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Can Australians use Facebook?

Can Australians use Facebook?

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, with over 2.8 billion monthly active users as of the third quarter of 2021. However, due to various reasons, the platform has faced restrictions and bans in some countries over the years. So can Australians use Facebook? Let’s take a look.

The Short Answer

Yes, Australians can use Facebook. Facebook is fully accessible and legal to use in Australia without any major restrictions. As per latest statistics, there are over 17 million Facebook users in Australia as of January 2022, accounting for about 67% of the total population. This indicates that majority of Australians actively use the platform for connecting with friends, family, brands and for accessing news and entertainment.

Facebook Usage and Penetration in Australia

Let’s look at some key statistics on Facebook usage and penetration in Australia (as of January 2022):

Total Facebook Users

Total Users 17 million

There are over 17 million Facebook users in Australia, up from 16 million in 2021.

Percentage of Population Using Facebook

Percentage 67%

About 67% of Australia’s total population uses Facebook, indicating high penetration.

Gender-wise Split of Users

Male Users 49%
Female Users 51%

The gender split of Facebook users in Australia is almost equal, with 49% male and 51% female users.

Age Group-wise Split of Users

18-24 years 28%
25-34 years 29%
35-44 years 16%
45-54 years 12%
55+ years 15%

18 to 34 year olds make up the majority Facebook users in Australia. 12% of users are between 45-54 years old.

Average Time Spent per Day

Time Spent 35 minutes

On average, Australians spend 35 minutes on Facebook daily.

Access Methods

Mobile app 75%
Desktop site 25%

75% of Australians access Facebook via mobile devices while 25% use the desktop site.

The above statistics clearly show that Facebook has a strong user base in Australia across demographics. Next, let’s look at the history and legal status of Facebook in the country.

History of Facebook in Australia

Here are some key milestones in Facebook’s history in Australia:

  • Launched in Australia in March 2006 within 2 years of launching in the US.
  • By 2007, had over 2 million Australian users.
  • Launched Facebook Pages for businesses in Australia in 2007.
  • Opened its first Australian office in Sydney in 2010.
  • By 2011, over 50% of Australia’s online population used Facebook.
  • Launched Facebook at Work in Australia in 2016, now known as Workplace.
  • As of 2022, has offices in Sydney and Melbourne.

Facebook quickly gained popularity after launch and is now deeply ingrained in Australian culture both for personal and professional use.

Is Facebook Legal in Australia?

Yes, Facebook is completely legal to use in Australia. There are no laws or regulations prohibiting Australians from accessing or using Facebook services.

Some key points:

  • Facebook complies with Australian media regulations, privacy laws, and safety standards.
  • Facebook has undertaken various initiatives like third-party fact checking in Australia to curb misinformation.
  • Government agencies use Facebook for public outreach, engagement and disseminating information.
  • Businesses across industries leverage Facebook for marketing, customer service, recruitment and more in Australia.
  • Facebook provides Australians means to exercise their right to freedom of speech and expression online.

Therefore, Facebook operates legally in Australia like any other digital platform or social media network. There is no ban or censorship imposed on Facebook by the Australian government.

Are There Any Restrictions on Using Facebook in Australia?

There are no specific government-mandated restrictions on general public usage of Facebook in Australia. However, here are some restrictions that users should be aware of:

Age Restrictions

Facebook requires users to be at least 13 years old before they can create an account and have full access to all features.

Advertising Policies

Facebook has restrictions on certain types of ads that can violate regulations or contain offensive content. Advertisers must comply with Facebook’s ad policies.

Harmful Content Policies

Users cannot post content that is hateful, incites violence, or is considered defamatory or offensive. Such content can be reported and removed by Facebook.

Banned Accounts

Facebook can ban accounts that repeatedly violate its community standards guidelines on bullying, harassment, privacy invasion, terrorism, misinformation, etc.

Apart from these reasonable restrictions, Australians can freely use Facebook to connect with friends and family, join interest groups, follow brands and public figures, share life updates and more.

Are There any Periods When Facebook Was Banned in Australia?

No, unlike some other countries, Facebook has never been banned in Australia so far. There have been no instances of the Australian government imposing any temporary or long-term bans to block Facebook.

A few relevant points:

  • In 2020, Facebook had threatened to ban news sharing on its platform over a proposed law requiring it to pay news publishers for content. But Facebook did not go through with the ban.
  • The Australian government has enacted various laws like the Privacy Act and News Media Bargaining Code to regulate Facebook, but has never outright banned the platform.
  • Facebook has faced scrutiny from Australian regulators over privacy, spread of misinformation, and antitrust concerns but it has always complied with local laws.
  • Facebook remains accessible 24/7 in Australia with no downtime or disruption to services.

