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Can a video go viral on Facebook?

Can a video go viral on Facebook?

Going viral on Facebook is the dream for many content creators and brands looking to reach a large audience organically. With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook offers unparalleled reach if you can crack the algorithm and create something that resonates with users enough that they feel compelled to share it.

What does it mean for a video to “go viral”?

There is no definitive view count that makes a video “go viral”, but generally it means a video gets very popular very fast, spreads rapidly through shares, and reaches an audience far beyond what the creator could reach on their own. Some benchmarks for videos going viral on Facebook include:

  • Getting over 1 million views within a week
  • Generating a high volume of shares, comments and reactions
  • Getting shared widely by influencers and publishers
  • Sparking online conversations, memes or user-generated content

Reaching these types of benchmarks usually means a video has struck a chord and spread far beyond the creator’s followers. While viral videos may seem spontaneous, there are strategies content creators use to try to increase their chances of success.

What types of videos tend to go viral?

Videos that go viral often have some key ingredients:

  • Entertaining or emotional – They make people laugh, tell a compelling story, or pull at the heartstrings.
  • Unique – They show something people have never seen before and pique curiosity.
  • Topical – They relate to a current event or trending topic.
  • Practical – They share a useful life hack or skill.
  • Controversial – They spark debate or have a shocking element.

Viral videos also tend to be short, with many popular videos coming in at under 2 minutes long. This makes them easy to watch and share quickly.

Why do videos go viral on Facebook?

There are a few key reasons why some videos take off on Facebook:

  • The algorithm – Facebook’s News Feed algorithm favors content that generates a lot of engagement and shares. Viral videos get boosted by the algorithm.
  • Ease of sharing – Facebook’s one-click sharing makes it easy for users to rapidly share videos with their network.
  • Facebook embedded video – Videos uploaded directly to Facebook play automatically in the app, increasing views.
  • Engagement incentives – Features like Reactions give users easy ways to interact with videos.
  • Groups and pages – Facebook communities allow videos to spread quickly among specific audiences.

Facebook is designed to help content spread. While not everything goes viral, videos with the right ingredients can snowball thanks to the platform’s algorithms and engaged user base.

How can you create a video that will go viral?

Going viral involves a certain amount of luck and timing. But here are some best practices to boost your chances:

  • Study current trends and create topical content.
  • Have a unique angle or hook to stand out from the crowd.
  • Use an attention-grabbing thumbnail and title.
  • Make the video emotional, funny or inspiring so people want to share it.
  • Keep the video short, under 2-3 minutes.
  • Post consistently and respond to comments to keep engagement high.
  • Leverage influencers by collaborating or having them share your video.
  • Promote your video across social media to maximize reach.
  • Analyze performance data to refine your strategy over time.

What are some examples of viral Facebook videos?

Here are a few standout examples of videos that took off on Facebook:

“Chewbacca Mom”

This video of a woman joyfully wearing a Chewbacca mask in her car has over 165 million views on Facebook. It went viral thanks to the sheer infectiousness of her laughter and positivity.

“Will It Blend?”

This long-running series that blends unexpected objects like iPhones in a blender is popular thanks to the novelty of seeing everyday items destroyed.

“History of Dance”

A fun music video showing the evolution of dance moves over time went viral with over 94 million views, thanks to high entertainment value.

“Lip Sync Battle”

Jimmy Fallon’s Lip Sync Battles showing celebrities goofing around were a viral sensation, with individual battle videos getting 50-100 million Facebook views.

“First Moon Party”

Red Bull’s skydiving and basketball stunt video got over 40 million views thanks to mind-blowing visuals never before seen.

These examples show the range of content that can catch fire on Facebook given the right combination of entertainment, novelty, production quality and luck.

What are some common challenges with creating viral videos?

Despite the best efforts of content creators, going viral involves a lot of luck. Some common challenges include:

  • Coming up with an idea unique enough to stand out.
  • Creating high quality content on a limited budget.
  • Gauging whether a concept will resonate before posting.
  • Maximizing reach when you have a small existing audience.
  • Continuing to churn out new ideas and stay relevant.
  • Cracking Facebook’s algorithm as it continuously evolves.

Going viral is never easy or guaranteed. Creators often have to experiment with a high volume of content before getting that one big hit.


Creating a viral video on Facebook takes the right idea, skillful execution, and a healthy dose of luck. While there is no perfect formula, entertaining and emotional videos on topical subjects tend to perform best. Using best practices and analyzing data can improve your odds. But at the end of the day, capitalizing when a video takes off comes down to having the agility to lean into unexpected successes. With over 2 billion active users, Facebook’s unparalleled reach makes it the holy grail for anyone seeking to create viral content.