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Can an admin change a Facebook group name?

Can an admin change a Facebook group name?

Yes, it is possible for a Facebook group admin to change the name of a Facebook group. The group admin has the ability to edit key settings for the group, including the group name. When a Facebook group is first created, the admin chooses the initial group name. However, the name can be changed later on if desired.

Who can change a Facebook group name?

Only an admin of the Facebook group has the ability to change the group’s name. Regular group members cannot edit the group name. Page admins also cannot change the name of a group they did not create. The group admin must make any changes to the group name.

How does a group admin change the Facebook group name?

Follow these steps for a group admin to change the name of a Facebook group:

  1. Log into Facebook and go to the group page
  2. Click on the Settings tab at the top of the group page
  3. Select the “Edit Group Settings” option
  4. Scroll down and click on the current group name to edit it
  5. Enter the new name for the Facebook group
  6. Click the “Save Changes” button at the bottom

It just takes a few clicks for the group admin to update the name to something new. The change will take effect right away.

Is there a limit to how often the name can be changed?

Facebook does not impose any specific limits on how often a group name can be changed. The group admin has the ability to change the name as often as they would like. However, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Frequent name changes may confuse members if they are drastic or happen too often
  • URLs that members have shared for the group will expire when the name is changed
  • Search rankings may be impacted if the name is changed multiple times

While unlimited name changes are allowed, it is best to avoid changing it too frequently. Try to find a name that will remain relevant for the long haul.

Does changing the name impact the group URL?

Yes, changing the Facebook group name also changes the URL for the group. For example, if a group was originally called “Social Media Tips” with a URL, changing the name to “Marketing Chat” would change the URL to

This new URL would become the new web address that members use to access the group. Any previous URLs for the group would redirect to the new URL. However, it’s best to update any website links, documentation or marketing material with the new group name and URL.

Can you change the name back to a previous name?

It is possible to change the Facebook group back to a previous name, as long as that name is available. When changing a group name, Facebook checks to make sure another active group is not already using that name. If the name is available, the admin can change the group name back to a previous one.

However, there is no option to “undo” a name change within any set period of time. The group admin would simply have to manually change the name back to a previous name, if desired.

Will members be notified of a group name change?

Yes, when a Facebook group name is changed, members and admins will be alerted through notifications:

  • A notification will appear at the top of the Facebook app or website highlighting the name change
  • An announcement post will be published in the group feed mentioning the new name
  • Members may also receive email or push notifications about the change on mobile

This helps ensure that group members are informed about the name change and any impact it has. However, even without notifications, members will see the new name upon visiting the group.

Can you temporarily change a group name?

There is no way to temporarily change a Facebook group name. Any name change made by the admin will be permanent unless they proactively change it back. There is no way to schedule a name change for a set time period.

If the admin wants to temporarily rename a group for a specific event or purpose, they would need to change the name and then update it again afterward. All name changes are permanent otherwise.

What to do if your Facebook group name is changed without your consent?

If the name of your Facebook group is changed without your consent, here are some steps to take:

  1. See if another admin changed it. One possibility is that a fellow admin edited the group name
  2. Remove any rogue admins. If another admin made unwanted changes, delete them as a group admin
  3. Contact Facebook. Reach out to Facebook support if you believe your account was hacked
  4. Change the name back. Update the group name to whatever you want as the rightful admin
  5. Secure your account. Make sure your Facebook password is strong to prevent future unauthorized changes

By following these steps, you can restore your group to the proper name and restrict access to prevent unwanted changes in the future.

Tips for changing your Facebook group name

Here are some tips when preparing to change the name of your Facebook group:

  • Make sure new name relates to group purpose – Pick a relevant name that fits.
  • Keep members in the loop – Give them notice before you change the name.
  • Update group branding – Change the cover photo to match new name.
  • Consider SEO impacts – Avoid changing name too frequently as it may impact search performance.
  • Update documentation – Modify any files or websites referencing old group name.

Benefits of changing your Facebook group name

Here are some of the benefits that can come from changing the name of your Facebook group:

  • Increased clarity – A name change can better communicate group purpose
  • Renewed sense of community – Freshens up community for existing members
  • Appeal to new members – Draw in new people from name alone
  • Refocus the discussion – Guide conversational tone
  • Distance from past issues – Allows for a fresh start

Risks of changing your Facebook group name

While there are benefits, some potential risks include:

  • Confusing existing members – Frequent drastic name changes may alienate members
  • Losing SEO value – Changing names means starting SEO over from scratch
  • Breaking links – Any links to old group URL will need to be updated
  • Losing brand recognition – An established identity may be lost


Changing the name of a Facebook group is a simple process for admins, but does have implications on the overall community. When weighing a name change, consider both the benefits of refreshment and renewed purpose, as well as the brand equity and SEO value tied to an existing name. Strike a balance between nostalgia and necessary evolution.

Always keep members in the loop, limit frequent full name changes, and ensure the new moniker fits the group vision. With care and communication, a name change can open exciting new chapters in a Facebook group’s ongoing story.

Question Answer
Who can change a Facebook group name? Only a group admin can change the Facebook group name
How does a group admin change the name? Go to Settings > Edit Group Settings > Edit the name
Is there a limit to how often it can be changed? No, but frequent name changes may confuse members
Does it impact the URL? Yes, the group URL will change when name is changed
Can you change the name back? Yes, the admin can revert back to a previous name
Will members be notified? Yes, notifications will inform members of name change
Can you do a temporary name change? No, all name changes are permanent unless reverted

Key Takeaways

  • Only Facebook group admins can change the name
  • Frequent name changes may confuse members
  • Notifications inform members of the new name
  • All name changes are permanent unless reverted back
  • Weigh benefits vs risks before changing the group name