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Can anyone go Facebook Live?

Can anyone go Facebook Live?

Facebook Live allows users to broadcast live video streams on Facebook to share experiences and connect with friends and followers in real time. While anyone with a Facebook account can use Facebook Live, there are some requirements and best practices to keep in mind.

Who can go Live on Facebook?

In general, any individual Facebook user with a profile in good standing can go Live on Facebook. To go Live, you need:

  • An active personal Facebook account
  • The latest version of the Facebook app for iOS or Android, or access to Facebook on a desktop computer
  • To be in a country where Facebook Live is available. Facebook Live is available in most countries, with a few exceptions.

As long as you meet these requirements, you can start broadcasting live video on Facebook from your phone or desktop computer. There are no prerequisites around number of followers or having a public profile.

Are there restrictions on who can use Facebook Live?

Facebook does place some restrictions around who can access Facebook Live:

  • You must be at least 18 years old to go Live on your own. Users under 18 can only go Live with an adult account co-broadcaster.
  • You cannot go Live if your account has been temporarily blocked from using Facebook Live. This can happen if you have violated Facebook’s Community Standards in the past.
  • Pages, groups, events, and other entities cannot go Live natively. Only individual users can use Facebook Live, though Pages can cross-post Live videos from individuals.

As long as you are an adult with a personal Facebook profile in good standing, you should not encounter any restrictions using Facebook Live.

What type of Facebook account do I need to go Live?

To go Live, you need your own personal Facebook account. Specifically:

  • You must have a personal profile, not a business Page. Only individual users can go Live.
  • Your account must be public. Private accounts cannot broadcast live video.
  • You’ll need to be logged into your personal account on mobile or desktop to go Live.

As long as you have your own public personal account and are logged in, you can go Live. You do not need a certain type of profile or a public figure/influencer account. Regular everyday users can broadcast out to their friends and followers on Facebook Live.

Can businesses and brands use Facebook Live?

While Facebook Live is intended for personal accounts, businesses and brands can use Live video in a few ways:

  • An employee can go Live from their personal account to share business updates, behind-the-scenes, or other branded video. The business Facebook Page can then share the Live video to their followers.
  • A Page can crosspost a Live video from an employee’s personal account directly to their Page feed.
  • Facebook offers Live API access to businesses to power Lives from other tools and integrate with Facebook.

So while Pages themselves cannot go Live, they can leverage personal accounts and APIs to share Live video with their audiences.

What should I broadcast on Facebook Live?

You can broadcast all types of videos on Facebook Live. Some common types of videos include:

  • Updates, announcements, quick thoughts from your day
  • Behind-the-scenes footage at events, concerts, conferences, etc.
  • Q&As or AMAs with your audience
  • Interviews with interesting people
  • Tutorials teaching viewers how to do something
  • Explore mode – take viewers along on travels, your commute, etc.

Facebook suggests going Live with purpose and intent. Think about what experience or value you want to create for your viewers. Live video works best when broadcast with a goal in mind.

How long can my Facebook Live videos be?

Facebook Live videos can be up to 4 hours long. Here are the video length limits:

Video Source Maximum Length
Mobile app 4 hours
Desktop Stream 8 hours
Facebook Live API 8 hours

In general, shorter Live videos tend to perform better. Try to keep your broadcasts focused under 10-15 minutes when possible. But anything under 4 hours is fine from Facebook’s policies. They give you flexibility to stream long events or discussions via Live when needed.

Can I delete or edit my Facebook Live videos after broadcasting?

Once you finish broadcasting on Facebook Live, a video of your Live stream will remain on your Timeline. You have some options around managing the videos after the fact:

  • You can delete the entire video from your Timeline if needed. Just go to your Videos section and find the Live video.
  • You cannot edit or trim the video once recorded. The replay video is what was captured live.
  • You can choose to hide the video from your timeline without deleting if you want to limit visibility.

In general, Live videos work best when broadcast in the moment without heavy editing after the fact. But you do have options to remove or hide the video after if needed.

How do I get more viewers on my Facebook Live videos?

It takes effort to build an engaged audience on Facebook Live. Here are some tips:

  • Promote your Live videos beforehand with posts letting people know when you’ll be streaming.
  • Go Live consistently on a regular schedule so fans know when to tune in.
  • Interact with viewers frequently by responding to comments and questions during the broadcast.
  • Share your Live videos afterwards on other channels to maximize reach.
  • Analyze your results to optimize future streams based on peak viewership times and engagement.

It takes patience and persistence to build a Live viewership. But utilizing best practices around promotion, engagement, and analytics will help attract more viewers over time.

Can I make money on Facebook with Live Video?

Facebook Live does not have direct monetization options like ad revenue sharing. However, you can potentially earn money from your Live videos through:

  • Sponsorships: Work with brands that pay you to promote their products or services within your Live broadcasts.
  • Tipping: Add Stars or Facebook Live Aid to your videos to allow viewers to send you monetary tips and donations.
  • Traffic to other sites: Drive viewers to your website, online courses, affiliate links, etc. from your Live videos.

With creative business strategies, you can leverage Facebook Live to generate indirect income even without ad revenue sharing from Facebook itself.

Should I go Live on Facebook to reach more people?

The potential pros of Facebook Live include:

  • Reach a wider audience in real time beyond just your current followers
  • Create engagement and connection by interacting directly with your viewers
  • Appear higher in News Feeds while broadcasting due to algorithm prioritization
  • Generate richer insights with the Live metrics dashboard

Potential cons include:

  • Technical issues or broadcast mistakes cannot be edited out
  • Must be planned and promoted well to ensure high viewership
  • Requires moderation effort to engage with viewers and comments in real time

Weighing the pros and cons for your specific goals will help determine if Live is a good fit. Test it out with a few broadcasts to see if it helps grow your audience.


Facebook Live provides a powerful way to engage audiences with real-time video and interactions. While anyone can go Live, success requires attracting and retaining viewers. By broadcasting purposeful content consistently, promoting your streams, and interacting with viewers, you can build up your Facebook Live viewership over time. Approach it as a marathon rather than a sprint, and have fun connecting with your fans in the moment.