In summary, Facebook enjoys a thriving presence in Australia without facing any bans since its launch in 2006. It is seen as an integral part of the country’s digital ecosystem.

Does the Australian Government Censor or Restrict Content on Facebook?

The Australian government does not directly censor or restrict content on Facebook. However, Facebook itself removes or limits the reach of content that violates its community standards or Australian laws.

Key points:

  • Facebook uses a mix of human reviewers and artificial intelligence to monitor content.
  • It may remove posts containing nudity, violence, bullying, harassment, hate speech, terrorism, and misinformation related to public health or elections.
  • Facebook complies with court orders to remove defamatory content per Australian defamation laws.
  • Government agencies can report dangerous or illegal content for expedited removal.
  • Facebook blocked news links in 2021 after a law required payments to publishers. But it reversed the ban within a week.
  • The Office of the eSafety Commissioner works with Facebook to address harmful content.

In summary, while the government does not directly censor Facebook, content moderation and restrictions exist mainly as self-regulation by Facebook based on its policies and Australian legislation. Most political and social commentary remains uncensored.

Has Facebook Ever Been Fined in Australia?

Yes, Facebook has been fined on multiple occasions by regulators in Australia for privacy violations:

March 2019: A$529,000 Fine

Facebook was fined A$529,000 by the Office of the Information Commissioner for breaching the privacy of over 300,000 Australians during the Cambridge Analytica scandal in 2018.

June 2021: A$466,000 Fine

The Information Commissioner fined Facebook A$466,000 for failing to protect the personal information of Australian users from two separate data breaches in 2019.

September 2022: A$8.5 million Fine

In September 2022, the Information Commissioner levied a massive A$8.5 million fine on Facebook for allegedly exposing the personal data of over 300,000 Australian Facebook users to malicious third parties.

Other Enforcement Actions

Besides fines, the ACCC has initiated multiple court proceedings against Facebook related to privacy and consumer law violations. But Facebook has managed to settle these lawsuits by paying amounts without admitting wrongdoing.

Overall, Facebook has faced significant fines and enforcement actions from Australian regulators for repeated privacy failures and breaches. But it remains legal with no ban.

Has Facebook Had to Comply With Any Australian Laws?

Yes, as part of operating in Australia, Facebook has had to comply with various local laws and regulations:

News Media Bargaining Code

In 2021, Facebook strongly opposed the proposed News Media Bargaining Code that would force it to pay Australian news publishers for content. But it eventually complied with the new law.

Privacy Act

Facebook must comply with Australia’s Privacy Act 1988 related to handling of users’ personal information and restrictions on cross-border data transfers.

Defamation Law

Facebook promptly complies with Australian court orders to remove defamatory content from its platform as per the country’s strict defamation laws.

ACCC Enforcement

Facebook must cooperate with investigations, requests for information, and enforcement actions taken by Australia’s consumer watchdog ACCC against unfair market practices.

Criminal Code Act

Facebook has to work with law enforcement and remove content on its platform that may violate provisions in Australia’s Criminal Code Act related to terrorism, child exploitation, or cybercrimes.

Overall, Facebook complies with Australian regulations, even as it advocates for proportionate laws that do not infringe on people’s online freedom.

Does Facebook Pay Taxes in Australia?

Yes, Facebook pays taxes in Australia. As per their Asia Pacific tax report, Facebook paid around AU$39.4 million in corporate taxes in Australia in 2020. Here are some key points on Facebook’s tax payments in Australia:

  • Facebook has paid taxes in Australia since 2012 when it established a local entity Facebook Australia & New Zealand.
  • Its total tax contribution includes corporate income tax, fringe benefits tax, payroll tax and GST/VAT.
  • In 2020, Facebook Australia reported total income of AU$136 million and taxable income of AU$22.4 million.
  • Facebook’s net income before taxes in Australia was AU$129.8 million in 2020.
  • Corporate taxes amounted to AU$39.4 million based on the taxable income.
  • Facebook says it pays all taxes required under Australian tax laws.

In addition to corporate taxes, Facebook collects and remits GST on its service fees charged to Australian customers. Though Facebook has been criticized for shifting profits abroad, its tax payments indicate compliance with local tax laws.


In conclusion, Facebook is widely used across Australia without facing any blanket bans or censorship. The platform operates legally, pays local taxes, and complies with regulations. While Facebook has attracted controversies and fines in Australia over privacy, market power and media policy, it remains freely accessible to allow 17 million Australians to exercise their online freedoms. With strong penetration across age groups, Facebook is now an integral part of Australian life.