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Can blocked people see Facebook stories?

Can blocked people see Facebook stories?

When you block someone on Facebook, it prevents them from seeing things you post, including stories. Blocking restricts their access to your profile and prevents them from contacting you on Facebook. So if you’ve blocked someone, they will not be able to see the stories you post.

What happens when you block someone on Facebook?

Blocking someone on Facebook is a way to restrict their ability to interact with you and see your profile and posts. Here’s what blocking someone does:

  • They will no longer be able to view your Facebook profile or see posts on your timeline
  • Any friend requests or messages sent by the blocked person will be hidden
  • You will not receive notifications, messages or friend requests from the blocked person
  • The blocked person will be unable to start a conversation with you on Messenger
  • Posts you’ve been tagged in by the blocked person may be hidden from your timeline
  • You will not be suggested as a friend to the blocked person and they won’t be suggested to you

So in summary, blocking prevents the blocked person from seeing your profile, posts, stories and interacting with you through Facebook in any way.

Do blocked people see your Facebook stories?

No, if someone is blocked from your profile, they will not be able to see any stories you post. Stories are considered a post or part of your profile, so they are automatically hidden from people you have blocked.

Facebook stories appear at the top of the news feed and last for 24 hours. They can include photos, videos, reactions, stickers and drawings. When you share a story, by default it is visible to all of your friends and followers.

But if you have blocked someone, that person will not see your Facebook stories or be aware that you have shared any stories. This helps prevent blocked people from viewing any of your content.

Will I be notified if a blocked person views my story?

No, you will not receive any notifications about a blocked person interacting with your story, because they are unable to view or engage with the story in any way.

Facebook normally sends notifications when people view your stories, react to them or respond to them. But this does not apply to blocked accounts – it will be as if they don’t exist as far as your story activity is concerned.

So you can be assured that when you block someone, their access to all your stories is revoked. They will not be able to see, comment on or react to anything you share in stories.

Can I hide my story from specific people?

Yes, even if you haven’t blocked someone, you can choose to hide your story from specific people. When you share a story, click on the audience selector that shows below the story.

This will open up options to customize who can see your story. You can hide it from:

  • Specific friends
  • People you don’t follow back
  • Individual followers

So if there is someone you don’t want viewing your stories, but don’t necessarily want to block, you can simply exclude them from the audience. They will not know you have shared a story.

What happens if you unblock someone?

If you decide to unblock someone you had previously blocked, they will regain access to view your profile and posts, including stories. Unblocking reverses the restrictions you had placed through blocking.

Some things to note if you unblock someone on Facebook:

  • They will be able to view your profile, timeline posts and stories moving forward
  • They will be able to message you or send a friend request again
  • They won’t be able to see anything you shared while they were blocked
  • You can re-block them at any time if you change your mind

Essentially unblocking gives them a clean slate, but does not give them access to content posted while they were blocked. They will only see new posts and stories from the point they are unblocked.

Can you see a blocked person’s story?

No, blocking works both ways. So if someone has blocked you on Facebook, you will not be able to see their profile, posts or stories.

Blocking prevents you from viewing each other’s timelines. So just as they can’t see your stories when blocked, you are unable to see theirs.

You will also be automatically unfollowed from their profile if they had previously approved your follow request. And you will no longer see their posts or stories in your feed.

So being blocked by someone equally restricts your ability to view their shared content.

Can a blocked friend see your story through a mutual friend?

No, when you block someone on Facebook, it overrides any mutual connections you may have. The blocked person will not be able to see your story through a friend’s account.

Facebook’s privacy controls prevent a blocked person from circumventing the block by logging into a mutual friend’s account. Your stories will remain hidden from their view, even if logging in through another account.

Facebook’s systems are designed to maintain separation between blocked accounts. So you don’t have to worry about your stories accidentally becoming visible to someone you have purposefully blocked.

How can you tell if you’re blocked by someone?

There are a few signs that indicate if someone has blocked you on Facebook:

  • You can no longer view their Facebook profile or timeline
  • You don’t see their posts or stories
  • They are no longer in your friends list
  • Messages you send them will show as undelivered
  • Chat conversations disappear

If you try to search for their profile and can’t find it, that likely means you have been blocked. You’ll no longer have access to send them messages or view anything they share.

Should you block someone on Facebook?

Here are some situations where you may want to consider blocking someone on Facebook:

  • An ex-partner you want no contact with
  • Someone exhibiting harassing or abusive behavior
  • An old friend you no longer want to interact with
  • Someone continuously sending unwanted messages/friend requests
  • A person you find annoying or negative
  • To take a break from someone you’re having issues with

Blocking can be useful for gaining space from a person and controlling your Facebook experience. It gives you the ability to avoid any undesirable interactions.

But in some cases, unfollowing, turning off notifications, hiding posts or unfriending may work better than completely blocking someone.

What happens if you block then unblock someone?

If you block and then unblock someone on Facebook, it essentially resets the relationship and privacy settings between you.

  • They will be able to message you and send friend requests again
  • They’ll be able to view your profile and new posts/stories
  • The stories and posts made while they were blocked will remain hidden
  • You’ll both regain access to each other’s timelines moving forward

Unblocking does not restore their access to content while blocked, but gives mutual access again as if starting fresh. They will only see posts made after unblocking.

You can always re-block them anytime if need be. Blocking and unblocking allows you to control interactions.

Can you tell if you’re blocked on Facebook?

