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Can a private Facebook group create a public event?

Can a private Facebook group create a public event?

Facebook groups allow users to connect with others who share similar interests and experiences. Groups can be public, closed, or private. Private groups offer a high level of privacy and exclusivity. Only members can see the group, who’s in it, and what members post. So can a private Facebook group create a public event open to everyone?

What are public, closed, and private Facebook groups?

On Facebook, there are three privacy settings for groups:

  • Public groups – Anyone can join and everything is visible to all
  • Closed groups – Anyone can ask to join, but posts are only visible to members
  • Private groups – Users must be added by an admin, and only members see posts

Public groups have the lowest privacy, while private groups offer the highest level of exclusivity. Closed groups are in between. They offer more privacy than public groups, but are not as restrictive as private groups.

Can private Facebook groups create public events?

Yes, private Facebook groups can create public events open to everyone on Facebook. Here’s how it works:

  • The group admin or moderator creates an event within the private group
  • When setting up the event, they choose “Public” under the “Privacy” setting
  • This makes the event visible to anyone on Facebook
  • Non-members can see the event and opt to join it
  • However, only members will be able to see posts and discussions within the private group

So while the event itself is public, the private group remains, well, private. Non-members can view and join the event, but they won’t gain access to the private group content and membership.

Why create a public event in a private group?

There are a few reasons why a private Facebook group may want to create a public event:

  • To gain more exposure for the event and cause
  • To recruit new members who may join after attending the public event
  • To gather support and momentum around a specific campaign or initiative
  • To increase attendance and participation in the event itself

Making the event public allows it to reach a much broader audience beyond just group members. This can help mobilize more people for a cause. It also introduces non-members to the group and possibly convince them to join.

Examples of public events created by private groups

Here are some examples of private Facebook groups creating public events:

  • A private hobby group hosting a public showcase exhibition
  • A private student society organizing a public fundraising gala
  • A private support group putting on a public awareness march/rally
  • A private business networking club holding a public seminar or workshop

In each case, the core organization remains private and exclusive to approved members only. However, periodically they utilize public events to promote their cause and recruit new members.

How to create a public event in a private Facebook group

For a private Facebook group to create a public event, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the private group page and click “Events” then “Create Event”
  2. Fill out all the event details like name, location, date/time, etc.
  3. Upload a cover photo and add a description
  4. Under the “Privacy” setting, choose “Public” instead of “Group Members Only”
  5. Finish creating the event and click “Publish”
  6. The public event will now be visible to everyone on Facebook
  7. Share the event URL and promo details to drive awareness beyond the group

It’s that easy for a private group to leverage a public event on Facebook. The group itself remains hidden, while the event is open to all.

Can public groups make private events?

No, public groups on Facebook cannot create private events limited to members only. The privacy settings do not allow it. Public groups must keep all their content public and accessible by everyone on Facebook.

If a public group tries to create an event and select “Group Members Only” under the privacy settings, Facebook will override it. The event will automatically revert to being public. This ensures all content from public groups remains visible to non-members.

Can closed groups make private events?

Yes, closed groups can create private events limited to members only. Closed groups have the middle-ground privacy. Non-members can ask to join the group, but they cannot see posts and content. This allows closed groups to create member-exclusive private events.

To do this, a closed group simply creates the event and chooses “Group Members Only” under the privacy setting. This limits visibility and access to the event to approved group members only.

Advantages of private events in closed groups

Here are some benefits of closed groups creating private, member-only events:

  • Fosters an intimate, insiders atmosphere
  • Encourages deeper discussions and interactions
  • Keeps the event focused on the group’s cause or interests
  • Rewards and engages existing group members
  • Provides additional value from group membership

Private events are a nice perk closed groups can leverage to build community among members. They complement public events nicely.

Should private groups make some events public?

Generally, yes private groups should consider making some events public periodically. Here are some reasons it’s a good idea:

  • It brings new people into the cause who may join the group later
  • It increases awareness and interest in the group
  • It allows forming partnerships with other groups/orgs
  • It gives members a low-pressure way to advocate
  • It provides more impact and reach for the event/group

Of course, private groups should still nurture the exclusivity of their community. But opening up some events to non-members offers many benefits that can strengthen the group overall.

Best practices for private groups making public events

Here are some best practices for private groups creating public events:

  • Get admin approval and group buy-in before making an event public
  • Choose events carefully to align with the group’s purpose and interests
  • Frame the event in a way to attract a relevant external audience
  • Promote the public event outside just the private group to drive broader attendance
  • Have group members engage with non-members at the event to forge connections
  • Follow up with non-members after the event to gauge their interest in the group

With some strategy and planning, public events can become a valuable tool for private groups to expand their reach and membership.


In summary, private Facebook groups absolutely can create public events open to everyone. The event privacy is separate from the core group privacy settings. This allows private groups to selectively utilize public events for special causes and occasions. Public events can help private groups gain exposure, promote their mission, and recruit new members.