as well as main posts.

Giving meaningful stars contributes to a positive culture on Facebook and encourages quality engagement all around. The more freely people give and receive stars, the better!

Star Limitations

While stars provide a lot of benefits, there are some limitations to be aware of:

  • Stars have minimal impact on overall Facebook post reach.
  • You cannot see who gave you specific stars, only the total number.
  • Stars could be misused by “star farms” to try and game the system.
  • Too many stars from one source may appear disingenuous.
  • Facebook could remove or change the stars feature without notice.

Overall though, when used genuinely stars offer a fun way to give social proof, validation, and appreciation to great content creators on Facebook.