Unfortunately Facebook does not directly notify you if you’ve been blocked by another user. But there are some signs you can look for to determine if someone has blocked you:

  • You cannot view their profile or timeline
  • Your messages to them will show as undelivered
  • Chat histories with them disappear
  • You no longer see their posts or stories
  • They are removed from your friends list

If you think you may be blocked based on those factors, trying searching directly for their profile. If it comes up stating “Content Not Found” then they have likely blocked you.

Can you tell who viewed your Facebook story?

Yes, Facebook provides the ability to see who has viewed your stories. To see viewers of a particular story:

  1. Go to your profile and click on Stories in the top menu
  2. Click on the story you want to check
  3. In the bottom left, click “Seen by” to view the list of accounts that have viewed your story

This will show a list of profile icons for every account that has seen that specific story. You can click on any profile to view or message them if desired.

However, you won’t see viewers that you have blocked. And others who have blocked you will not show up in your viewer list.

Analytics for story views

Facebook also provides analytics about your story views, which you can access to see total percentiles rather than individual viewers. To see these stats:

  1. Go to your profile and click on Stories
  2. Click on your own profile icon in the stories bar
  3. Select “Story Archive” to see metrics for all your stories

This will display data like total reach, impressions, replies and shares for each story. You can access this data even after stories expire.

Do messages disappear when you block someone?

Yes, past message history will be deleted when you block someone on Facebook Messenger or Instagram Direct.

Blocking prevents all future messages between you and the blocked person in either direction. And it will erase any previous messages as well.

So once you block an account, your message threads will show as empty. Their past messages will no longer be accessible.

This helps provide a clean break between you and the blocked person. Deleting messages avoids reminders or keeping unwanted conversations.

Can you retrieve messages after blocking?

Unfortunately there is no way to retrieve or recover messages that disappeared after blocking someone. The message history is permanently deleted from both sides.

Facebook’s systems are designed to fully erase past messages when an account is blocked. This prevents the blocked person from accessing conversations that occurred before blocking.

If you need to keep a record of conversations with someone you plan to block, consider taking screenshots or exporting the data before blocking them. That provides a way to look back on the messages if ever needed.

What happens if you delete a blocked Facebook friend?

Deleting a blocked Facebook friend removes them from your blocked list and friends list. However it does not unblock them or re-open access between your accounts.

When you delete a blocked friend:

  • They are removed from your blocked list
  • The block restrictions remain in place
  • You remain blocked from their account as well

So deleting a friend only removes them from your lists. All blocking privacy controls stay active. You will both still have the same limited profile and posting access as before.

Can a page block you on Facebook?

Yes, Facebook Pages have the ability to block users just like individual accounts can. If a Page blocks you, you will no longer be able to see or interact with that Page.

Signs a Facebook Page has blocked you include:

  • You can no longer view the Page profile or feed
  • You don’t see Posts from the Page in your News Feed
  • Any comments you leave do not appear on the Page
  • You cannot react to or share the Page’s content

So being blocked by a Page removes your ability to follow or interact with it just as if a personal account had blocked you.

Why would a Page block me?

Pages may block users for reasons like:

  • Abusive, offensive or inappropriate comments
  • Spamming or aggressive posts
  • Harassing the Page admins or other users
  • Violating the Page’s comment policy
  • Sending unwelcome/unsolicited messages

To appeal being blocked, you can try contacting the Page owner through other channels if available. But they are not required to unblock you per their discretion.

Can you tell if someone blocked you on Messenger?

If someone blocks you specifically on Messenger rather than your full Facebook account, there are a couple ways to check:

  • Your messages to them will show as undelivered
  • The conversation thread disappears from your messages list
  • You can try calling them, which goes straight to voicemail if blocked

You may still see them in your Facebook friends list even if blocked on Messenger only. But you won’t be able to communicate with them through the app.

What happens if you get blocked by someone you share a server with?

If you and another person are both members of the same Discord server, blocking them will only impact direct communication between you. It will not affect either of your abilities to participate in the server.

When you block a fellow server member:

  • You will both avoid seeing each other’s messages in the server
  • Neither of you will be notified if the other leaves/joins the server
  • You can both still see messages from other users

But you won’t be removed from any shared servers or have your access restricted. Blocking is primarily limited to direct interactions between the accounts.

Leaving vs. blocking a server

If needed, you can also leave a Discord server instead of blocking an individual member. Or the server owner can ban/kick inappropriate members.

So blocking is not the only option – leaving, muting or reporting users to mods can help deal with unwanted interactions.

Can someone tell if you blocked them on Snapchat?

When you block someone on Snapchat, they are not notified directly by the app. However, there are some signs that may indicate to a user that they have been blocked:

  • Your profile and Snap score disappears from their friend list
  • Any pending friend requests are removed
  • They can no longer view your Snapchat story
  • They will no longer receive Chat/Snap notifications from you

If the blocked user tries to send you a Snap or Chat, it will fail to go through and they will be unable to see your location on the Snap Map.

So while Snapchat doesn’t directly state they are blocked, these changes to your friendship can signal to an aware user that you have likely blocked them.


Blocking someone on Facebook prohibits them from seeing any of your profile content, including stories. They will not have access to view, react or comment on anything you post after blocking them.

You will not be notified if a blocked person views your story, because they are completely unable to see stories or posts. Facebook’s privacy settings prevent blocked accounts from interacting.

Stories are automatically hidden from blocked people along with the rest of your profile. Blocking provides you control over your sharing and privacy on Facebook.