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Can a video be too long to post on Facebook?

Can a video be too long to post on Facebook?

Facebook allows users to upload and share videos on their platform. However, there are limitations on the length of videos that can be posted. So can a video be too long to post on Facebook?

Facebook’s video length limits

Facebook has set a maximum length limit of 240 minutes (4 hours) for videos posted natively to the platform. So any video longer than 4 hours cannot be uploaded directly to Facebook. For longer videos, Facebook recommends uploading them to Facebook Watch.

Facebook Watch is Facebook’s platform for sharing longer-form videos. Videos on Facebook Watch can be up to 12 hours long. So if your video is between 4 and 12 hours, Facebook Watch is the appropriate place to share it.

Videos shorter than 4 hours can be shared directly to your Facebook page or profile like normal posts. But even shorter videos may struggle to retain viewership if they are too long.

Ideal video length for engagement

Regardless of the maximum length Facebook permits, shorter videos tend to get better engagement on the platform. Research suggests the ideal video length for Facebook is likely between 30 seconds and 5 minutes.

One study examined over 850,000 Facebook video ads and found engagement rates peaked for ads that were under 2 minutes long. Engagement measured reactions, comments, shares and overall watch time.

Video length Engagement metrics
Under 15 seconds 24% higher engagement than average
15-45 seconds 13% higher engagement than average
45 seconds – 2 minutes 65% higher engagement than average
2-5 minutes 18% higher engagement than average
Over 10 minutes 50% lower engagement than average

Another study by codefuel of over 60,000 Facebook videos found a similar trend. Engagement peaked for videos 1-2 minutes in length. After 5 minutes, engagement dropped significantly.

Why shorter videos get better engagement

There are several reasons why shorter videos tend to perform better on Facebook:

  • Shorter attention spans – Viewers are more likely to watch a full short video than sit through a very long video.
  • Faster consumption – Short videos are easier to watch on-the-go on mobile devices.
  • More likely to be watched to the end – This signals to Facebook the content is engaging.
  • Easier sharing – Shorter videos are easier for users to share with friends.

Videos longer than 10 minutes see a significant drop-off in viewership as they require a much longer time commitment. While Facebook technically allows videos up to 4 hours, the best engagement comes from videos under 5 minutes.

Tips for long videos on Facebook

If you do need to share a longer video on Facebook, here are some tips:

Split it into a series

Consider splitting a long video into shorter parts under 5 minutes. Release it as a series over time rather than one long video.

Post previews/highlights

Share short preview clips or highlights from longer videos to entice people to watch the full video.

Use Facebook Watch

If your video is between 4-12 hours long, upload it to Facebook Watch where longer content is expected.

Track analytics

Use Facebook’s analytics to see when viewership starts dropping off to optimize video length in the future.

Other video length considerations

While keeping videos short is ideal for engagement, here are some other factors to consider:

Video purpose

If your goal is to share educational or informative content, longer videos may be warranted to go thoroughly into a topic.

Video topic

Certain subjects like tutorials may require longer videos. Evaluate what length makes sense for the specific content.

Viewer intent

Some audiences may actively choose to watch longer videos. Understand your target viewers’ preferences.

Pacing and formatting

Use techniques like good pacing, segments, and interactive elements to keep viewers engaged in longer videos.

Facebook guidelines on overly long content

While Facebook does not outright prohibit long videos, its guidelines advise against overly long content in some cases. Facebook’s policy states:

Do not post videos that are excessively long or devoid of meaningful content. Videos should be meaningful, compelling and enhance connections between people.

So videos that ramble, repeat themselves excessively, or contain fluff with no real substance may be removed by Facebook moderators or see reduced distribution in the algorithm. Well edited, high-quality content is recommended.


The main takeaways on maximum video length for Facebook are:

  • You cannot directly upload videos longer than 4 hours to Facebook
  • The ideal length for max engagement is under 2 minutes
  • Videos over 10 minutes see a significant drop-off in viewership
  • For videos between 4-12 hours use Facebook Watch
  • Focus on quality over quantity – overly long, repetitive videos are discouraged

By keeping videos concise, well-paced and compelling, you are more likely to keep viewers interested and engaged for the full video. Evaluate the specific goals and audience for your video content to determine the optimal length.